

农业工程学报 2021年22期

孙 晗,郭广川,唐 帅,薛金林,林相泽,李 群


孙 晗1,郭广川1,唐 帅1,薛金林1※,林相泽1,李 群2

(1. 南京农业大学工学院,南京 210031;2. 江苏云马农机制造有限公司,盐城 224199)



0 引 言



近年来,我国的蔬菜育苗播种流水线也取得了较大的进展[15-17]。浙江博仁工贸有限公司生产的2YB-500-GT、2YB-G30A、2YB-G60型号育苗流水线,采用气吸滚筒式播种机构,对球形种子播种效果较好,生产效率可达600盘/h[18];浙江台州一鸣设备有限公司生产的YM-0911型号育苗流水线,能够播种直径在0.1-5 mm的蔬菜和花卉种子,生产效率可达360盘/h[19];刘中正等[20]设计的智能化蔬菜育苗流水线通过将播种滚筒上的吸嘴的形状结构设计为三层形式,解决了由于气腔内压力分布不均和气流不稳定导致的吸嘴堵塞问题,试验表明该流水线的播种合格率可达93%,生产效率为450 盘/h;张峰峰等[21]设计的自动蔬菜穴盘育苗流水线具有穴盘进给装置,通过气吸式多路吸嘴并联播种机构实现多路同步播种。


1 流水线整机结构与技术指标

1.1 结构与工作原理



1.2 流水线播种技术指标


表1 蔬菜育苗播种流水线播种技术指标

2 压穴滚筒装置改进








Note:Sis arc length of the two adjacent indenters, m;Ris the radius of the cavitation roller cylinder, m; his the height of the indenter, m.

图3 滚筒与压头结构图

Fig.3 Structure of roller and indenter


本文选用的是6行12列高度为45 mm的72穴孔的穴盘,因此压穴滚筒上的压穴头的行数设计为6行,为了兼容更多规格的穴盘,压穴头的列数设计为15列。所设计的主动型压穴装置与压穴滚筒结构及原被动型压穴滚筒如图4所示。

3 控制系统设计

3.1 控制系统总体设计


硬件电路包括微控制器、传感器和执行器。微控制器采用Arduino Mega2560单片机[26-28]。在传感器方面,主要包含转速传感器、角位移传感器、行程开关等。转速传感器为欧姆龙E6B2-CWZ6C编码器,安装在育苗流水线一侧,与流水线传动轴同轴转动,直接测量流水线传送带的实际速度,从而间接测量流水线传送带上育苗盘的速度。角位移传感器为GTCA3636非接触/磁感应角度位移传感器,检测压穴滚筒和播种滚筒转动的实时角度值,由于压穴和播种滚筒的控制精度较高,两个装置各安装一个传感器。行程开关为OMRON Z-15GW22-B接触式行程开关,用来检测育苗流水线传送带上的育苗盘的位置,其安装位置分别在铺土装置、压穴装置、播种装置和覆土装置。

流水线控制系统中的执行器包括步进电机、交流电机、步进电机驱动器和交流电机变频调速器。步进电机安装在压穴装置中、播种装置中,压穴装置中采用普菲德86BYG-250H步进电机,播种装置采用F-86BYG18120天晨时代步进电机,转矩均为12 N·m。压穴装置中采用的电机驱动器是普菲德DMA860H驱动器,播种装置采用普菲德MA860H驱动器。采用三个220 V三相交流减速电机驱动传送带,功率均为120 W,覆土装置处的交流电机通过400 W调速器控制,其他位置的交流电机通过750 W调速器统一控制,均采用川沃嵌入式变频器。


3.2 传送带速度检测与控制


3.2.1 传送带速度检测


3.2.2 速度开环控制







3.3 压穴装置初始化与位置校正

3.3.1 压穴滚筒位置初始化



式中,P(1)是下一个控制周期步进电机转动的脉冲数量,个;Q()是当前采样时刻压头角度实际数字量,(°);Q是设定初始压头角度数字量(=1,2,3,分别对应于第1行、第6行与第11行的初始压头),(°);N是步进电机驱动器设置微步数,设为3 200;是A/D转换器分辨率,为1 024。

3.3.2 压穴装置的位置校正


3.4 播种装置初始化与位置校正

3.4.1 播种滚筒位置初始化



式中P(1)是下一个控制周期步进电机转动的脉冲数量;Q()是当前时刻吸种孔角度位置值,(°);Q1是初始吸种孔角度位置设定值,(°);N是步进电机驱动器设置微步数,值为1 000。

3.4.2 播种滚筒的位置校正



4 流水线试验

在所研发的蔬菜育苗播种流水线(如图9所示)上分别进行传送带速度与控制、压穴装置控制与播种装置控制试验。试验育苗盘采用黑色聚氯乙烯72孔育苗盘,为便于观察试验结果,采用白色粉末状育苗土和“秦油2号”油菜种子,种子千粒质量为3.56 g。台架试验要求电控系统准确控制生产作业,且在生产效率为800盘/h的情况下播种合格率大于90%。

4.1 传送带速度与控制试验


首先通过变频电机调速器上的调速旋钮来设定频率值,然后通过电脑上串口监视器来显示传感器反馈值,由传感器反馈值计算得到传送带速度值。记录3次5~50 Hz不同频率值时的传送带速度值,如表2所示。根据表2,可以得到式(2)中的辨识系数1=0.002 56。因此,可得到式(4)中系数2=9.216。另外,试验用育苗盘的长度l=0.54 m。


表2 速度传感器采集数据表

表3 不同生产效率下的调速频率值与速度值


4.2 压穴装置控制试验


压穴装置开环控制时,步进电机会出现丢步现象,导致压头初始位置改变,图10a中可以看出,从首排压穴开始即出现了较为明显的误差,偏移量为9.8 mm,此后系统的累积误差不断增加,造成整体的压穴效果出现较大偏差,末排压穴中心偏移种穴中心12.5 mm。


4.3 播种装置控制试验

前期试验表明,原播种流水线的最高生产效率为600 盘/h,在此情况下,其播种合格率仅为74.6%。

通过调节播种装置的吹扫口气压、播种滚筒内部的负压值以及清堵气压,实现播种装置每个吸种孔吸附一颗种子的要求。试验中吹扫正压值设定为11 kPa、振动正压值设定为163 kPa、清堵正压值设定为10 kPa、负压吸附值设定为7.2 kPa,进行了数组播种试验,试验结果如表4所示。

图11为生产效率依次为200、400、600、800盘/h的播种情况。试验结果表明,随着生产效率的提高,播种合格率逐渐下降,但是生产效率800 盘/h的情况下合格率仍可达到90.8%,空穴率为5.3%,重播率为3.9%,试验结果满足设计要求。

表4 不同生产效率下播种试验数据

5 结 论


2)试验结果表明,传送带的速度误差控制在8.3%以内;改进的主动型压穴装置成功修正了被动型压穴出现偏差的问题;流水线的播种合格率在90.8%以上,相比原装置,播种速度和合格率都得到了提高,生产效率为800 盘/h时,空穴率在5.3%以下,重播率在3.9%以下。该改进设计可以实现蔬菜育苗播种的农艺生产要求和设备的技术要求指标,并且提高了播种流水线的播种控制精度和生产效率。

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Improvement of hole pressing roller device and design of the control system for vegetable seedling’s seeding assembly line

Sun Han1, Guo Guangchuan1, Tang Shuai1, Xue Jinlin1※, Lin Xiangze1, Li Qun2

(1.,,210031,; 2..,,224199,)

An automatic seedling machine line has been widely used for the seedling of vegetables and fruits in an intensive and efficient farming. It is a high demand for higher accuracy, production efficiency, and quality of seeding in the current vegetable seeding line. In this study, an improved active hole pressing roller device was designed with a new control system for a vegetable seeding line. The existing 2BSL-320 seeding assembly line was also optimized, including the soil paving, soil sweeping, hole pressing, seeding, soil covering, and transmission devices. The specific procedure was as followed. First of all, the seedling tray was filled with the soil at the soil paving device, where the brush was used to sweep the excess culture soil. The low accuracy of the original passive hole pressing roller was attributed to the uneven quality of the roller during the swing operation, where the seedling tray hit the baffle to rotate. Therefore, a new baffle was designed to replace the indenters in the device, resulting in the fact that the rotation was controlled by a stepping motor. Specifically, the arc length of two adjacent indenters was equal to the distance between the two centers of adjacent holes in the seedling tray. As such, 16 rows of indenters were installed for one revolution of the roller. The active hole pressing roller was then used to accurately press out the seed holes. Taking the Arduino Mega2560 as the control core, the control system of the seeding line mainly included the speed detection and control of the conveyor belt, while the initialization and control of the hole pressing and seeding device. Furthermore, a sensor system was selected, including the speed encoder, angle sensor, and a travel switch. A real-time measurement was made on the speed of the conveyor belt, the angular displacement of the hole pressing and seeding drum, as well as the position of the seedling tray on the conveyor belt. The actuator included the stepping and AC geared motor driven by stepper motor driver and AC motor frequency converter, respectively. Finally, the white powdery nursery soil and "Qinyou No. 2" rapeseed were taken to optimize the bench test. According to the requirement of technical standards, the seeding pass rate was greater than 90% when the production efficiency was 800 trays/h. After that, the speed control accuracy of the conveyor belt was verified under the given production efficiency of 100-800 trays/h. A comparison was made to evaluate the performance of the hole pressing with/without the closed-loop control. The open-loop controlled hole pressing roller was offset the seed hole center by 9.8-12.5 mm. A closed-loop control was also added. It was found that the hole pressing precision of the closed-loop control system was greatly improved, where each pressure head was pressed in the center of the seed cavity. Moreover, the highest production efficiency reached 800 trays/h in the seeding test. The results showed that the seeding pass rate of the seeding assembly line was greater than 90.8%, the repeat seeding rate was less than 3.9% and the empty rate was less than 5.3%, meeting the test requirements. Consequently, an automated seeding assembly line was developed to improve the traditional one that was controlled by a single-chip microcomputer and driven by a stepping motor. The control accuracy was also greatly improved under a higher production efficiency. The finding can offer a strong reference for the automatic vegetable seedlings.

agricultural machinery; experiment; control system; seeding assembly line; factory seedling

孙晗,郭广川,唐帅,等. 蔬菜育苗播种流水线压穴滚筒装置改进与控制系统设计[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(22):41-48.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.22.005

Sun Han, Guo Guangchuan, Tang Shuai, et al. Improvement of hole pressing roller device and design of the control system for vegetable seedling’s seeding assembly line[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(22): 41-48. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.22.005










