Michael Jackson fans come together to“Heal the World”


疯狂英语·新读写 2020年6期

“There are so many things in the world today that are tragic and unexplainable.The most current is coronavirus that has taken many lives.But this is just not a problem for China.This is a problem for the entire world.This is why we all need to come together as one because every life that's lost is a loved one no matter where they fall in the world.But if we come together as one, we can fight this horrible virus, harness it and stop it from spreading,” said singer Jermaine Jackson, brother of the late pop idol Michael Jackson, at the beginning of a new music video forHeal the World.

The music video released Friday, dedicated to people everywhere who are fighting against the COVID-19 outbreak, was a collective effort by Michael Jackson fans around the globe.Launched by the Michael Jackson Chinese Fanclub, more than 100 fans, including a score of fans from countries like the US, Spain, Brazil, Russia and India sang in the video.

Hundreds of fans applied to join the performance ofHeal the World.One-by-one online auditions and back-and-forth communications with the selected singers took up a lot of time.Most of the fans who did participate were amateurs who didn't have access to studios or professional recording equipment, as such post-production turned out to be an even greater challenge since the production team received audio tracks of various quality.The purpose of the campaign is to sing for the world.

“We know Michael Jackson would always reach out his hand to help during any difficult time and crisis.He was not just an entertainer, but also an artist with a big heart, a humanitarian.So we decided to carry on his legacy and organize an online mass singing performance—a cover of his most-loved anthemHeal the World,” said Zhang Rui, the president of the Michael Jackson Chinese Fanclub.“Now it's really time for us to ‘Heal the World’.I feel sadder and more worried day by day.I believe it is very significant for this project to come out at this time since it can send a message of unity and love to the whole world.Rather than merely considering music as a means of entertainment, we hope the images and the music in the video can wake up the kindness, nobility and desire to take action in people's hearts.Especially during such a difficult time, music should be a universal language,” said Zhang.