

厦门航空 2020年12期



To give

舍 041

To give, not necessarily to give “things”, starts from giving something though.To give, not necessarily to take something, goes for “taking” something eventually.To give something unimportant is not “to give”.For the most precious “taking”, it is never to be given out.“To give and take” is definitely a great wisdom.Two opposing sides of Yin and Yang for one object contain unfathomable virtual and real facts.“Being” is complex and pluralistic.“To give ” is only a one-way strategy of human beings.


Ode to the Great Wall

长城赋 065

The Great Wall, the walking history and the stretching culture.It is like a dragon, flying over the towering mountains, across the vast expanse of grasslands and deserts, towards the immensity of the sea.Passing through the clouds of history piled on top of each other, the present scene makes people reminiscing the past scene.The ancient towns, relics or places of interest along the Great Wall provide rich cultural interpretations to people.Above the Great Wall is sky with hundreds of billions of stars, under the sky is our eternal belief and hope.


What if life lies to Pushkin

In poetic novel “Eugene Onegin”, Pushkin once wrote such a footnote with great interest, “Those who deserve to be remembered are quickly erased from people’s memory because of the lack of historical biographies”.Apparently, that's not a sentence he uses to describe himself.To this day, he remains "A man deserves to be remembered".

假如生活欺骗了普希金 034


Nothing more beautiful than Chinese style

Artistic conception is the harmonious and unity of form and spirit, virtual and real, motion and repose, existence and non-existence.It is also the clever combination of ideal and reality.Chinese is particular about "artistic conception"of tasteful objects on the forms and conceptions, seeking for their true nature and personality.

最美不过中国风 060


Remembered by mountains and river

Mountain is the body and water is the blood.If the mountains are the backbone of a region, the rivers are its blood vessels.Tianzhu Mountain, with its great magnificent and spectacular disposition, is witnessing all glories and the dreams of Qianshan County.Qianshui River, originating from the depth of Dabie Mountains, is flowing day and night,nourishing the people and creatures of Qianshan.It is carrying us from yesterday to tomorrow and from past to the future.

山河都记得 086


大爱无疆 闽医有情
Crying baby mammals all sound the same to Mama