蒋攀 邬定飞
A wood sculpture artwork painted in red and decorated with gold foil caused a sensation at a culture and tourism event held at Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center in Ningbo in September 2020. It took 43-year-old Yan Haibin and his assistants two years, 500,000 yuan and 7,000 gold foils to complete the woodcarving masterpiece. It is called (drum pavilion, literally) and looks like a miniature multi-storied pavilion.
“Red Paint and Gold Foil Woodcarving” is a traditional craftsmanship in Ningbo. In Ningbo and regions around it in eastern part of Zhejiang, the craftsmanship is widely employed to make traditional furniture such as canopy beds, bridal sedans, miniature boats and Buddha statues. The main part of the craftsmanship is to apply red paint and gold foil to a woodcarving piece. According to masters specialized in this traditional craftsmanship, 30% of the craftsman lies in woodcarving and the rest is focused on applying the red paint and gold sheets onto the target woodcarving.
If it took Yan and his team two years to complete this specific masterpiece, it had taken Yan about three years to learn the craftsmanship from his master. Yan has been in the field since 1994.
He was born into a satellite village of Qiantong, a town of history and culture in Ninghai, a county of Ningbo. Upon his graduation from a local senior high school in 1994, Yan was apprenticed to study under the guidance of Tong Dishou, a master of red paint and gold foil woodcarving in Qiantong. Yan was dedicated. There are over 20 steps in the craftsmanship and one needs to do each job perfectly. He worked day and night. On the first day, he and some fellow apprentices learned how to remove barks from timber. On the third day, he began to learn how to use a fret saw.
“Persistence is the name of the game,” recalls Yan. “Some quit before their apprenticeship was a month old. Some left even after two years of apprenticeship. I knew I wasnt gifted. So I worked hard. I practiced essentials during the day and at night I asked my fellow apprentices to help me view what we would carve the next day. I learned to carve all kinds of patterns, such as window patterns, dragons, birds and flowers, fish and insects, dragons and phoenixes, figures. In the second year, I began to teach new apprentices even though I was still an apprentice and work as assistant to my master in home decoration projects. One decoration project we did that year stands out in my memory. There were other two inner decoration projects going on in two neighboring houses at the same time. The door we made was ornately decorated with dragons and phoenixes and looked vivid. After seeing what the neighbors got, our employer was happily proud of the door we made. We were proud, too.”
Yan Haibin is now a master of the craftsmanship designated by the local government to carry on the tradition. At the center in Qiantong, nearly half of the exhibits are his works. is a centerpiece in the annual parade in Qiantong in honor of Tong Hao, a resident of Qiantong who made town prosperous. The memorial parade is more than 500 years old in the town. And Qiantong is famed for all the best pieces made in history.
A normal takes about 600 man-days to complete, according to Yan Haibin. The Yan made for this event is one third of the normal size and it took about 700 man-days. He had planned to spend 1,000 man-days on the piece. As he ran out of time for this culture and tourism event, he omitted a nine-dragon pattern, two dragon-circled flagpoles, four magic animals on the second story, and standing figures for all the stories.
Even this abridged version of the piece is intricate enough to be fascinating. For nonprofessionals, they are elated by the outside extravagance and splendor at first glance. For professionals, they look for ingenuity in details.
The piece Yan and his team created is composed of about 500 separate intricately carved pieces. They are fitted together with a mortise-tenon connection system, that is, no nails were used. “There are more than 60 dragons in this . All the dragon images from the Zhou Dynasty down to the Ming and the Qing are represented here. The dragon on the top is in the style of the Tang, one of the most powerful dynasties in the history of China,” explains the master.