田湾核电站弱贯穿辐射调查与个人剂量监测 侯炳君,赵鸿翮,韦应靖,等(1)
气溶胶中210Bi对210Po测量结果推算的影响 张 静,李 周,李鹏翔,等(10)
浮动核电站堆舱舷侧与底部辐射分区研究 谭 美,郭 健,张进才,等(16)
南海岛礁工程中建筑材料的天然放射性核素含量及辐射水平评价 林武辉,陈肖霞,余克服,等(23)
田湾核电基地一期工程1、2号机组运行流出物排放致公众剂量十年评价(2007—2016年) 姜孔华,刘晗晗,田 庆,等(31)
基于遗传算法的中子屏蔽材料组分优化研究 陈法国,李国栋,杨明明,等(38)
核电厂通风系统碘吸附器效率试验安全性分析 姚岩岩,高琳锋,吴振龙,等(45)
一种医疗放射源运输容器冲击试验和数值仿真 李国强,李志强,罗晓渭(52)
焚烧灰玻璃固化处理工艺条件初探 张 禹,褚浩然,郑博文,等(58)
日本高放废液玻璃固化技术 卢嘉炜,郭子方,吴志豪,等(67)
`红外热成像技术在辐射防护及其他医学领域中的应用 姚 振,赵敏艳,刘玉龙(78)
美国《保健物理》(Health Physics)杂志英文摘要(2020年118卷第1期) (84)
核电厂一回路源项和排放源项框架体系研究 方 岚,刘新华,祝兆文,等(89)
基于RG 1.183的先进小堆选址源项模型初步研究 胡 雨,方 栋,朱学农(99)
氦-3回路中氚的辐射安全分析 李炳林(104)
蒸压加气混凝土砌块辐射防护屏蔽性能试验研究 陆 洋,张永贵,杜 中,等(110)
中放废物坑扩孔操作的石英砂屏蔽实践 刘登奎,张劲松,李振臣,等(115)
某核电厂潜在表面污染风险管理探讨 任学明,李肖宁,马波阳(120)
膨润土-砂混合物缓冲层轴向热传导性研究 刘 平,赵 亮,焦大丁,等(126)
放射性废液蒸发器除垢方案设计及验证 邵延江,李 莉,穆建波,等(137)
放射性废气处理系统活性炭滞留单元工程规模装置性能研究 李永国,刘 羽,丘丹圭,等(144)
两种体系核空气净化系统性能评价试验方法的融合应用 张计荣,张德山,吴 涛,等(150)
新一代多模型迭代算法在70 kVp成人副鼻窦CT扫描中的应用 俞泽阳,贾迎春,王昊雨,等(156)
核电厂核事故应急演习新模式的实践 祝 贺,刘 彬,金 莉,等(162)
美国《保健物理》(Health Physics)杂志英文摘要(2020年118卷第2期) (172)
核与辐射事故后管理策略的发展现状 杨端节,李 冰,崔 浩,等(177)
我国非铀矿山放射性职业病危害防治与监管的思考 古晓娜,刘占旗,战景明,等(181)
固定式中子剂量仪器现场标校方法研究 吕 宁,过惠平,尚爱国,等(186)
一种基于SiPM的具有高能量分辨率的紧凑型溴化镧γ谱仪 石伯轩,刘立业,曹勤剑,等(193)
三代核电气、液态流出物计算及在内陆厂址条件下环境影响优化 陈 诚,张立波,张君南,等(198)
成都市某办公场所室内氡活度浓度水平调查及污染研究 徐立鹏,葛良全,王 猛,等(204)
浅析核电站人员体表污染管理与评价 张峥峥,杨俊武,顾海荣,等(212)
碘吸附器样品外部取样技术可行性分析研究 梁 飞,吕 阳,张 渊,等(217)
核电站放射性污染液压扭力扳手的去污实践 李玉鑫,贾建召(223)
高放废物处置库近场裂隙水流-传热-处置室间距相互作用的三维数值分析 高俊义(231)
后处理主工艺操纵人员持照岗位设置探讨 吕 丹,杨晓伟,刘运陶,等(239)
核燃料循环设施安全关键岗位识别方法初探 韩国胜,刘彩霞,徐 健,等(245)
间充质干细胞(MSC)在辐射损伤救治方面的研究进展 王 利,马得勋,张 瑞,等(250)
美国《保健物理》(Health Physics)杂志英文摘要(2020年118卷第4期) (256)
美国《保健物理》(Health Physics)杂志英文摘要(2020年118卷第5期) (262)
两种LiF(Mg,Cu,P)热释光探测器γ射线响应特性比较研究 马 燕,于青玉(265)
氚活度浓度标准装置的建立 冯 梅,韦应靖,李德红,等(271)
广西伴生放射性矿开发利用中的放射性水平初步调查 黄伊林,何贤文,冯亮亮,等(278)
长沙市地铁一号线车站内氡活度浓度的调查与评价 陈东辉,朱国祯,李植纯,等(286)
温度层结下建筑物群周围流场影响的数值模拟研究 郭栋鹏,王 冉,赵 鹏,等(290)
耐温屏蔽复合材料的研制及性能研究 孙 超,孟宪芳,秦培中,等(301)
微生物还原固化技术在铀尾矿(渣)渗水污染防控中的应用 孙 娟,安毅夫,连国玺,等(308)
北山地下水中可变价核素的溶解度和种态分布研究 程 曦,康明亮,杨广泽,等(316)
乏燃料深钻孔处置安全试评价 李星宇,王旭宏,杨球玉,等(325)
我国临床核医学发展现状及相关人员放射防护措施探究 王鑫淼,王军平,冉新泽(331)
分化型甲状腺癌患者行131I治疗辐射防护的知信行现状调查 易于颦,胡凤琼(340)
放射性脑损伤机制与防治方法研究进展 杨海玉,郭 娇,孙元明,等(346)
当前我国含放射性物质消费品辐射安全监管探讨 肖 军,邹 冰(353)
美国《保健物理》(Health Physics)杂志英文摘要(2020年118卷第6期) (359)
紧凑式低放固体废物焚烧工艺装置设计及验证 郑博文,徐 卫,褚浩然,等(365)
TBP/煤油热解焚烧装置的改进及冷试验证 徐立国,张锡东,赵玲君,等(372)
放射性废物焚烧技术的发展历程和展望 郑博文,唐 灿,杨丽莉,等(379)
我国低放废物热解焚烧技术的应用及改进 徐 卫,褚浩然,郑博文,等(387)
压水堆核电厂液态流出物中55Fe的排放与监测方法 沙向东,黄彦君,曾 帆,等(394)
基于土壤氡源的湿度可调控的氡室系统 茅钰才,王云祥,张 磊,等(402)
基于反宇宙射线γ谱仪的水样品测量 刘庆云,马国学,胡 翔(408)
核设施烟囱气态流出物取样系统气溶胶穿透效率试验研究 杨 屹,沈 福,畅 翔,等(414)
基于辐射探测系统的核部件储存库房安全监控系统脆弱性研究 高正明,赵 娟,李素若(419)
铝皂石胶体对Cs(Ι)的吸附性能研究 赵玉婷,潘跃龙,刘 羽,等(427)
利用数值模拟方法研究树脂裂解反应器的进气结构 张 禹,徐 卫,褚浩然,等(435)
浅析矿产资源开发利用辐射环境安全监管法规的修(制)订 廉 冰,苏自强,康 晶,等(443)
低中水平放射性固体废物近地表处置设施安全分析报告格式和内容的探讨 李星宇,李 昶,王旭宏,等(450)
四君子汤对人小肠上皮细胞辐射损伤的保护作用 王成芳,邵 帅,曲功霖,等(456)
地下工程降氡技术的应用与现状 孙 祁,盖文佳,江 灏,等(462)
美国《保健物理》(Health Physics)杂志英文摘要(2020年119卷第2期) (480)
更正 (378)
序言 (485)
An evaluation of the influence of impurity concentration and composition in concrete on activation and radiation dose in the reactor facility Jae Hyun KIM,Myeong Hyeon WOO,Chang Ho SHIN,et al.(486)
Measurement of niobium reaction rate for material surveillance tests in fast reactors Chikara Ito,Shigetaka Maeda,Toshihiko Inoue,et al.(491)
可控中子源中子-伽马测井仪中屏蔽结构的优化 宋 磊,李福生,王 盛(496)
压水堆释放源项快速估算程序开发 冯宗洋,张建岗,杨亚鹏,等(504)
上海硬X射线自由电子激光装置调试用束流收集桶的设计 徐玉海,王光宏,李哲夫,等(510)
BP神经网络算法预测多组分材料中子屏蔽效果方法研究 林海鹏,李国栋,陈法国,等(516)
基于体素模型的光子外照射大鼠器官剂量模拟计算 张晓敏,李大伟,宁 静,等(522)
Verification of modified sum-peak method in Monte Carlo simulation of full energy peak and sum-peak efficiencies of a HPGe detector Tsukasa Aso,Yoshimune Ogata,Hidesuke Itadzu(527)
在线式放射性液态流出物监测仪研制 沈 福(533)
Response evaluation of a compact and highly efficient neutron diffractometer for compact accelerator neutron sources Sho Imai,Kenichi Watanabe,Astushi Yamazaki,et al.(540)
In-situ evaluation for activated concrete in accelerator facility with scintillation-type gamma-ray spectrometer Go Yoshida,Hiroshi Matsumura,Koichi Nishikawa,et al.(545)
从理论角度降低低本底α、β测量仪净计数率探测下限研究 金 涛,孙 宇,张志鹏,等(550)
大面积表面污染测量仪主要性能测试与分析 张 菁,侯 磊,饶贤明,等(556)
大面积闭气式正比计数器的主要性能测试 乔 莉,饶贤明,杜向阳,等(561)
短寿命核素气溶胶监测相关问题探讨 孟 丹,马 弢,李建伟,等(565)
高氡环境下放射性气溶胶在线监测仪的研制 孟 丹,杨 柳,马英豪,等(571)
Long-lived neutron-induced radioisotopes in OKTAVIAN facility concrete wall after 38 year-operation Fajar Panuntun,Shingo Tamaki,Sachie Kusaka,et al.(577)
秦山核电基地氚排放所致周围公众内照射剂量评价 杨 洁,廉 冰,赵杨军,等(583)
绵阳地区近地面气溶胶中7Be和210Pb分布特征及其对O3的示踪 刘宇航,黄 英,古 川,等(587)
临港工业区建设对核电厂液态流出物稀释扩散的影响 李 婷,朱 君,刘团团,等(593)
铀尾矿渗滤液中铀在地下水中的迁移模拟 谢 添,贺 萌,李 婷,等(605)
核电厂典型放射性热点的管理控制与优化 陈琛祥,曾进忠,倪 伟,等(613)
Estimation of exposure dose for decontamination workers from contaminated soil at a nuclear decommissioning site in Korea Sohyeon Lee,Dong-Kwon Keum,Hyo-Joon Jeong,et al.(619)
Episodes of thoron exposure due to consumer products claiming health benefits of negative ions Jaiki Lee(625)
压水堆核电厂乏燃料水池γ剂量率变化分析 胡屹鹏(631)
M310核电机组BOSS焊缝作业辐射防护控制 徐卓群(640)
华龙一号应急工况评价系统初步开发 杨亚鹏,冯宗洋,贾林胜,等(647)
压水堆堆芯损伤评价系统研究与开发 贾林胜,杨亚鹏,王任泽,等(652)
乏燃料后处理厂有机相燃烧事故研究进展 连一仁,孙洪超,张 智,等(657)
金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管中总剂量效应导致的阈值电压漂移研究现状 刘一宁,王任泽,杨亚鹏,等(663)
大破口始发应急工况预测方法研究 王 宁,王任泽,杨亚鹏,等(671)
Nondestructive high-sensitivity measurement method for activation estimation in accelerator room concrete Hiroshi Matsumura,Go Yoshida,Akihiro Toyoda,et al.(677)
废树脂微波处理工艺研究 高 超,安鸿翔,郭喜良,等(683)
2013—2018年山西省放射性废物库库区环境γ辐射水平监测 王丽平(691)
美国《保健物理》(Health Physics)杂志英文摘要(2020年119卷第3期) (696)
美国《保健物理》(Health Physics)杂志英文摘要(2020年119卷第4期) (702)
Weakly penetrating radiation and personal dose monitoring in Tianwan Nuclear Power Station HOU Bingjun,ZHAO Honghe,WEI Yingjing,et al.(1)
Influence of210Bi on calculation of210Po activity concentration in air aerosol ZHANG Jing,LI Zhou,LI Pengxiang,et al.(10)
Research and design of radiation zoning outside the floating nuclear power plant’s reactor compartment shell andbottom TAN Mei,GUO Jian,ZHANG Jincai,et al.(16)
Natural radionuclides and radiological assessment for building materials used in reef engineering in the South China Sea LIN Wuhui,CHEN Xiaoxia,YU Kefu,et al.(23)
Assessment of public dose caused by effluent discharge at Tianwan nuclear plant (2007—2016) JIANG Konghua,LIU Hanhan,TIAN Qing,et al.(31)
Optimization research on neutron shielding material component based on genetic algorithm CHEN Faguo,LI Guodong,YANG Mingming,et al.(38)
Safety analysis on efficiency test of iodine absorbers in ventilation systems of nuclear power plants YAO Yanyan,GAO Linfeng,WU Zhenlong,et al.(45)
Impact test and numerical simulation on a model container for transport of medical radioactive sources LI Guoqiang,LI Zhiqiang,LUO Xiaowei(52)
Preliminary study on vitrification process conditions of incineration ash ZHANG Yu,CHU Haoran,ZHENG Bowen,et al.(58)
Vitrification technologies of high level radioactive liquid waste in Japan LU Jiawei,GUO Zifang,WU Zhihao,et al(67)
Application of infrared imaging in radiation protection and other medical fields YAO Zhen,ZHAO Minyan,LIU Yulong(78)
Research on framework system of source term in primary circuit and emission source term at nuclear power plants FANG Lan,LIU Xinhua,ZHU Zhaowen,et al.(89)
Preliminary study on source term model for advanced SMR siting based on RG 1.183 HU Yu,FANG Dong,ZHU Xuenong(99)
Radiation safety analysis on tritium exposure of He-3 loop LI Binglin(104)
Experimental research on radiation protection shielding performance of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks LU Yang,ZHANG Yonggui,DU Zhong,et al.(110)
A shielding practice with silica sands for an intermediate level radioactive waste pit in order to enlarge the opening LIU Dengkui,ZHANG Jinsong,LI Zhenchen,et al.(115)
Discussion on potential surface contamination risk management of a nuclear power plant REN Xueming,LI Xiaoning,MA Boyang(120)
Study on axial thermal conductivity of bentonite-sand mixed buffer layers LIU Ping,ZHAO Liang,JIAO Dading,et al.(126)
Design and verification of a descaling scheme for radioactive waste liquid evaporator SHAO Yanjiang,LI Li,MU Jianbo,et al.(137)
Performance research on an engineering scale prototype activated carbon delay bed for radioactive waste gas system LI Yongguo,LIU Yu,QIU Dangui,et al.(144)
Combined application of two testing methods for performance evaluation of nuclear air cleaning systems ZHANG Jirong,ZHANG Deshan,WU Tao,et al.(150)
Application of adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction-V and 70 kVp in adult paranasal sinus CT scan YU Zeyang,JIA Yingchun,WANG Haoyu,et al.(156)
Practice on a new mode of nuclear accident emergency exercise in nuclear power plant ZHU He,LIU Bin,JIN Li,et al.(162)
Development status on post-accident management strategy for nuclear and radiological accident YANG Duanjie,LI Bing,CUI Hao,et al.(177)
Thoughts on the prevention and regulation on radioactive occupational hazards in Chinese non-uranium mines GU Xiaona,LIU Zhanqi,ZHAN Jingming,et al.(181)
Study on on-site calibration method of stationary neutron dosimeter LV Ning,GUO Huiping,SHANG Aiguo,et al.(186)
A compact LaBr3:Ce gamma spectrometer based on SiPM with high energy resolution SHI Boxuan,LIU Liye,CAO Qinjian,et al.(193)
Calculation of radioactive effluents source terms from third generation NPP and the environmental impact optimization under the condition of inland plant site CHEN Cheng,ZHANG Libo,ZHANG Junnan,et al.(198)
Study on indoor radon concentration level and pollution of an office space in Chengdu XU Lipeng,GE Liangquan,WANG Meng,et al.(204)
A brief analysis about management and evaluation of personnel body surface contamination at nuclear power plant ZHANG Zhengzheng,YANG Junwu,GU Hairong,et al.(212)
Feasibility analysis on external sampling technologies of iodine adsorbers LIANG Fei,LV Yang,ZHANG Yuan,et al.(217)
Decontamination practice of radioactive contaminated hydraulic torsion wrenches in NPP LI Yuxin,JIA Jianzhao(223)
Three-dimensional numerical analysis of the interaction between fracture water flow,heat transfer and distance between disposal pits in the near field of high-level radioactive waste repository GAO Junyi(231)
Discussion on the setting of licensed position for the main process operator in spent fuel reprocessing facility LYU Dan,YANG Xiaowei,LIU Yuntao,et al.(239)
Preliminary study on identification method for safety key positions at nuclear fuel cycle facilities HAN Guosheng,LIU Caixia,XU Jian,et al.(245)
Research progress of mesenchymal stem cell for treatment of radiation injuries WANG Li,MA Dexun,Zhang Rui,et al.(250)
Comparison of response characteristics to γ rays of TLD-2007C and TLD-SWB LiF(Mg,Cu,P) thermoluminescence detector MA Yan,YU Qingyu(265)
Establishment of tritium activity concentration standard device FENG Mei,WEI Yingjing,LI Dehong,et al.(271)
Investigation for radioactivity level during the exploitation and utilization of mines associated with radioactivity in Guangxi HUANG Yilin,HE Xianwen,FENG Liangliang,et al.(278)
Investigation and evaluation of radon activity concentration in the stations of Changsha Metro Line 1 CHEN Donghui,ZHU Guozhen,LI Zhichun,et al.(286)
Numerical simulation study on the effect of thermal stratification on the flow field around buildings GUO Dongpeng,WANG Ran,ZHAO Peng,et al.(290)
Study on the development and performance of heat-resistant radiation shielding composites SUN Chao,MENG Xianfang,QIN Peizhong,et al.(301)
Application of bio-reduction and immobilization technology in seepage pollution control for uranium tailings SUN Juan,AN Yifu,LIAN Guoxi,et al.(308)
Investigation on solubility and speciation of valence-variable radionuclides in Beishan underground water CHENG Xi,KANG Mingliang,YANG Guangze,et al(316)
Preliminary safety assessment of deep borehole disposal for spent fuel (SF) LI Xingyu,WANG Xuhong,YANG Qiuyu,et al.(325)
Current situation of clinical nuclear medicine in China and exploration of radiological protection for relevant staff WANG Xinmiao,WANG Junping,RAN Xinze(331)
The status of knowledge-attitude-practice of radiation protection among differentiated thyroid cancer patients treated with131I YI Yupin,HU Fengqiong(340)
Review on the mechanism,prevention and treatments of radiation brain injury YANG Haiyu,GUO Jiao,SUN Yuanming,et al.(346)
Discussion on supervision of consumer products containing radioactive substances in China XIAO Jun,ZOU Bing(353)
Designing and verification of a compact incineration device for low level radioactive solid waste ZHENG Bowen,XU Wei,CHU Haoran,et al.(365)
The improvement and cold commissioning verification of a pyrolysis incinerating facility for Spent TBP/OK XU Liguo,ZHANG Xidong,ZHAO Linjun,et al.(372)
Development trend and prospect of radioactive waste incineration technology ZHENG Bowen,TANG Can,YANG Lili,et al.(379)
Application and improvement of low &medium-level radioactive waste pyrolysis incineration technology in China XU Wei,CHU Haoran,ZHENG Bowen,et al.(387)
An investigation on discharge and analytical methods of55Fe in liquid effluents from PWRs of nuclear power plants SHA Xiangdong,HUANG Yanjun,ZENG Fan,et al.(394)
Study on a humidity controllable radon chamber system based on soil-radon MAO Yucai,WANG Yunxiang,ZHANG Lei,et al.(402)
Measurement of water sample based on anti-cosmic ray γ spectrometer LIU Qingyun,MA Guoxue,HU Xiang(408)
Experimental research on aerosol penetration efficiency of gaseous effluents from stack sampling system in nuclear power plant YANG Yi,SHEN Fu,CHANG Xiang,et al.(414)
Investigation on the vulnerability of security monitoring systems for radioactive stockpiles based on radiation detection system GAO Zhengming,ZHAO Juan,LI Suruo(419)
Study on adsorption properties of aluminite colloid for Cs+ZHAO Yuting,PAN Yuelong,LIU Yu,et al.(427)
Study on air intake structures of a resin decomposition reactor through a numerical simulation method ZHANG Yu,XU Wei,CHU Haoran,et al.(435)
Study on the framework of radiation environmental regulatory system for radioactive associated minerals LIAN Bing,SU Ziqiang,KANG Jing,et al.(443)
Discussion on the format and content of safety analysis report for near-surface disposal facility of LILW in China LI Xingyu,LI Chang,WANG Xuhong,et al.(450)
The protection effect of Sijunzi Decoction (Four Noble Drugs Decoction) on radiation damage of human intestinal epithelial cells WANG Chengfang,SHAO Shuai,QU Gonglin,et al.(456)
Application and status of radon reduction techniques in underground facilities SUN Qi,GAI Wenjia,JIANG Hao,et al.(462)
Foreword (485)
An evaluation of the influence of impurity concentration and composition in concrete on activation and radiation dose in the reactor facility Jae Hyun KIM,Myeong Hyeon WOO,Chang Ho SHIN,et al.(486)
Measurement of niobium reaction rate for material surveillance tests in fast reactors Chikara Ito,Shigetaka Maeda,Toshihiko Inoue,et al.(491)
An optimization of shielding structure in controllable neutron source neutron-gamma well logging instrument SONG Lei,LI Fusheng,WANG Sheng(496)
Development of fast estimation code for PWR source term FENG Zongyang,ZHANG Jiangang,YANG Yapeng,et al.(504)
Design of beam dump for the commissioning at SHINE facility XU Yuhai,WANG Guanghong,LI Zhefu,et al.(510)
Study on BP neural network algorithm for predicting neutron shielding effect of multi-composition materials LIN Haipeng,LI Guodong,CHEN Faguo,et al.(516)
Rat organ dose calculation for external photon irradiation based on voxel model based on voxel model ZHANG Xiaomin,LI Dawei,NING Jing,et al.(522)
Verification of modified sum-peak method in Monte Carlo simulation of full energy peak and sum-peak efficiencies of a HPGe detector Tsukasa Aso,Yoshimune Ogata,Hidesuke Itadzu(527)
On line continuous liquid radioactive effluent monitoring SHEN Fu(533)
Response evaluation of a compact and highly efficient neutron diffractometer for compact accelerator neutron sources Sho Imai,Kenichi Watanabe,Astushi Yamazaki,et al.(540)
In-situ evaluation for activated concrete in accelerator facility with scintillation-type gamma-ray spectrometer Go Yoshida,Hiroshi Matsumura,Koichi Nishikawa,et al.(545)
Study on reducing the low detection limit of net count rate by low background α,β measurement instrument from theoretical point of view JIN Tao,SUN Yu,ZHANG Zhipeng,et al.(550)
The performance analysis of large area portable surface contamination survey meter ZHANG Jing,HOU Lei,RAO Xianming,et al.(556)
Main performance test of large area gas-sealed proportional counter QIAO Li,RAO Xianming,DU Xiangyang,et al.(561)
Discussion on short-lived radionuclide aerosol monitoring MENG Dan,MA Tao,LI Jianwei,et al.(565)
Development of an on-line continuous aerosol monitor suitable for high radon environment MENG Dan,YANG Liu,MA Yinghao,et al.(571)
Long-lived neutron-induced radioisotopes in OKTAVIAN facility concrete wall after 38 year-operation Fajar Panuntun,Shingo Tamaki,Sachie Kusaka,et al.(577)
Assessment of internal dose from tritium of Qinshan Nuclear Power Base YANG Jie,LIAN Bing,ZHAO Yangjun,et al.(583)
Distribution characteristics of7Be and210Pb in near surface aerosols in Mianyang area and their tracing of O3LIU Yuhang,HUANG Ying,GU Chuan,et al.(587)
The impact of construction of port approaching industrial zone on dilution and diffusion of liquid effluent from a nuclear power plant LI Ting,ZHU Jun,LIU Tuantuan,et al.(593)
Simulation of uranium migration in groundwater from uranium tailings leachate XIE Tian,HE Ming,LI Ting,et al.(605)
The management control and optimization of typical radioactive hotspots in NPP CHEN Chenxiang,ZENG Jinzhong,NI Wei,et al.(613)
Estimation of exposure dose for decontamination workers from contaminated soil at a nuclear decommissioning site in Korea Sohyeon Lee,Dong-Kwon Keum,Hyo-Joon Jeong,et al.(619)
Episodes of thoron exposure due to consumer products claiming health benefits of negative ions Jaiki Lee(625)
Analysis on γ radiation variation of the spent fuel pool in PWR NPP HU Yipeng(631)
Radiation protection control for maintenance of BOSS weld of M310 nuclear power unit XU Zhuoqun(640)
The preliminary development of emergency condition assessment system for HPR1000 YANG Yapeng,FENG Zongyang,JIA Linsheng,et al.(647)
Research and development of core damage assessment system for pressurized water reactor under emergency condition JIA Linsheng,WANG Renze,YANG Yapeng,et al.(652)
Research progress of solvent fire accident in spent fuel reprocessing plants LIAN Yiren,SUN Hongchao,ZHANG Zhi,et al.(657)
A review of total ionizing dose (TID) induced shift of threshold voltage of MOSFETs LIU Yining,WANG Renze,YANG Yapeng,et al.(663)
Study on the prediction method of large break loss of coolant initial emergency condition WANG Ning,WANG Renze,YANG Yapeng,et al.(671)
Nondestructive high-sensitivity measurement method for activation estimation in accelerator room concrete Hiroshi Matsumura,Go Yoshida,Akihiro Toyoda,et al.(677)
The study on microwave treatment process for spent resin GAO Chao,AN Hongxiang,GUO Xiliang,et al.(683)
Monitoring of gamma radiation level at Shanxi radioactive waste repository from 2013 to 2018 WANG Liping(691)