

世界建筑导报 2021年1期




在这样的环境下,中国建筑师往往把自己作品最后不如人意的结果归咎于长官意志。然而,知道如何向官员和其他决策者提出并解决观点分歧,其实是建筑师专业基本素养的一部分。在无锡大剧院的设计施工阶段,萨米宁和中国建筑师们的处境相同。他非常了解业主的重要作用,也很清楚任何项目都不可能在脱离业主的情况下得到实现。萨米宁提到了荷兰建筑师阿尔多•凡•艾克(Aldo Van Eyck)在芬兰演讲时说的话,“业主从来不会在设计合同中对可能达到的最佳质量作特别要求,故而提升设计质量是建筑师的职责”。萨米宁坚持认为建筑师应该成为这方面的专家,即在项目各个阶段一旦遇到任何问题,都必须具备勇气与辩才去说服业主采取最佳的解决方案。


















考虑到中国现代建筑和家具都是现代西方影响的产物,这种建筑与家具的割裂就更加不可思议了。西方建筑师,特别是早期的现代设计大师都是同时涉足于建筑、室内与家具设计的。老一辈的建筑师,包括弗兰克•劳埃德•赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)、勒•柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)、密斯•凡•德•罗(Mies van der Rohe)和阿尔瓦•阿尔托(Alvar Aalto),以及现当代的诺曼•福斯特(Norman Foster)、弗兰克•盖里(Frank Gehry)、彼得•卒姆托(Peter Zumthor)和扎哈•哈迪德(Zaha Hadid),他们每一位都是家具和工业设计的高手。他们全方位的设计理念是创造高质量作品的关键。



对于许多西方建筑师来说,例如伦佐•皮亚诺(Renzo Piano)、彼得•卒姆托和赫尔佐格与德梅隆(Herzog & de Meuron),对材料及其全新应用方法的研究往往是设计过程中的关键部分。同样在芬兰,阿尔托大学设置了一项一年期的木材课程,它提供给建筑师和学生们一个对建筑中木材的新型使用方法进行学习和实验的机会。中国的建筑设计院校在这方面比较苍白。


中国当代建筑的第十二病是“缺乏细节设计”。佩卡•萨米宁常常引用美国诗人亨利•沃兹沃斯•朗费罗(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)诗歌《建造者》中的一句“神之所见,一览无余”。因此,建筑师应该在设计中关注每一处细节,包括隐藏于视野之外的内在结构。在过去的十年间,出现了许多关于“细节决定成败”的著述。在建筑界,细节设计是决定质量的关键因素之一。然而在中国,细节常常被丢给建筑开发商来负责。即便是在2012年普利茨克奖得主王澍的作品中,也能发现中国建筑师细节设计上的不足。


Pekka Salminen’s perseverance in the pursuit of his design vision, and its ultimate realisation in the Wuxi Grand Theatre, sets a good example for Chinese architects.This caused me to reflect on the condition of contemporary Chinese architecture and the environment in which Chinese architects work, and I began to consider in depth the lessons to be learned from the case of the Wuxi Grand Theatre.I have earlier written an article on the Pritzker Architecture Prize and contemporary architectural trends, in which I listed the twelve “diseases”, or defects, of modern Chinese architecture.Now, I will attempt a further analysis of these defects, mirrored against the architectural professionalism demonstrated by Salminen from the design to construction of the Wuxi Grand Theatre.

The first defect in Chinese architecture is excessive adaptation to authoritarian leadership and decision-making, sometimes referred to as “magisterial volition”.This style of leadership is one of the aspects most complained about by Chinese architects, indeed, one of the key factors affecting the development of contemporary Chinese architecture.In China, many of the problems in architecture are caused by the unreasonably tight design and construction schedules set by the decisionmakers and project owners, often public officials, and the resulting "great leap forward" in the pace of construction.In a letter written to the mayor of Wuxi during the hectic construction phase of the Wuxi Grand Theatre, Pekka Salminen noted,referring to the 2011 high-speed train accident in Wenzhou, that there is a limit to the level of quality that can be attained in a too short period of design and construction.

In such an environment, Chinese architects often attribute the unsatisfactory outcome of their work to this magisterial volition imposed on them from above.However, it is part of the basic professional competence of an architect to be able to address and resolve differences in opinion with officials and other decisionmakers.During the Wuxi Grand Theatre design and construction process, Salminen was in the same position as Chinese architects in this regard.He has a clear understanding of the role of the client and is well aware that there is no project without them.According to Salminen, the Dutch architect Aldo Van Eyck once said in a lecture in Finland that clients never specifically require the best possible quality in design contracts, and it is therefore the task of the architect to “smuggle” quality into the design.Salminen insists that the architect is the expert and must possess the courage and argumentative skills to convince the client of the best solution for any problem encountered throughout a project.

In the past twenty years, Chinese clients, both government and private enterprises,have in fact begun to require top quality, at least according to their own vision of quality in architecture.However, whether good architecture can eventually be produced depends on the time reserved for design and construction, as well as the cooperation and communication between the architect, client and other parties involved.In this process, the architect’s professionalism and dedication to work play a decisive role, as has long been recognised in the west.This is why most of the buildings built over the past two decades that are considered "the best architecture"in China have generally been designed by western architects.

The second of the twelve defects of Chinese contemporary architecture is unprofessionalism.Chinese architects often lack a professional approach to their work, which is mainly the result of the theoretical orientation of the Chinese architectural education system.The lack of substance in the university curriculum not only wastes the valuable time of teachers and students, but also produces architects seriously lacking in professional skills.Consequently, they also lack the authority and expertise to convince the clients of their design ideas.More often, however, the lack of professionalism is evidenced in the cooperation between the different specialists participating in the project.Design and construction is a collaborative effort, involving many different fields of expertise, and one of the main responsibilities of the architect is to organise and coordinate the work of the different players so as to achieve the best possible result.Salminen’s success in leading his design team in the Wuxi Grand Theatre highlights the differences in the project planning and management methods between European and Chinese architectural firms.

The third defect is Chinese architects’ lack of dedication to work.This cannot be remedied simply by working extra hours.Dedication is closely related to professionalism.In the professionally oriented architectural education system in the Nordic countries, architects are expected to be capable of developing the most perfect and practical solutions possible for the design project that they are responsible for.The Wuxi Grand Theatre is a large building, complex in structure,function and detail.During the design and implementation process, the client,Chinese partners and contractors often found themselves in situations for which their experience and expertise were inadequate.Backed by his profound professional competence and dedicated approach, Salminen was able to demonstrate and justify the best architectural and technical solutions, which ultimately enabled him to realise his design vision.

The fourth defect of Chinese architecture is China’s pervasive copycat culture.This has its origin in art history: in the development of Chinese art, whether calligraphy,painting, ceramics or wood sculpture, the most common method of learning and creation is to "follow, imitate and copy" the work of the masters.Hence, the prevalence of imitations and outright copies in mainstream contemporary Chinese art, design and architecture is hardly surprising.

In Finland, on the other hand, creativity and individuality are at the heart of art and design.Architectural creation is a process requiring both time and effort.In the words of Eliel Saarinen: "Work is the key to creative growth of mind".For Finnish architects, the creative process consists of iterative phases of drafting, reflection and the critical and open-minded exploration of different alternatives.This process is essential for the creation of something genuinely new, a fact which many Chinese architects find difficult to grasp.

The fifth defect is fishing for fame.This is especially exemplified by the Chinese recognition system.The leading architects and other management must be placed at the top of the list of designers for the sake of "the development of the organisation", even if they have no real role in the project.The real architects and designers, who receive little credit or recognition, are hardly motivated to put in any extra effort in their design work.Salminen and his team, on the other hand, who stood up for their rights as the designers, were in charge of the Wuxi Grand Theatre project both in name and in practice.This meant that they were also deeply aware of their responsibilities, and their dedication to their work was based on professional pride rather than a quest for fame.

The sixth defect is resting on one's laurels.It is often said of contemporary Chinese architects that they are "content with small wealth".The construction boom following China’s economic reform and opening up to the outside world has brought new opportunities for Chinese architects, along with financial comfort.Perhaps it is an after-effect of the long period of poverty in China that most Chinese architects are content with their current situation, going along with the flow rather than seeking new challenges.

Finland is a country that has also risen from poverty in recent history, but Finnish architects have maintained their thirst for new knowledge and continuous learning.They recognise that the rapid advances in the building industry require them to continuously update their knowledge and skills.As a result, Finland is a global leader in the adoption of BIM design processes, for example.

In communication with clients, possession of the latest knowledge greatly enhances an architect’s position.If architects cannot maintain the upper hand in terms of professional expertise, they will certainly be at a disadvantage in negotiations with clients and have little chance of being able to drive the realisation of their design vision.In the case of the Wuxi Grand Theatre, for example, the implementation of the geometry of the underside of the steel wings required PES-Architects to prepare instructions for their Chinese partner on the use of the appropriate computer software.

The seventh defect of contemporary Chinese architecture is a disregard for useroriented functionality.Functionalism is at the core of Scandinavian architecture and design: buildings must serve the needs of the users and an understanding of usability is part of an architect’s core competence.In the process of designing the Wuxi Grand Theatre, Salminen studied issues of usability and functionality in great depth, despite his already lengthy experience in designing performance buildings.In order to create what is possibly the best theatre building in China, Salminen examined all the recent important theatre buildings in the world, personally visiting many of them with his Chinese clients to gain first-hand experience of their functional details and solutions.Then, he adapted his design to Chinese regulations and conditions.The work ofmany Chinese architects is sadly lacking in this respect.In addition to the effect of political, institutional and social factors, Chinese architects are accustomed to focusing on the swift completion of the building project at hand, often being content to copy or modify earlier designs or standard drawings with complete disregard for the needs of building’s users.As a result, many designs turn out to be entirely impractical for their intended use, leading to costly and wasteful modifications.

The eighth defect is a disregard for true ecological design.After the economic reforms and opening up to the world, China has sought to keep up with the times by eagerly adopting the latest international trends.Ecological design, in particular, has become a buzzword in Chinese architecture in the past two decades.Unfortunately, the understanding of ecological design in the Chinese construction industry is often superficial.

The design of the Wuxi Grand Theatre, on the other hand, reflects its Finnish designers’ profound understanding of ecological design, applied to the conditions in China.This meant striving for good building practice, taking the local environmental conditions into consideration in both interior and outdoor solutions and ensuring a long life span for the building through the choice of materials and structure.These included both high-tech structural solutions and, especially in the interior, the use of local Chinese materials, techniques and construction methods.

China is a major bamboo producer, and bamboo holds a unique status in Chinese culture.For a long time, bamboo was largely neglected in building as “poor man’s timber”, but, after the completion of the Wuxi Grand Theatre, the new type of technological bamboo has become the ecological material of choice in China.

The ninth defect is the neglect of interior design.Traditional Chinese architecture and interior design were fully integrated, employing the same materials, techniques and design concepts, resulting in the singular harmony of ancient Chinese design.However, perhaps due to the design education they have received, most Chinese architects today are unable or unwilling to pay much attention to interior design.This has resulted in an inadequate and old-fashioned understanding of the space concept.This is one of the most obvious gaps between Chinese architects and foreign designers.

Northern European architects, especially Finnish ones, continue to carry on the tradition of an integrated design philosophy.From the Saarinens and Aalto to contemporary architects, they seek to equally take into consideration the architecture, interior and furniture in their designs.

It must be said that the neglect of interior design in the work of Chinese architects can partly be blamed on the Chinese system.In most cases, the architect is only responsible for designing the overall structure and elevations of a building.Interior decorators and contractors are responsible for interior design, with the building owners making purchase decisions that bear no relation to the architecture.However, the defects of the system are no excuse for Chinese architects’ lack of professional competence in this respect.To a large extent, it is the Chinese architects’ inadequate understanding of interior design that prevents clients from trusting them to design an entire building.In the case of the Wuxi Grand Theatre,the Chinese clients were immediately won over by PES-Architects’ accomplished and detailed design for the interior, entrusting them with overall responsibility for the design of the building.This enabled the creation of a true total work of art.

The tenth defect of contemporary Chinese architecture is the neglect of furniture as a part of interior design.In general, modern Chinese architecture originates in industrialised western countries, primarily the United States, and Japan.Of the four founding masters of modern Chinese architecture and architectural education,three (Yang Tingbao, Tong Jun and Liang Sicheng) graduated from the United States, one (Liu Dunzhen) from Japan.In establishing modern Chinese architecture,however, these four pioneers overlooked the important concept of the integration of architecture and furniture.This omission is puzzling from the perspective of the ancient Chinese tradition, in which architecture and furniture were completely integrated in both material and structure, as described in the LuBan jing carpenter’s manual from the Ming Dynasty.The nonsynchronous development of modern Chinese architecture and furniture design perhaps derives from the difference in the use of material: while modern Chinese architecture mainly employs concrete and steel, Chinese furniture is usually still made of wood - in fact, up to the 1990s,furniture design was taught at the forestry university in China.Today, most Chinese architects, including the renowned academicians and national masters, only have a superficial and limited understanding of furniture.

Considering that modern Chinese architecture and furniture are products of modern western influences, this separation of architecture and furniture is all the more difficult to understand, as western architects, especially the early modern designers, designed the architecture, interior and furniture at the same time.The older generation of architects, including Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe and Alvar Aalto, as well as the contemporary masters Norman Foster,Frank Gehry, Peter Zumthor and Zaha Hadid, are also skilled furniture and industrial designers.Their overall design vision is the key to the high quality of their work.

In the Wuxi Grand Theatre, PES-Architects designed the furniture for the public spaces and, together with Salminen’s long-time design collaborator, Finnish furniture designer Yrjö Kukkapuro, a range of bamboo furniture, including the main auditorium seats and lounge chairs in the VIP areas.Several designs were drafted and models tested in order to find the best solution.Although many compromises had to be made due to the restrictions imposed by the Chinese system, this overall design approach ensures the basic functionalism and integrity of the building.

The eleventh defect is inadequate research into the properties of materials.This is one of the major weaknesses of contemporary Chinese architecture.When a Chinese architect is criticised for being unprofessional, this often refers to a neglect of the study of materials and their uses.Chinese architects typically stow away any materials sent by distributors as samples and may only glance at them after they have completed their drawings.

For many western architects, such as Renzo Piano, Peter Zumthor and Herzog & de Meuron, the study of materials and new methods for their application are often a key part of the design process.In Finland as well, the Aalto University offers a one-year Wood Programme, providing architects and students with an opportunity to study and experiment new ways of using wood in architecture.The architectural design schools and institutes in China are undistinguished in this respect.

Pekka Salminen’s study of materials is highly systematic, and the starting point of his design often comes from the consideration of materials.He is particularly interested in the use of wood and concrete.In 1998, an exhibition of Salminen’s work was arranged at the Museum of Finnish Architecture under the themes of material, structure and space.The design process of the Wuxi Grand Theatre also included several intensive phases of investigation into the materials for the large steel wings and their perforated aluminium cladding, the glass brick walls in the foyer, the bamboo in the auditoriums and the glass elements for the light columns.Each stage involved in-depth analysis and testing before the final selection of materials and forms.

The twelfth defect of modern Chinese architecture is the lack of detailed design.Pekka Salminen often refers to the line in American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem The Builders: “The gods see everywhere”.Consequently,architects should pay attention to every detail in design, including the structures that remain hidden from view.There has been much writing in the past decade on details deciding success or failure.In architecture, the design of details is one of the key factors determining quality, but, in China, this phase is usually left to the building developer.Chinese architects’ lack of interest in details can even be observed in the work of Wang Shu, who was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2012.

Despite the compromises, the design of the Wuxi Grand Theatre and the high quality of its implementation reflects the professional accomplishment of PESArchitects, based on the careful study and comprehensive control of detail.We have been accustomed to believing that the “great leap forward” in Chinese construction, brought about by the economic reformation and opening-up policy,has caused the capricious nature of Chinese modern architecture, leading to a general neglect of detailed design and a decline in the quality of construction.However, Chinese architects should not shirk the responsibility of the architect for every aspect of design from the smallest detail to overall quality and sustainability.In this regard, the design team led by Pekka Salminen has set us an example with the Wuxi Grand Theatre.

