Vol.36 No.4 2020 CONTENTS
Vol.36 No.1
Study on the Variation and Mechanism of Gravity Before Haicheng M4.4 Earthquake on December 19,2017……………………………………………………………LI Yu-sen,DI Xin-xin,ZANG Shi-lei,LI Wei,SUO Rui(01)
Analysis on Seismic Performance of the Main Hall of Baoguo Temple and Discuss Strengthening Strategies…………………………………………………………………LU Han,ZHANG Bei-lei,PENG Xiao,FU Ying-hong(06)
Study on the Geomechanical Model of Mining-pit Landslide——A Case Study of Fuquan Landslide in Guizhou Province……………………………………………………WANG Xiao-ming,SHI Wen-bing,LIANG Feng,MA Wen-peng(13)
Chongqing Seismic Network Center Monitoring and Cause Analysis of Wulong Ms5.0 Earthquake……………………………………………………DAI Ying-hong,YU Tian-hang,CAO Kun-jian,WANG Tong-jun(20)
The Influence of Station Selection of Liaoning Seismograph Network on the Result of Quick Earthquake Location……………………………………………LI Zi-hao,WANG Cheng-wei,LI En-lai,AN Xiang-yu,LIANG Yi-jing(26)
The Interference Analysis of Mountain Torrent on Deformation Observation Data of Yinchuan Reference Station…………………………………………WANG Jian-liang,LI Zi-rui,ZHANG Yan-xia,SHEN Ning,LUAN Bo-wen(33)
Water Temperature Observation Experiment and Analysis of Panjin Yu 105 Well at Different Depths…………………………………………………LIU Li,LIU Shuang,LIU Jian-guang,XIAN Shu-dong,HAN Yan(39)
Analysis of the Relationship Between the Geomagnetic Observation and Temperature Effect of Dedu Seismic Station………………………………………………………………………………YANG Wei-hui,SHAO Shuai,SUN We(i45)
Sensitivity Coefficients Analysis of Deep-well Resistivity Observation in Xinchengzi Seismic Station………………………………………………………HUANG Ming-wei,ZHANG Qi,LI Meng-ying,YANG Mu-ping(49)
Investigation and Analysis of Disturbance Sources Affecting the Observation of Geoelectric Field at Tonghe Seismic Station……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YUE L(i57)
Analysis of the Natural Disturbance Factors of the Digital Deformation at Dandong Seismic Station……………………………………………………………………YAO Fei-fei,GONG Chang-sheng,LIANG Yong-xin(63)
Comparison and Analysis of UAV Quick Spelling Software for Earthquake Emergency——A Case Study of Chengling Village,Dalian City,Liaoning Provinc e ……YU Hao,KONG Xiang-xue,FENG Shi,ZHAO Ming-zhao,WANG Wan-ning(72)
Development and Application of Spare Parts Query Management System for Seismic Equipment……………………………………………………………LU Shan,YAN Yun,GAO Ye-xin,LI Xiu-li,ZHAO Qian(79)
Automatic Download and Data Storage of Earthquake Catalog Data Based on Datist………………………………………………………ZHANG Xiu-ping,LI Jun,YUAN Lin,LI Yang, ZHOU Hu(i87)
Design and Implement of Fast Mapping Software for Earthquake Emergency Responds Based on ArcGIS Engine………………………………………………YU Si-han,LI Wei,WANG Jian-yong,LIU Chao,SHAN Shuai-shua(i92)
The Earthquakes(ML≥3.0) Catalogue of the Fourth Quarter in Northeastern Area,2019 .………………………… (32)
Vol.36 No.2
Soil Exploration, Strength Parameters Inverse Calculation and Sensitivity Analysis of Soil in Slide Zone of a Landslide…………………………………………………………DUAN Xuan-liang,JIN Fu-xi,YU Zheng-xing,CHENG Peng(01)
The Study on Hazard Degree Division of Geology Disaster in Yun’an District Based on ArcGIS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Ku(i09)
Short Period Parameter Measurement of the Borehole Seismometer After Replacement in Lingwu,Ningxia………………………………………………………………………………………………REN Jia-qi,LUO Heng-zh(i15)
Study on the Quality of Observation Data from the Seismic Intensity Rapid Reporting Network———A Case Study of Chengdu Earthquake Intensity Rapid Reporting Networ k…………………TANG Lin,QI Guo-liang,ZHANG Luo-xin(23)
The Relationship Between Azimuth Anomaly of Geoelectric Field and Moderate Strong Earthquakes in Heilongjiang Province……………………………LIU Chang-sheng, ZHANG Si-meng,YANG Wei-hui,KANG Jian,GAO Shuang-ling(33)
The Loading and unloading and Daily variation Response Ratio Anomaly Verification of the Geomagnetic Data of Yingkou Seismic Station …………………………………… ZHU Xiao-qiu, WANG Lin,ZHANG Lu-ya,WANG Dong-chen(40)
Analysis of the Array Data Power Spectrum in Hailar………………………………………………BAI Yong-fu,GAO Xiang,ZHANG Wei,XI Chong-xiao,WANG Ling(49)
Analysis of Short Leveling Anomalies in Taohuatu………………………………… ChaoyangWANG Song-yang,ZHAI Li-na,LI Tong-xia,KE Qiu-shi KONG Xiang-ru(i56)
The Construction and Application of Portable Individual Communication System at Earthquake……………………………………………………………… SiteKANG Xian-dong, ZHENG Li-fu, TAN Qing-quan(62)
Brief Discussion on the Management and Development of Seismic Stations Under the New Situation…………………………………………………………………………………YANG Ya-yun, MA Wei,WANG Jian(67)
Research on Certified Microblog-based Rapid Acquisition and Information Extraction Technology of Earthquake Disaster Situation………………………………………………………………ZHANG Ying,LIN Yang,ZHANG Lan,TANG Shu-ya(75)
Application and Strategy Analysis of Official WeChat Interaction in the Propaganda Work of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction——Taking the Official WeChat of Shanxi Earthquake Agency as an Example……………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Zheng-xia, ZHANG Xin-y(i82)
Applied analysis Study of New Magnitude of Provincial Networks under the New national standard of magnitude regulations…………………………………………………………………CHENG Peng-tu,ZHENG Xu,REN Jia-qi,MA Nan(88)
The Earthquakes(ML≥3.0) Catalogue of the First Quarter in Northeastern Area,2020. …………………………… (14)
Vol.36 No.3
Calculating the Absolute Clock Difference of Fujian Station Network Station by Using Noise Cross-correlation Technology…………………………………………………………………………………………HU Meng-di,JIN Xing,LI Jun(01)
Design and Application of Support Reinforcement Scheme for Brick-Concrete Structure………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Hai-chao,WANG Guo-xin(08)
Quasi-Static Test of Brick Walls with Assembled Monolithic Tie Beams and Tie Columns…………………………………………………ZHANG Chun-tao,DENG Chuan-li,MA Jian-chao,AN Ren-bing(15)
Technical Characteristics of Dangerous Appraisal of Rural Houses inJiangxi……………………………………CHEN Bao-kui,LI Xiao-dong,LEI Bin,XIONG Jin-gang,HUANG Jin-chang(26)
Seismic Performance Study on a New Design of Assembled Beam-Column Join t…………CUI Jian-hua,QIN Qi-q(i32)
Joint Inversion of the Crust-mantle Velocity Structure in Northeast China by Using Receiver Function and Surface Wave…………………………………………………………GAO Ye-xin,YAN Yun,ZHU Ye-lin,LI Xiu-li,LEI Chen(41)
Analysis of Coseismic Response Characteristics of Hebei No.24 Well Fluid Observation……………………………………………FU Cong,JIANG Ji-yi,WANG Xi-long,WANG Hai-yan,LI Tong-xia(47)
Seismic Data Processing and Analysis of Hebei Lincheng M3.7 Earthquake on Sep.4,2017……………………………………………YANG Rui,ZHAO Ying-ping,CHANG Liang,WANG Ning,LI Xue-ying(53)
Analysis on Characteristics of Water Level and Water Temperature Synchronous Variation in Ningxia Haiyuan Hongyang Well…………………………………………WANG Xiao-tao,DING Feng-he,HE Jia-wei,MA Yun-ju,MA Zhi-ning(61)
Analysis of Observation Quality and Interference Factors of Cave Strain Meter in Fushun…………………………………………………ZUO Yan,WANG Lin,SUN Li-Juan,ZHANG Chuang,YAN Han(68)
Discussion on Lightning Protection Method of Underground Fluid Digital Monitoring Equipment in Benxi Well…………………………………………………………………………………………TANG Guang-wei,JIA Dong-xu(74)
Research on Lingwu Cross-fault Leveling Measurement……………………………………………… MA Nan,ZHANG Hui,WANG Jian-liang,AN Yu-qing,LI Guo-bin(81)
Research on Techniques of Seismic Disaster Defense Service System in Liaoning Province Based on Map World…………………………………………………………………………………LI Wei,LI Yu-sen,SUO Rui,ZOU Bo(88)
Application of NagVis in Liaoning Earthquake Information Network Monitoring Service……………………………………………………LIU Jing-wen,HUANG Miao-wan,WANG Xiu-mu,YIN Yi-na(92)
The earthquakes(ML≥3.0) catalogue of the Second quarter in northeastern area,2020. …………………………… (07)
Vol.36 No.4
The Hunhe Fault Zone Analysis of Remote Sensing Image Interpretation Based on Google Earth……………………………………………………………………………………WAN Bo,DING Hao,WANG Chao(01)
The Effect Factors and Characteristics of Slurry Infiltration Diffusion after Wall of Shield Tunnel under the Water…………………………………………GONG Yan-feng,TANG Zhao,SHENG Qian,MING Dong-yu,ZHU Ze-q(i09)
Analysis of the Influence of Shield Tunneling on the Deformation of the Soft Flow Plastic Stratum and Existing Tunnel………………………LIU Xin-jun,TIAN Jun-feng,YE Wan-jun,ZHANG Lei-xiao,WANG Yan,MA Bao-fen(18)
The Rollover Driving Safety Analysis of Vehicles on Bridge Under Crosswinds……………………………………………………………CHEN Ning,LI Yong-le,WANG Xiu-yong,ZHANG Q(i26)
Flow-solid Coupling Characteristics and Stability Analysis of Rainfall-induced Landslides……………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Jun,KANG Xin-yu(37)
Comparative Analysis of Data Between SQ-70D Type Quartz Horizontal Pendulum Tiltmeter and VP Broadband Vertical
Pendulumin In Yinchuan Seismological Station………………………………………WANG Jian-liang,SHEN Ning,ZHANG Yan-xia,LUAN Bo-wen,JIN Tao(45)
Analysis of Background Noise Characteristics of Hegang Seismic Station Foundation……………………………………………JIANG Bo,HU Bao-hui,CHANG Jin-long,ZHANG Hao,JIAO Zhi-bo(51)
Analysis on Monitoring Capability of Volcanic Seismic Network and the Volcanic Activity in Jingpohu……………………………………ZHAO Jian-tong,MA Bao-jun,LIANG A-quan,LI Jun-qiu,GAO Shuang-ling(57)
Capacity Allocation of Photovoltaic Power Supply System in Remote Seismic Stations………………………………………………TANG Hao,BAI Xiao-chuan,LI Hong-ting,CHANG Ming,MA Ru(i63)
Monitoring Capability Analysis of Ningxia Regional Network………………………………………………………REN Jia-qi,LUO Heng-zhi,LUO Long,HE Qiu-ju,MA Nan(68)
Design and Implementation of Network Log Collection System Based on Python………………………………………WANG Xiu-mu,YIN Yi-na,LIU Jing-wen,HUANG Miao-wan,ZHA Nan(74)
Research on Fast Extraction Method of Rural Buildings Based on UAV Image…………………………………………………YU Hao,XV Han-qing,LI Yu-jia, FENG Shi,ZHAO Ming- zhao(79)
Discussion on the Characteristics of Abnormal Changes in Ultra-Wideband Ground Pulsation Records Before the Earthquake…………………………………………………JING Tao,SUN Yi,FANG Yu-xin,GU Qiang-qiang,AN Jun-feng(86)
Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Earthquake Avoidance Training………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Kun,HAO Liang,Anae(r93)
The earthquakes(ML≥3.0) catalogue of the Third quarter in northeastern area,2020. ……………………………… (17)
2020 Total Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… (99)