

文化交流 2020年12期

陈宇浩 吴思娴


11月20日至21日,“打卡中国Daka China”网络国际传播主题活动在浙江温州启动。40多位来自近20个国家的网络国际传播达人,在两天时间里打卡了温州的8个“坐标点”。他们从浙江出发,同时也在中国打卡。

















本次“打卡中國Daka China”网络国际传播主题活动还揭晓了极具浙江特色的44个“打卡中国”打卡点。接下来,这些国际网络达人将从浙江出发,前往“打卡中国”全国各个打卡点,通过赏美景、尝美食和品文化等多种打卡互动方式,用多媒体记录下浙江之美、中国之美。

What does Zhejiang look like in the eyes of international internet influencers? Is it urban attractions? Is it lifestyles and human stories? Is it local cuisines?

On November 20, “DaKa China”, an international internet communication event, opened in Wenzhou, east Chinas Zhejiang Province. Over 40 Internet influencers from about 20 countries witnessed the opening of the one month media tour, and 44 popular scenic spots in Zhejiang Province were introduced to a global audience at the opening ceremony.

“DaKa” in Chinese pinyin or “打卡” in Chinese or “punch the card” in English, is a Chinese phrase used by social media people, referring to the practice of registering ones presence at a famous location.

From November 20 to 21, the 40 some Internet influencers across the world visited eight places in Wenzhou, launching the national “DaKa China” event.

Some of the international internet influencers have been in Zhejiang for some time. They expressed their passion for China, their second home.

31-year-old Russian Dmitrii Doronin has been in China since 2013. He is an internet celebrity due to the short videos he broadcasts online. The videos are all about his experiences in rural Zhejiang. At the launching ceremony of “DaKa China”, he shared his life in Zhejiang with the international audience. “I have visited almost all rural areas of Zhejiang. Right now I am living in a village,” said the Russian.

Jerry Kowal, an American who is an internet celebrity known for his video blogs about Chinese life on YouTube, interacted through a video app with hosts in Wenzhou, expressing his passion for China and Zhejiang. He said he had a thing with West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy, a well known delicacy of Hangzhou cuisine.

Podareva Anastasia, a Russian and an international celebrity in Hangzhou, has been in the city for six years. She considers the city as her second home. “If you come to visit Hangzhou for sightseeing, I can be your tour guide,” says the young Russian woman proudly and confidently.

Alex is from UK. He has been living in Wenzhou for many years as he is married with Chinese wife. He practices Chinese calligraphy diligently. “My father-in-law is an excellent hand at calligraphy,” said Alex proudly.

Alex has started a gourmets tour around Wenzhou on Weibo, a twitter-like popular social media in China. Each episode of the program, broadcast in both Chinese and English, receives about 200,000 to 300,000 hits. The program has turned him into a star in Wenzhou. After watching an episode about the egg cake and the fish ball soup, some of his friends in UK phoned him, saying they would like to fly to Wenzhou for the delicacies after the pandemic was over.

Neli from Georgia is now a graduate student of Chinese history at Zhejiang University. She first came to Zhejiang in 2015 as a student in an exchange program. In 2017 she came to the province again. In 2019, she returned for the third time. Neli said she was an old timer in Zhejiang. Asked why she was so obsessed with Hangzhou, she said Hangzhou was the most beautiful city in China. Nowadays, she shares her life in Hangzhou with friends online. “I write about my life here every day,” said Neli.

Mani from Slovakia is now a graduate student majoring in psychology at Zhejiang University. At a Chinese social media website where she uploads short videos frequently, she has 400,000 followers. “I have just uploaded some short videos about Wenzhou. I think many people will ask me for tour information on Wenzhou, haha,” she laughed.

Taking part in the “DaKa China” program, these internet influencers will visit other locations across China and continue to upload short videos presenting their experiences.


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