那么,人们又是怎么去推断刘基曾在石门洞读过书的呢?刘基的第二十世孙刘耀东在其所编撰的《刘文成公年谱》中说:“石门洞有郑复初泰定四年六月廿二游石门洞观瀑和泰定丁卯秋七月修理石门洞书院等摩崖,公(刘基)从郑复初游姑系是岁。” 郑复初,字原善,玉山(今江西玉山县)人,延祐年间进士,曾任德兴县丞,处州录事,“精通伊洛之学,望重当世”。刘耀东又在《石门洞题咏录》中写到:“至泰定四年(1327)石门书院又经修缮,有石门洞摩崖题刻可资佐证:‘泰定丁卯秋七月,(青田)县尹曹用子成于本路所委录事郑原善复初奉檄修理石门书院,增复学田竣事而还,勒此以记岁月。相是役者,司吏季事叶文炳也。’”
从上述记载可知,1327年郑复初参与修理石门书院,并在书院工作是事实。而刘基师从郑复初一事,《明史 · 刘基传》《诚意伯刘公行状》《诚意伯刘公神道碑》都有记述,也是事实。史籍上虽然没有关于刘基在石门书院读书的记载,但也没有记录刘基“年十四,入郡庠”毕业后,至其二十二三岁参加乡试中举人和参加会试中进士之前(1327—1332年),到底在哪儿、在干吗,有一点是可以肯定的,刘基从“郡庠”毕业之后至中举之前肯定还是要“习举业”,继续读书,准备科举考试,而不可能辍学回家或外出干其他事情。那么刘基在哪儿读书呢?既然郑复初于1327年参与修理石门书院,并在书院工作,所推测刘基“从郑复初游姑系是岁”也即在那个时候。所以,刘基18岁左右从郡庠毕业后至22岁中举人之前这段时间(1327—1332年),最合理的解释就是师从郑复初,就读于石门洞的石门书院。有学者考证,刘基的科考习作《春秋明经》就是在石门洞读书时写成的。
Liu Ji and the Shimen Cave
By Sun Honghua
“I ride on the Qingtian crane, to hunt the Qingtian lingzhi mushrooms,” thus wrote Liu Ji in his masterpiece poem Two Ghosts, showing his deep affection for his hometown, and the crane and the lingzhi mushroom he mentioned in the poem have long become the cultural symbols of Qingtian.
Born in Wuyang village (now part of Wencheng county), Nantian township, Qingtian county (known as one of the “72 Blessed Places”) in the year of 1311, Liu Ji, courtesy name Bowen and posthumously titled Wencheng, was a founding member of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) and is the most famed historical figure in Qingtian.
The Shimen Cave is located on the bank of the Oujiang River, about 32 kilometers northwest of Qingtian county, and it is the most famous local scenic spot. There are two mountains standing on the riverside facing each other, together forming the shape of a gate, and a valley as deep as a cave with abundant trees and a majestic waterfall.
It is clear that the most celebrated historical figure and the best-known scenic spot of Qingtian have a certain relationship between them. In the Shimen Cave, there is a monument and a memorial temple, which are said to have something to do with Liu Ji, for they were specially built to commemorate Liu, who once studied in the Shimen Academy of the Shimen Cave it his youth. However, no historical record of Liu studying or living in the Shimen Cave could be found in literatures such as the History of Ming Dynasty, or in poems written by himself. This is partly understandable, because if it were true, it would have happened when Liu was quite young and the history books simply couldn’t record everything after all. But when it comes to poems, questions arise: Liu is a poet who wrote a considerable number of poems and articles throughout his life, how come he didn’t mention anything about the Shimen Cave if he had really studied or lived in the place?
On this point, the words of Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), a famous master of Chinese studies and an admirer of Liu Ji, may clear up some of the doubts for us. In one of many prefaces he wrote, he explained that Liu Ji’s poems were very much scattered, so the fact that nowadays none of his poems about the Shimen Cave could be found does not prove that he did not write them, or he did not study in the Shimen Cave.
Then how did people infer that Liu Ji had studied in the Shimen Cave? Liu Yaodong, Liu Ji’s 20th-generation grandson, mentioned in the several writings, including the Chronology of Liu Wencheng that his ancestor once had a teacher named Zheng Fuchu who, according to records, participated in the repair of the Shimen Academy in 1327 and worked here.
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that when Liu Ji was 18 to 22 years old (1327-1332), he was with his teacher and studied in the academy. In fact, according to some scholars, Liu Ji’s article for the imperial examinations which was titled “Chunqiu Mingjing” (literally Spring and Autumn Confucian classics) was written at the Shimen Cave.
However plausible, it was all but deduction. Furthermore, it is a little strange that literary writings from the Ming dynasty barely mentioned Liu Ji at the Shimen Cave. For example, in the Selected Poems of Qingtian compiled by Zhang Qiangsong, there are 69 poems associated with the Shimen Cave, and only one of them made reference to Liu Ji’s studying in the Shimen Cave. The authors of the poems include descendants of Liu Ji, people from Qingtian and neighboring counties, and local officials, who should have been aware of Liu Ji’s whereabouts during his lifetime.
Since the Qing dynasty (1616-1911), some poems about Liu Ji began to emerge. In modern times, from scholars to common people, everyone seems to believe that Liu Ji had once studied in the Shimen Cave, which has become a folklore legend, and in Qingtian in particular the story is known by almost everyone.
The literary aura emitting from the Shimen Cave is believed to derive from both the Shimen Waterfall and all the prominent figures who once came to the place. Countless poets and scholars have come here and left many poems celebrating the Shimen Cave, including such illustrious names as Xie Lingyun (385-433), Li Bai (701-762), Shen Kuo (1031-1095), Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), among others. There have been 117 cliff inscriptions preserved. Guo Moruo (1892-1978), a famous contemporary writer, came to the Shimen Cave from far away in his old age and left a soul-touching poem.
You may want to visit Qingtian, where you could lie down on the bed that Liu Bowen once slept on, knock on the wooden fish stone and forget your troubles. You could also sit on the seat where he used to sit, imagining yourself a fellow student of his generation. You could take a sip of the fragrant tea and let the sacred water wash away the dust of your soul, and pay your respect in front of the statue of Liu Bowen to wish yourself good luck. In addition, you could also appreciate the profound Bowen culture from visiting Bowen Ancient Village and some must-see architectural buildings.
There are beautiful natural landscape and elements of humanism in every corner of the Shimen Cave. Nowadays, situated in the east of the scenic spot, the project to build the Qingtian Digital Poetry Road E-Station has been officially started, where digital technology, intelligent technology and network technology will be applied. It is aimed at creating an AI meta-universe integrating digital experience, cultural tourism, cultural industry and study tours, which is destined to become a bright pearl along the Oujiang River Landscape Poetry Road and ready to shine for the world. By the time that the great project is completed, visitors at home and abroad can come here after sight-seeing in the famous Shimen Cave, for a special VR experience of poetry recitation.