[摘要] 目的 探究在腹部腫瘤术后调强放疗运用3种不同体位固定技术的摆位误差和重复性情况。方法 方便选取于2018年5月—2019年5月该院收治的腹部肿瘤术后调强放疗患者90例,根据体位固定方式的不同,将其分为随机分为A组(仰卧位体膜固定)、B组(MT-BBCF碳纤维腹板固定)和C组(改良版MT-BBCF碳纤维腹板固定),各30例。对比治疗前和治疗后20 d、30 d,两组患者X轴、Z轴射野中心偏移值的变化情况。结果 在X轴不同时间射野中心点偏移值方面,3组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与B组相比,在Y轴射野中心偏移值的变化方面,A组治疗前(0.15±1.05)、治疗后20 d(-0.24±0.73)、治疗后30 d(0.15±0.96),C组治疗前(0.23±1.12)、治疗后20 d(0.23±1.02)、治疗后30 d(-0.23±1.08)均与其差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);与B组相比,在Z轴射野中心偏移值的变化方面,A组、C组两组也与其差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但A、C两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 相比于仰卧位体膜固定和MT-BBCF碳纤维腹板固定,在腹部肿瘤术后调强放疗中运用改良版MT-BBCF碳纤维腹板固定存在较小的摆位误差,同时具有最佳的重复性效果,其临床价值较显著。
[关键词] 不同体位固定技术;腹部肿瘤;调强放疗;摆位误差;重复性
[中图分类号] R730.55 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2020)06(b)-0047-03
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the position error and repeatability of three different posture fixation techniques for intensity-modulated radiotherapy after abdominal tumor surgery. Methods Ninety patients with intraoperative intensity-modulated radiotherapy for abdominal tumors treated in the hospital from May 2018 to May 2019 were convenienty selected and randomly divided into group A according to different posture fixation methods (supine position fixation) , Group B (MT-BBCF carbon fiber web fixation) and Group C (modified MT-BBCF carbon fiber web fixation) 30 people each. The changes of X-axis and Z-axis center offset values of the two groups of patients before and after treatment and 20 and 30 days after treatment were compared. Results There was no statistical significantly significance between the three groups in the offset value of the center of the shooting field at different times on the X axis (P>0.05); compared with the group B, in the change of the center offset of the shooting field in the Y axis, group A before treatment (0.15 ± 1.05), 20 d after treatment (-0.24±0.73), 30 d after treatment (0.15 ± 0.96), group C before treatment (0.23 ± 1.12), 20 s after treatment (0.23±1.02), 30 d after treatment (-0.23 ± 1.08), there was a statistically significant difference (P<0.05); compared with group B, in the change of the Z-axis field offset value, the two groups of group A and group C also existed with it statistically significant difference(P<0.05), but the difference between A and C groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion Compared with supine position membrane fixation and MT-BBCF carbon fiber web fixation, the use of modified version of MT-BBCF carbon fiber web fixation in postoperative intensity-modulated radiotherapy for abdominal tumors has a smaller positioning error and has the best repetitive effect, which has significant clinical value.
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