Highlights of the 10th Viewing Stone Appreciation Day’s Art Show "Celebrating the Centennial of the Founding of the Party and Singing the Song of Stone Appreciation"


宝藏 2021年11期

By Zhong Tianju Zhang Yuanyuan

On the evening of September 26,2021,the 10th viewing stone appreciation day’s art show of"Celebrating the centennial of the founding of the party and singing the song of viewing stone appreciation" held by Viewing Stone Association of China was grandly staged in Beijing geological auditorium,and more than 500 guests and stone friends from all over the country watched the live performance.

Taking the 10th viewing stone appreciation day as an important node,the show aimed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.With the full support and active participation of local associations and relevant units,it finally selected 16 programs and achieved a complete success.

The smooth holding of the show benefited from the great attention and coordination and cooperation of Viewing Stone Association of China,the strong guarantee and artistic guidance of Beijing geological auditorium and "happy Mahua" team,as well as the team of Dalian Daguan Cultural Development Co.,Ltd.,Fujian Wan'an Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.,snow Plateau Tibetan porcelain and jade Summit Forum,the strong support of Liuzhou Yunbo Moore stone art museum and other units,there are also China Coal Art Troupe,Beijing viewing stone association,special committee of rare stones of Ankang Social Promotion Association,public cultural service center of sheji District,Huaibei City,Anhui Shilai Canal Cultural Industry Development Co.,Ltd.,Xinjiang ornamental stone association,Hunan jewelry and jade industry association,Nanjing Yuhua Stone Association Alashan Left Banner viewing stone association,meteorite special committee of China viewing Stone Association,Foshan xuanjinglong Museum,paleontological fossil special committee of China viewing Stone Association,Huizhou viewing stone association and other program selection units actively participated.

Even more than a month after the show,people always think of its endless aftertaste.