Chen Lu: Ambassador for Figure Skating in China 中国花滑大使陈露


英语世界 2021年13期

洛伊丝·埃尔夫曼 冉明珠

Former world champion helps develop more than 150 rinks back home.前世界冠軍回国助力打造150多家滑冰场。

When two-time Olympic bronze medalist Chen Lu returned to China in 2005, she was well aware that there were no commercial ice rinks in the country. The only indoor ice rinks were government-owned facilities where China’s national team trained. Public skating was largely confined to ponds or makeshift outdoor rinks in cold climates, as was the case in Changchun, China, where she grew up.

[2] Having spent seven years touring professionally, including a stint with Stars on Ice in the United States, she saw firsthand the number of people that enjoyed skating recreationally—not to mention how many aspiring competitors there were.

[3] Seeing a major deficiency in skating infrastructure in her home country, Chen and her husband, Olympic pairs silver medalist Denis Petrov, helped create commercial rinks.

“We’re kind of teaching everybody, or letting people see, that ... there are different ways to run an ice rink,” she said. “That’s a big step for China, for our sport.”

[4] Chen estimates there are now more than 150 commercial rinks across China.

“Everybody sees that this is a way you can make money and you can enjoy ice skating,” Chen said. “I’m really proud of what we have done for the sport.”

[5] The rinks have also provided young skaters an entry point into the sport, similar to that of skaters in the West. Kids start with learn-to-skate classes and then move on to a competitive track. That step, however, requires qualified coaches.

[6] Chen said she knew just where to look.

“Many of my teammates, my friends, after they were done with their skating, they had no jobs,” Chen noted. “They do all sorts of things, barely keeping their lives going. After we created the commercial rink, the commercial ice rink, basically, everybody who I knew had a job and had a good life. That makes me very proud.”

[7] Petrov coaches at the rink near their home in Shenzhen, which is in the south of China near Hong Kong. Chen does a bit of coaching but focuses primarily on doing television commentary work, overseeing the Chen Lu International Skating School and being a mom to son Nikita, 9, and daughter Anastasia, 6.

[8] With the 2022 Olympic Winter Games scheduled to take place in Beijing, Chen will help teach the Chinese public more about skating. As the first world figure skating champion from China, as well as the first Olympic medalist, she remains a celebrity in her country. In addition to her commentary work, she appeared on the Chinese version of Dancing with the Stars, finishing second.

[9] Last year, she brought her family along when she went to the Olympics in Sochi (first they spent a week with Petrov’s family in St. Petersburg), and Anastasia fell in love with figure skating. Now she’s skating, with both parents doing the coaching.

[10] Chen acknowledged that being away from Russia and the U.S. is tough on Petrov, but they delight in family and living in an area that is warm year-round.

[11] While she no longer performs, Chen does produce some ice shows. Her dream is to make skating among the most popular sports in China.












[9] 2014年,她和全家人一起前往索契观看了冬奥会(他们先到圣彼得堡和潘采夫的家人共度了一周),阿纳斯塔西娅爱上了花样滑冰。现在她在父母的指导下练习滑冰。





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