At Dawn, to the Garden


疯狂英语·新悦读 2020年3期

Ghazal 295 is written by Hafez ( 1315/1317—1389/1390) , who was born in Shiraz, Persia (Iran).Themes of his ghazals are the beloved, faith, and exposing so-called kindness. Hafez once saw a woman of great beauty, to whom some of his poems are addressed. Fascinated by her beauty, but knowing that his love for her would be in vain, he strongly held his first mystic desire in poetry to realize this union,just like that of Dante and Beatrice.

No fourteenth century Persian poet could write a lyrical poem without having a flavor of mysticism. Hafez sang such a rare and balanced combination of human and mystic love that it is impossible to separate one from the other. Hafez often took advantage of the lack,which was mentioned earlier,of distinction between lyrical, mystical and panegyric (颂词) writing by using highly smart, elaborate metaphors (隐喻) and images so as to suggest multiple possible meanings. Nightingales and roses are two of his best symbols frequently appearing in many of his poems. Ghazal 295 is a good illustration to all the aforementioned. Sufi poetry often pairs the rose with the nightingale. The nightingale prowls (悄然潜行) the garden at night singing its mournful song, lost in its love for the rose. The nightingale is the lover, the seeker and the Sufi.The rose is the beloved and God. Roses' beauty comes from the nightingales' blood. Sorrow and sacrifice are equally worthy of praising. In addition, the nightingale evokes the traditional setting of human love. “The nightingale knows the full worth of the rose,” sings Hafez. In this poem, he composed well-balanced lines to create the simplicity in form, and leave its idea for people's imagination.


这是哈菲兹(1315/1317—1389/1390)的第295首格扎尔(一种诗歌)。哈菲兹出生于波斯设拉子(今天的伊朗地区)。他的格扎尔主题广泛,涉及挚爱、信仰,揭露伪善。哈菲兹曾遇到一个美若天仙的女子,而他的很多诗都是写给她的。 痴迷于她的美丽,却又深知这样的爱不会有结果,因此他总是寄希望于在诗中实现两人的结合。这就好比西方的诗人但丁和他的比阿特丽斯。

所有14世纪的波斯诗人在创作抒情诗时,都一定会带有神秘主义的特征。哈菲兹难能可贵地把人与神秘之爱如此完美工整地融合在一起,以致浑然天成。 他常常会善用这种融抒情、神秘和颂词文风为一体的创作模式,通过使用高度智慧和精美构思的暗喻及意象,来表现多重意义。 夜莺和玫瑰是他众多意象中的最佳代表,经常出现在他的诗作中。 第295首格扎尔就是对此最好的例证。 苏菲派诗歌常常会让夜莺和玫瑰成对出现。夜莺夜游花园,高唱着忧伤的歌曲,消融在对玫瑰的挚爱之中。夜莺就是爱人者、追寻者、苏非派信徒,而玫瑰就是被爱者和神。 玫瑰之美源自夜莺的鲜血。悲伤和牺牲同样都值得歌颂。此外,夜莺常令人想起人类之爱的惯有处境。哈菲兹自己就说:“没有谁比夜莺更加了解玫瑰的意义。 ”在这首诗中,诗人用对仗工整的对句,营造了形式上的极简之风,也让读者的想象力更多地放在诗歌的表达上。


第五章 新灯换旧灯
Chapter 5 New lamps for the old