

城市轨道交通研究 2021年1期



上海地铁经过30 多年的发展,到2020 年底已形成运营里程729 km、运营车站430 座的规模。随着线网规模的快速增长,客流也持续增加,日均客流从2003年超过100 万乘次到2018 年超过1000 万乘次只经历了15 年。目前,地铁已然成为上海市民出行的首选,占公共交通出行比例已超过66%。

2020 年10 月26-29 日,中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第五次全体会议审议通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二○三五年远景目标的建议》提出了“以推动高质量发展为主题”的指导方针:坚持新发展理念,把新发展理念贯穿发展全过程和各领域,构建新发展格局,切实转变发展方式,推动质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,实现更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续、更为安全的发展。上海地铁为适应新时代的高质量发展要求,在技术和管理上采取了一系列的措施,以实现从建设运营的高速增长向高质量发展的转型。

在工程建设质量方面,车站施工深基坑变形控制指标从“十一五”期间的平均7.3‰H(H 为基坑开挖深度)逐步提升至“十三五”期间的平均2.8‰H,基坑变形控制水平提高了35%;盾构隧道施工地层损失率从“十一五”期间的平均18.2‰降低至“十三五”平均4.7‰,盾构施工质量提高近45%;由于采用了CP-Ⅲ施工测量技术,TQⅠ(轨道不平顺质量)指数显著减少,行车舒适度得以提升。工厂化预制技术也得到了快速发展,已经实现从浮置板到轨道板以及道岔板在内的所有轨道结构的工厂化预制;先张法预制高架U型梁也得到了广泛应用;同时,地下车站顶板以及楼梯和立柱等构件也进行了工厂化预制的积极探索。此外,通过BIM(建筑信息模型)技术的全面应用,设施设备及装修安装质量也得以显著提升。

在环境保护质量方面,为降低施工对环境的影响,积极探索软土地质条件下的车站暗挖技术,分别在14 号线静安寺站采用顶管法施工车站、在14 号线桂桥路站采用管幕法施工车站、在18 号线江浦路站采用管棚+MJS(全方位高压喷射工法)+冻结复合工法施工车站、在14 号线武定路站出入口采用U-Bit 工法施工,探索并实践系列暗挖施工技术,有效保障了施工环境质量。

在施工风险质量控制方面,通过应用信息化远程监控管理平台,全面管控基坑工程、隧道工程、联络通道工程的施工风险。“全球眼”视频监控系统于2016 年在14 号线中宁路站尝试应用后逐步推广至全网,视频的覆盖面也逐步扩展,从地面向基坑、联络通道以及盾构掘进面延伸。同时,结合工程建设风险管控,建立了标准化体系,施工风险管控质量明显提升。

在运营质量方面,体现运营质量的核心指标——运行可靠度、每公里员工配属数、司机劳动生产率、人(车)公里能耗、关键设备故障率、客运服务质量指标(运营时长、最小发车间隔、满载率)等,均得到显著提升。特别是10 号线采用全自动运行技术(GoA4)后,运营指标大幅提升,各项运营质量数据优于网络平均运营质量数据,且乘客满意度位居全网前列。据此,上海“十三五”新建项目及后续新开工项目都采用了全自动运行技术,2020 年底开通的15 号线、18 号线及10 号线二期全部一次建成全自动运行系统,预计全自动运行线路的客流量将超过170 万乘次/日。

在维护质量方面,积极推进智慧维保,提升维护质量水平。地铁车辆、通信信号、供电等专业智慧建设取得关键性突破:车辆智能运维系统(包括车地无线传输、轨旁综合检测、维护管理和车辆专家等4 个子系统)可实现数据自动检测、自动传输、故障自动检测、实时预警与自动诊断,并由专家系统自动提供维护策略;通号智能运维系统涵盖了通信信号电源、转辙机、计轴和环境等方面,目前已经构建了超过2 600多个智能模型的监测、分析、应急和健康等4 个中心的功能模块;供电智慧维保平台已经完成包括设备状态感知、设备全寿命管理、生产业务流程管控以及专家分析等4 个系统的框架搭建。

2021 年是“十四五”开局之年,上海地铁将继续围绕上海建设全球卓越城市的目标,坚持轨道交通高质量发展理念,在上海市委、市政府的领导下,加强与国际、国内同行合作,探索轨道交通高质量发展的策略和方法,奋力打造更安全、更可靠、更高效的城市轨道交通网络。

Exploration and Practice of Shanghai Metro High-quality Development

BI Xiangli
(President of Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co.,Ltd.,Senior Engineer)

After over three decades of development,Shanghai Metro has formed the scale of 729 km operating mileage and 430 operating stations. With the rapid expansion of line network scale, passenger flow is witnessing continuous increase as well.Daily passenger flow grows from 1 million rides in 2003 to 10 million rides in 2018 within just 15 years. Nowadays, metro has evidently become the favorable choice of Shanghai citizens, making up more than 66% of public transportation.

During 26th October to 29th October 2020, Proposals for Formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 were adopted at the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and the strategic guidance of “Focus on Promoting High-quality Development”is put forward: remain committed to the new development philosophy; infiltrate the new development philosophy to all process and fields;foster new development pattern; transform the development model; advance better quality, higher efficiency, and more robust drivers through reform, realizing a development with better quality, higher efficiency, more equality, sustainability and safety. To meet the requirement of high-quality development in new era, Shanghai Metro has adopted a series of measures in technology and management, to realize the transformation of construction and management from high -speed expansion to high -quality development.

In the aspect of engineering and construction quality, the control standard of station construction deep foundation pit deformation has gradually improved from 7.3‰H (H as foundation pit excavation depth) in 11th Five-Year duration to 2.8‰H in 13th Five-Year duration, meaning the foundation pit deformation control level has elevated by 35%; the shield-tunnel construction ground loss ratio decreased from 18.2‰ in 11th Five-Year duration to 4.7‰ in 13th Five-Year duration, meaning shield construction quality has elevated by almost 45%; with the adoption of CP-III construction measurement technology, TQI (track quality index) has evidently decreased, and train operation comfort has improved. Factory prefabrication technology has rapidly developed as well, realizing prefabrication of all track structure from floating slab to track slab, including turnout slab; viaduct Utype beam prefabrication from pretension is widely applied; meanwhile, factory prefabrication of underground station roof and components including stairs and columns is undergoing active exploration. In addition, with the full coverage of BIM technology application, equipment and installation quality are evidently improved as well.

In the aspect of environment protection quality, to decrease the construction impact on environment, station underground excavation technology in soft soil condition is actively explored: pipe jacking method for Line 14 Jing’an Temple station, pipe roof method for Line 14 Guiqiao Road station, pipe-shed + MJS (metro jet system) + freezing compound method for Line 18 Jiangpu Road station, U -Bit method for Line 14 Wuding Road station entrance are respectively implemented. By exploring and experimenting a series of underground excavation technology, the construction environment quality is effectively guaranteed.

In the aspect of construction risk quality control, by applying informatization remote monitoring management platform, the construction risks of foundation pit projects, tunnel projects, connection passage projects are comprehensively managed and controlled. “Mega Eyes”video monitoring system has been extensively applied throughout network after the pilot application at Line 14 Zhongning Road station in 2016. Video coverage is gradually expanding, from ground to foundation pit, connection passage and shield tunnel face. Simultaneously, combining with engineering construction risk management and control,standardization system is established, and the risk management quality has witnessed evident improvement.

In the aspect of operation quality, core indexes are operation reliability, numbers of employees assigned per mileage, driver productivity, energy consumption per person (vehicle) per kilometer, key equipment fault ratio, passenger service quality index(operating hours, minimum departing time interval, load factor), all of which have witnessed evident improvement. Especially after applying Fully Automatic Operation (FAO) technology (GoA4) on Line 10, operation quality indexes are improved drastically,displaying data ahead of line network average operation quality data, and the passenger satisfaction level is ranking top in line network. Accordingly, projects newly built in Shanghai since 13th Five-Year Plan have all adopted FAO technology. The Line 15,Line 18 and second phase project of Line 10 launched at the end of 2020 are all equipped with full FAO system. The predicted passenger flow on FAO lines is expected to exceed 1.7 million rides per day.

In the aspect of maintenance quality, intelligent maintenance is actively promoted to improve quality level. Key breakthroughs have been achieved in the intelligent construction in professions including metro vehicle, communication signal, power supply:vehicle intelligent operation and maintenance system (including four subsystems of vehicle-ground wireless transmission, track-side comprehensive detection, maintenance management and vehicle expert) can realize data automatic detection, automatic transmission, fault automatic detection, real-time warning and automatic diagnosis, and maintenance strategy automatically provided by expert system; Signal & Communication intelligent operation and maintenance system covers aspects including communication signal power source, switch machine, axle counter and environment, and functionality modules of four centers of detection,analysis, emergency response and health with over 2 600 intelligent models are built; power supply intelligent maintenance platform has accomplished the architecture of four systems of equipment status perception, equipment lifespan management, production process management and control and expert analysis.

2021 is the opening year of 14th Five-Year Plan, centering the goal of Shanghai striving for excellent global city, Shanghai Metro will insist on the vision of rail transit high-quality development, under the guidance of Shanghai municipal committee and municipal government, to reinforce cooperation between domestic and international companies in this field, to explore strategies and measures for rail transit high-quality development, to work hard establishing a safer, more reliable and efficient urban rail transit network.

