

中国对外贸易 2020年12期



China and Ethiopia established diplomatic relations in 1970,following Premier Chou-En Lai’s visit to Ethiopia in 1964.This was reciprocated by the Ethiopian Emperor Haileselassie’s visit to Beijing in 1971.This year also marked the first ever Trade Agreement signed between Ethiopia and China.With the coming to power of the Derg regime (1974-1991),the intensity of bilateral relationships significantly increased.A number of agreements were signed during this period,including,the second Trade Agreement (1976),Trade Protocols (1984,1986,and 1988),and an Agreement for Mutual Protection of Investment (1988).Ethio-China ties have continued to strengthen after Derg’s removal from power and the formation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in 1991.High level visits and interactions became more frequent,and two major milestone bilateral agreements were signed,for Trade,Economic,and Technological Cooperation(1996) and to Eliminate Double Taxation (2009).In May 2017,Ethio-China relation was elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Partnership level,in demonstration of the strong and unique partnership the two nations enjoy.


The fact that successive regimes of government in both countries worked hard to maintain and broaden the scope of economic ties and cooperation over the last five decades,is a testament to the enduring nature of Ethio -China relationship.Owing to its developmental state model and the rapid double-digit economic growth it registered over a period of more than a decade.There are also similarities between the business environment of Ethiopia and that of China 30 -40 years ago.Comfortable and familiar with the operating environment,Chinese investors were among the first wave of foreign investors to take advantage of the opportunities presented by Ethiopia’s growing economy.

图1:埃中两国签订的主要协议Figure 1:Major milestone agreements between Ethiopia and China


The economic and trade exchange of both countries has now reached a level where the Ethiopian government has decided to establish three consulate offices (Shanghai,Chongqing,and Guangzhou) in addition to the Embassy in Beijing.Similarly,the Ethiopian airlines currently have direct flights to more than five destinations in China.Before the COVID-19 pandemic took hold,and resulted in unprecedented decline in number of flights and passengers,the airline was transporting up to a million passengers a year between China and Ethiopia and the rest of Africa.The Ethiopian Airlines has continued to fly to China even during the COVID-19 crisis,and currently serves as one of the main carriers for cargo from China to the rest of the world.


加入重要的合作平台Participation in key cooperation platforms


Ethiopia has been actively and prominently taking part in various platforms created by the Chinese government to nurture and develop its economic and trade ties with African countries.Some of the major events in which high level Ethiopian government officials and representatives of private sector actively participated include:


Forum for China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC):Arguably the biggest and most effective platform for China-Africa cooperation.Ethiopia has been actively taking part in the FOCAC summits and ministerial conferences that were being held since 2000.The country was also a host to the 2nd FOCAC Ministerial Conference in Addis Ababa,in December of 2003.Only a few months after coming into power,PM Abiy Ahmed visited Beijing in September of 2018 to attend the 6th FOCAC summit.FOCAC has been an effective platform for cementing Ethio-China political and economic relationships.Chinese investment in Ethiopia was non-existent when the first FOCAC summit was held in Beijing in 2000,by the time the 6th summit was held in 2018,Chinese FDI stock in Ethiopia had exceeded USD4 billion.Some of the major investments sourced from China since the early 2000’s,resulted from discussions held between Ethiopian and Chinese government officials and private sector representatives during the summit and on the sidelines.


China International Import Expo (CIIE):Ethiopian government and private sector have been actively participating in the China International Import Expo (CIIE),since the yearly event begun in 2018.CIIE has been instrumental in creating the platform for the facilitation of trade and investment deals between local and Chinese business people.Top Ethiopian exporters that took part in both the 2018 and 2019 events have returned back with initial agreements for large volumes of coffee,sesame,and soybean exports to China.The outcomes from this expo have contributed to enhancing Ethiopia’s export performance,and narrowing down the current level of trade imbalance between Ethiopia and China.


China Africa Economic &Trade Expo (CAETE):Ethiopia had a high-profile participation at the first ever China Africa Economic&Trade Expo held in Changsha,China,in July of 2018.Ethiopian businesses in coffee,sesame,soybean,and leather took part in the event.The Ethiopian mission to China and EIC also organized investment forums and meetings on the sidelines of the event.


Belt &Road Initiative (BRI):The BRI remains to be an overarching framework for Ethio -China cooperation.Ethiopia is a key partner to the BRI,and is undertaking major infrastructural and developmental projects along the Belt and Road,in cooperation with the Chinese and regional governments.Notable among these is the Ethio-Djibouti Railway project constructed by a Chinese contractor and with financial support from China.

合作领域Areas of cooperation


Infrastructural development


China has provieded the financing support to help the development of the infrustructure in Ethiopia including:roads,railways,hydroelectric dams,and telecom infrastructure.The initial flow of Chinese investment into Ethiopia was largely made by state-owned enterprises in the construction and energy sectors on the back of bilateral agreements between the two governments,in exchange for aid and concessional loans from the Chinese government towards these types of projects.Major landmark infrastructural projects include:

·亚的斯亚贝巴—阿达玛高速公路Addis Ababa -Adama Expressway

·亚的斯亚贝巴—环线公路工程Addis Ababa Ring-road Project

·亚的斯亚贝巴—轻轨项目Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit Project

·埃塞俄比亚—吉布提铁路Ethio -Djibouti Railway

·吉盖尔·吉贝和特克泽大坝Gilgel Gibe and Tekeze Dams

·华为和中兴通讯基础设施项目Huawei and ZTE Telecom Infrastructure Projects


Chinese investment also played a great role in the development of industrial parks in Ethiopia.One of the first industrial parks to be developed in Ethiopia,the Eastern Industrial Park Zone was developed by a Chinese private developer.


Currently there are several industrial parks being developed by public and private Chinese investors,notable among these are:

华坚轻工业园:作为中国最大的鞋类生产商和出口商,华坚集团于2011年在埃塞俄比亚建立了工厂,并计划在10年间投资20亿美元发展制鞋产业。该公司为Guess和Calvin Klein代工生产,并希望10年内从埃塞俄比亚出口金额达到40亿美元。华坚集团计划在埃塞俄比亚创造10万个岗位,帮助该国成为新的全球制造中心。华坚轻工业园位于勒布区(亚的斯亚贝巴的西南郊),占地面积138公顷。该工业园将专注于皮革和其它混合投资项目。

Huajian Light Industrial Park:Huajian is One of the largest shoe producers and exporters in China.Huajian set up a factory in Ethiopia in 2011,as part of its plan to invest USD2 billion over 10 years in developing manufacturing clusters focused on shoemaking for export.The company produces shoes for brands such as Guess and Calvin Klein,and hopes to see its exports from Ethiopia reach USD4 billion within ten years.Huajian plans to create 100,000 new jobs in Ethiopia,helping the country become a new international manufacturing hub.Huajian Light Industrial Park currently under construction in Lebu area (South Western outskirts of Addis Ababa)lies on 138 ha of land.The park will specialize in leather and other mixed portfolios of investments.


Sunshine Adama Industrial Park:This park is being developed by Jiangsu Sunshine Group,a private Chinese investment group.Jiangsu Sunshine Group’s textile business has annual production capacity of 3.5 million sets of high-grade men’s suits and women’s wear,35 million meters of superfine worsted wool fabrics.It is also the world's largest wool textile and high-grade apparel manufacturer.The Sunshine Park in Adama is situated on 80 hectares of land.


Kingdom Adama Industrial Park:Kingdom is one of the largest private Chinese textile &garment companies.It is developing a park on 32 hectares of land in Adama,to manufacture textile and garment.


Wuxi No.1 Dire Dawa Project:Wuxi Jinmao Co.Ltd,one of the largest state-owned textile companies in China,is establishing a large-scale textile manufacturing factory inside Dire Dawa Industrial Park.Situated on 51 hectares of land,the factory will produce high-end yarns and fabrics with 300 thousand spindles.The first phase of the project is already complete,with 100 thousand spindles in operation.At full capacity,the factory will produce up to 26,000 tons yarns and 30 million meters of gray fabrics annually,and create 3500 jobs.


Trade cooperation


China is a leading trading partner to Ethiopia.It accounts for over 18% of total imports.Imported items include machinery&equipment,electronics,textile &apparel,pharmaceuticals,construction materials,chemicals,and other processed products.China is also emerging as the main export destination for some of the key export commodities out of Ethiopia,mainly coffee,sesame,and soybean.However,exports to China are still at around 8% of total exports and Ethiopia currently has a wide trade imbalance with China.


Investment cooperation


FDI Inflows from China


图2:全球vs 中国对埃塞俄比亚的投资量,2007—2018 (ETB,000)Figure 2:Total vs Chinese FDI inflows into Ethiopia,2007 -2018 (ETB,000)

China has emerged as a major FDI sourcing destination for Ethiopia.Ethiopia is an increasingly favored investment destination for China as well,representing more than 21% of Chinese FDI flows into Africa over the period from 2010 -2017.In 2017,the number of Chinese investment projects accounted for half of the total FDI projects in the country.In the following two years,i.e.,2018 and 2019,the percentage of Chinese investment projects to total FDI projects climbed to 60%,making China the single largest source of FDI into Ethiopia.Both in volume of investment and number of projects,Chinese FDI inflow has averaged at around 27% of total FDI inflows to Ethiopia over the last five years.

中国对埃塞俄比亚的投资迅速增长,并且覆盖了多个行业。如前所述,最初的投资主要进入建筑和能源领域,主要是由国企主导。然而最近10年,中国对埃投资转移至制造业。目前超过1000家中国企业在埃塞俄比亚运营,创造了数以万计的就业岗位,改善了进出口表现。目前制造业项目占中国对埃总投资的79%,而建筑领域相关投资仅为10%左右。目前在埃塞俄比亚经商的企业中,超过90% 为民营企业。

China has rapidly increased its investment scale in Ethiopia,going into more diversified sectors.As mentioned above,the initial wave of investment went into construction and energy sectors and it was mainly state led.Chinese investments over the past decade however,have primarily focused on manufacturing activities.Currently there are over 1000 Chinese enterprises operating in Ethiopia,creating thousands of job opportunities,and boosting export performance .Manufacturing projects account for about 79%of total FDI inflows from China,in contrast to investments into the construction sector which stands at approximately 10%. And the overwhelming majority (more than 90%) of Chinese enterprises operating in Ethiopia,are privately owned.


With the introduction of a brand-new investment proclamation this year,and unprecedented number of other reforms introduced in the trade and investment space,the Ethiopian government is hard at work in making the business environment more friendly to local and foreign private sector businesses.This,coupled with the opening up of sectors previously closed for foreign direct investment,will greatly enhance FDI inflows overall,including from our major investment partner -China.


Cooperation agreements to promote FDI


The Ethiopian Investment Commission has signed various framework agreements (Memorandum of Understandings) with various organs of the Chinese government and private sector associations in China.Some examples are:


MoUs with China Council for Promotion of Investment and Trade(CCPIT):EIC has signed a number of MoUs with the central and provincial level CCPIT officials,for cooperation in investment promotion and facilitation activities.EIC is also hosting in its premises a project known as Partnership for Investment and Growth in Africa (PIGA),in which the CCPIT is one of the implementing partners.


MoU with China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC):This MoU was signed in 2016 to cooperate with CNTAC to promote Chinese investment into textile and apparel sector of Ethiopia.


MoU with Guangdong Provincial Government:This MoU was signed in 2017 with Gungdong provincial government to facilitate and support investment from the province,mainly in building materials,footwear,leather products,and furniture.

