Module 6 Animals in Danger


时代英语·高二 2020年6期



protect   vt.   保护

skin   vt.   剥皮;去皮

lay   vt.   产卵;下蛋

waste   vt.   浪费

monitor   vt.   监测

reserve   n.   保护区;保护圈

struggle   n.   挣扎;斗争

wildlife   n.   野生生物

battle   n.   战斗

spot   n.   (某事发生的)准确地点;现场

condition   n.   (-s)环境;情况

dealer   n.   (尤指买卖贵重商品的)商人

aim    n.   目标;目的

wonder   n.   奇迹

insect   n.   昆虫

whale   n.   鲸

initial   n.   首字母

branch   n.   分支机构;办事处

continent   n.   大陆;洲

focus   n.   焦点;集中点

energy   n.   能源

worth   adj.   值……钱

live   adj.   活的

meanwhile   adv.   同时


be concerned about sth   关心某事;担心某事

feed on   (动物)以……为食

stand for   代表

set up   建立;设立

in danger   处于危险中

give ones life for   为……而献身

sell for   卖(多少钱);以……的价钱出售

come into fashion   流行,开始风行

get tough with   对……强硬起来

be home to   是……的家园;为……的所在地

keep an eye on   照看,注意

thanks to   幸亏;由于

look for   寻找;期待

at a time   每次,逐一,依次

on the spot   当场;在现场

be ready for   为……做好准备

on the brink of   濒于,濒临;处于……边缘


endanger   vt.   使……处于险境;危及

ideal   adj.   理想的


1. struggle   n.   挣扎,努力;斗争

vi.   挣扎,努力;斗争

She will not give up her children without a struggle.


They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy.


(1)struggle (with sb) for/against... 为……而进行的斗争/为反对……而进行的斗争

This flame meant “a struggle for victory”.


They joined the struggle against him.


(2)struggle (with sb) to do sth  为做某事而(与某人)做斗争

He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company.


(3)struggle between... and...   在……与……之间斗争

This is the struggle between good and evil.


(4)struggle for...   为……努力

The old man struggled for breath.


(5)struggle against/with...   与……做斗争

She struggled against cancer for two years.


Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police.


(6)struggle along/on   在困难中坚持;勉力维持

The business struggled along for some time.


Life is hard but we all have to struggle on.


2. protect   vt.   保护,防护

Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests.


(1)protect... against   使……免受

Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack.


(2)protect... from   使……免受

They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.


protection   n.   保护,防卫

protector   n.   保护人(或组织、装置等)

protective   adj.   保护的,防护的

3. worth   adj.   值……钱,有……价值;值得,有价值

How much is this painting worth?


The museum is certainly worth a visit.


This idea is well worth considering.


worthless   adj.   无价值的,没用的

worthy   adj.   值得(或应得)……的

4. skin   vt.   剥皮,去皮;擦破皮肤

n.   皮,皮肤

Youll need four ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped.


He skinned his knees climbing down the tree.


The snake sheds its skin once a year.


(1)get under sbs skin   惹某人生气/恼火

Dont let him get under your skin.


(2)skin and bone   瘦得皮包骨,瘦骨嶙峋

The poor child was just skin and bone.


5. condition   n.   环境,情况;状况,状态;条件



Economic conditions are very bad.


He bought a used car in perfect condition.


Trust and respect are conditions of a happy marriage.


(1)on condition that   以……为条件,只要

They agreed to lend us the car on condition that we returned it before the weekend.


(2)on no condition   无论如何都不,决不

You must on no condition tell them what happened.


6. aim    n.   目标,目的;瞄准

vi.   目的是;瞄准

Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe.


His aim was good and he hit the lion with his first shot.


We aim at doubling our production.


I was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake.


be aimed at   目标是,目的是;针对

These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.


The book is aimed at very young children.


7. live   adj.   活的;(广播)现场直播的;(表演)


adv.   在现场直播,在现场表演(或录制)

vi. & vt.   活着;生活,过日子;住,居住

We saw a real live rattlesnake!


The club has live music most nights.


The show is going out live.


live on sth   以食……为生;靠(……钱)生活

Small birds live mainly on insects.


You cant live on forty pounds a week.


8. lay   vt.   产卵,下蛋;放置,安放

The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds nests.


She laid the baby down gently on the bed.


(1)lay aside   把……放在一边;储蓄

He laid aside his book and stood up.


They had laid money aside for their old age.


(2)lay hands on sth   得到,抓到

He keeps everything he can lay hands on.


(3)lay ones hands on   伤害;对……动武

If you lay your hands on me like that again, Ill do you some harm.


9. waste   vt.   浪费;白费

n.   浪费;白费

You are wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor.


It seems such a waste to throw good food away.


(1)waste sth on sth   浪费某物于某物上

Why waste money on clothes you dont need?


(2)waste sth on sb   白费某物于某人身上

Dont waste your sympathy on him—he got what he deserved.


(3)waste time (in) doing sth   做某事浪费时间

Youre wasting your time trying to explain it to him.


10. feed on  (动物)以……为食

Butterflies feed on the flowers of garden plants.


Cows feed on grass.


feed... on/with sth  为……提供食物

feed sth to...  给……喂食

11. set up   建立;设立

The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city.


A fund will be set up for the dead mens families.


set about sth/doing sth   开始做,着手做

set off   出发,动身,启程

set sth aside   把……放到一旁;省出,留出

set sth back   耽擱或阻碍某事物的进展

set sth down   写下,记下,登记;制定,规定(规


set sth off   使(炸弹等)爆炸;使(警报)响起

Weather Forecast

A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, “Tomorrow rain.” The next day it rained.

A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, “Tomorrow storm.” The next day there was a hailstorm. “This Indian is incredible,” said the director. He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather.

However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didnt show up for two weeks.

Finally the director sent for him. “I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow,” said the director, “and Im depending on you. What will the weather be like?”

The Indian shrugged his shoulders. “Dont know,” he said. “Radio is broken.”



Four Wild Animal Species Were Endangered

Maybe you can still see them at the zoo. But that doesnt mean theyre doing alright in the wild.


All six tiger species are endangered, with Sumatran tigers and South China tigers at a seriously endangered status. The main reasons for their population decline are illegal hunting and disturbed habitats, as humans clear forests to gather timber (木材) and build roadways. Only about 3,890 tigers presently live in the wild.

Ground squirrels

Thats right, even squirrels are endangered, specifically the San Joaquin ground squirrel. Native to California, USA, these guys have been disappearing since 1979 on account of the construction and human development going through their habitat. Their total population is unknown, but it could be anywhere between 124,000 and 413,000.


The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently put giraffes at a vulnerable (脆弱的) status, the level just before endangered. The giraffe population has declined 40 percent in the last 30 years, primarily due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting. Some giraffes are killed just for their tails, which are considered status symbols in Africa.

Asian elephants

The main threat to Asian elephants, one of the most intelligent animals, is their shrinking habitat. As the human population grows, people invade their land to build roads and railway tracks. Elephants in Myanmar are at an especially high risk for being captured and traded or used illegally in the tourist industry. Fewer than 50,000 are left on the entire continent.

1. Which word can best replace the underlined word “doing” in Paragraph 1?

A. Living. B. Playing.

C. Acting. D. Growing.

2. What kind of animals is considered one of the most intelligent animals?

A. Tigers. B. Giraffes.

C. Ground squirrels. D. Asian elephants.

3. What is the common threat to the four wild animals?

A. Illegal hunting.

B. Developing tourism.

C. Habitats being destroyed.

D. Unnecessary construction.


Clover, a three-year-old spirit bear, lives at the BC Wildlife Park near Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. He lost his parents two years ago and was raised at a wildlife center. When he was set free into the wild, he broke into human camps looking for food. Wildlife experts tried to get him used to living on his own, but he continued to look for places where there were people. Finally the experts decided that he could not live in the wild. Since then, a total of $750,000 has been collected to create a habitat for Clover.

The habitat covers about three acres (英畝) of land and includes natural forest, two ponds connected by a small river and something else. It will add a platform and a walkway later this year so that people can see Clover and his habitat more closely. There will also be a center where people can learn more about spirit bears. Besides, a black bear will be moved into the habitat so Clover will not feel lonely.

Spirit bears are also called Kermode bears after Francis Kermode, who first studied them. Kermode discovered that a small number of black bears carry a gene (基因) for white fur. If a baby bear receives one of these genes from each parent, its fur will be a creamy white color. There are about 1,200 bears who carry the gene for white fur, but only about 200 white Kermode bears in the world. Kermode bears are found only in British Columbia. They live in the Great Bear Rainforest, an area that covers the mainland and islands along the coast of BC between Vancouver and Alaska.

4. What can we learn about Clover from Paragraph 1?

A. It lost his parents at the age of 3.

B. It was not afraid of humans.

C. It could not find any food.

D. It grew up in the wild.

5. We can learn that the habitat built for Clover will ___ .

A. be open to visitors

B. prepare him for life in the wild

C. become a center for spirit bears

D. also be the habitat for black bears

6. What will Clovers future life be like?

A. Busy. B. Easy. C. Hard. D. Lonely.

7. What can we learn about spirit bears according to Francis Kermode?

A. Theyre bigger than black bears.

B. Theyre mainly found in BC

C. Theyre born to white bears.

D. Theyre very unusual.


Whether in the home or the workplace, social robots are going to become a lot more common in the next few years. Social robots are about to bring technology to the everyday world in a more humanized way, said Cynthia Breazeal, chief scientist at the robot company Jibo.

While household robots today do the normal housework, social robots will be much more like companions than mere tools. For example, these robots will be able to distinguish when someone is happy or sad. This allows them to respond  more appropriately to the user.

The Jibo robot, arranged to ship later this year, is designed to be a personalized assistant. You can talk to the robot, ask it questions, and make requests for it to perform different tasks. The robot doesnt just deliver general answers to questions; it responds based on what it learns about each individual in the household. It can do things such as reminding an elderly family member to take medicine or taking family photos.

Social robots are not just finding their way into the home. They have potential applications in everything from education to health care and are already finding their way into some of these spaces.

Fellow Robots is one company bringing social robots to the market. The companys “Oshbot” robot is built to assist customers in a store, which can help the customers find items and help guide them to the products location in the store. It can also speak different languages and make recommendations for different items based on what the customer is shopping for.

The more interaction the robot has with humans, the more it learns. But Oshbot, like other social robots, is not intended to replace workers, but to work alongside other employees. “We have technologies to train social robots to do things not for us, but with us,” said Breazeal.

8. How are social robots different from household robots?

A. They are more like humans.

B. They can control their feelings.

C. They do the normal housework.

D. They respond to users more slowly.

9. What can a Jibo robot do according to Paragraph 3?

A. Answer your questions and make requests.

B. Take your family pictures and deliver milk.

C. Communicate with you and perform operations.

D. Follow your orders and remind you to take medicine.

10. What can Oshbot work as?

A. A language teacher. B. A tour guide.

C. A shop assistant. D. A private nurse.

11. We can learn from the last paragraph that social robots may  ___ .

A. train employees B. be our workmates

C. improve technologies D. take the place of workers


When a dog looks at you with big puppy-dog eyes, its hard for you to go away, and you may speak out “Awww” without hesitation. The same thing happens to dogs when people look back at them. Scientists believe this helps people and their four-legged friends bond, or feel connected. Scientists have wondered what causes dogs to lovingly stare at their owners. To find out, a team of researchers from Azabu University in Japan studied 30 owners and their dogs.

The researchers found that after the pets and their owners spent half an hour together, both showed a rise in oxytocin

(催產素). One key role of this hormone in many animals is to promote bonding, like that between a mother and newborn. The increase of oxytocin didnt happen, though, when scientists repeated the experiment with wolves and the humans who had raised them.

A second experiment also found that if dogs were given oxytocin, they looked at their owners longer. Scientists arent sure exactly why, but this reaction occurred only with female dogs. Their owners oxytocin levels also rose as a result.

The result of these experiments might help answer an age-old question: How did the fearsome wolf ancestor of modern dogs turn into mans best friend? Takefumi Kikusui, an animal scientist who worked on the study, thinks that the change happened when dogs first became domestic (驯养的).

According to Kikusui, there may have been a small group of wild dogs that were naturally friendlier. “Humans are very sensitive to eye contact. By using this special communication tool, the dogs are able to win over our hearts. If they are more likely to make eye contact, it would be easier for them to bond with dog owners,” Kikusui said.

12. According to the text, people speak out “Awww” to ___ .

A. make the dog stare at them

B. express their love for the dog

C. draw the dogs attention away

D. warn the dog not to approach them

13. From the text we can learn oxytocin can ___ .

A. encourage animals to protect others

B. reduce animals pain of giving birth

C. help animals develop a better relationship

D. enable animals to survive more easily from dangers

14. What do the underlined words “the change” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Wolves and dogs are best friends.

B. Dogs became friends with humans.

C. Wolves begin to bond with humans.

D. Dogs were domesticated by humans.

15. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?

A. To call on humans to be friendly to dogs.

B. To give advice on how to get along with dogs.

C. To introduce the evolution process of wild dogs.

D. To explain why humans and dogs are connected.

Tests and exams assess not only your subject knowledge, but also your ability to use the appointed time wisely.


●  This will allow you to spend more time on the higher point questions than the lower ones, which can provide a big increase for your final grade.

● Move on when youve used up the time for a question. Sometimes it is hard to do it, especially if you are a perfectionist.  Otherwise, you may find at the end that a large number of questions are still unanswered.


● Dont allow yourself to get stuck on a question. You come across a question that you have no idea how to answer. Instead of moving on, you decide to sit there for 20 or 30 minutes thinking over it.  However, setting a time limit for questions and sticking to that time limit can help you avoid this problem.

●  When youre taking a test, focus on the big picture. Your main goal is to answer all of the questions in the best way. Dont spend amounts of time proofreading (校對) your work. It is the task that is best completed at the end if you have time left.

A. Focus on higher point questions.

B. Get answers to the questions youve found.

C. However, you must force yourself to move on.

D. Dont spend too much time on the little things.

E. The following can help you make the most of your time.

F. Many students feel stressed when taking an examination.

G. If youve done this before, youve actually made a mistake.

1.                2.                3.                4.                5.

When I was younger, I was very sporty. My dad is a runner who greatly  me. My great hobby between the ages 11 and 14 was cross-country . However, when my family , my new school didnt pay attention to , and had no after-school activities like football or running.

Over the next few years, I  exercising except during PE lessons at school. I was  that I could eat what I wanted and didnt put on any weight, so it looked like I was healthy, but in reality I was very .

When I started university, I decided that I would try and get fit, but by then I was worried about  myself in front of other people. However, this year, one of my New Years  has been to try and get in shape. This  came after I was late for a bus, tried to run after it and was very out of  in under a minute! I considered  running again, yet my housemate  to practice yoga, so my New Years resolve was delayed (推遲).

Finally, one of my friends  a swimming pool close to my house that she had gone to a few times. Now, I love swimming, and I find doing laps (一圈) in the pool very  . Experts say everyone should do 30 minutes of  exercise every day, so Im starting with an hour three times a week and   up every day. I hope that I will soon start to feel the  of regular exercise, and will become fitter and . In the long term, I know it will be very good for me and will  all sorts of health problems that often occur in later life.

1. A. understood B. touched C. surprised D. influenced

2. A. cycling B. swimming C. running D. hiking

3. A. met B. moved C. worked D. traveled

4. A. sports B. lessons C. games D. rules

5. A. considered B. imagined C. finished D. stopped

6. A. obvious B. rich C. lucky D. nervous

7. A. unusual B. unfit C. unhappy D. uncomfortable

8. A. helping B. introducing C. embarrassing D. teaching

9. A. choices B. promises C. changes D. memories

10. A. decision B. advice C. method D. reason

11. A. control B. order C. date D. breath

12. A. keeping on B. putting off C. taking up D. turning out

13. A. tried B. agreed C. needed D. pretended

14. A. saw B. preferred C. explained D. suggested

15. A. relaxing B. amusing C. boring D. annoying

16. A. possible B. formal C. proper D. similar

17. A. getting B. building C. picking D. making

18. A. actions B. hobbies C. effects D. benefits

19. A. quicker B. stronger C. higher D. braver

20. A. prevent B. protect C. treat D. show


1. Although be young, he is able to cook a delicious meal by himself. ____

2. Tom had a single purpose, that is to make much money in whatever way as soon as possible. ____

3. The number of people whom are invited to attend the meeting has risen to 400. ____

4. No waste! All these used books can sell of much money.


5. This is the hotel I talked about with you which I ever stayed.


1. 他为了救一群小学生而献身,所以他将被永远铭记。(give ones life)

2. 当我到达车站的时候,火车已经开走了。(arrive at/in)

3. 在工厂,任何破坏规矩的人都会被要求当场离开。(break the rule)

4. 许多动植物处于危险之中,我们应当采取措施去拯救处于险境的动植物。(in danger)

5. 我真后悔学生时期在玩电脑游戏上浪费了如此多的时间。(regret)



Opera at Music Hall: 1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone: 241-2742.

Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 723-1182 for more information.

Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381-3300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend.

College Conservatory of Music (CCM): Performances are on the main campus of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet, CCMs Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with ID card can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556-4183.

Riverbend Music Theater: 6295 Kellogg Ave. Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (price difference). Big name shows all summer long! Phone: 232-6220.

1. Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?

A. 241-2742. B. 723-1182.

C. 381-3300. D. 232-6220.

2. Where can students go for free performances with their ID cards?

A. Music Hall. B. Memorial Hall.

C. Patricia Cobbett Theater. D. Riverbend Music Theater.

3. How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places?

A. It has seats in the open air.

B. It gives shows all year round.

C. It offers membership discounts.

D. It presents famous musical works.


A clever cat has been treated as a hero after he prevented his owners house from burning down—by opening a window. Five-year-?old Pepper has learned to open windows and let himself out every night by jumping onto a kitchen worktop and using his paws to turn the latch (門闩). So when a fire broke out while his owners were doing Christmas shopping, the quick-thinking cat jumped into action and opened the window to allow the smoke to escape. The cloud of ash alerted neighbors and firefighters rushed to the scene and extinguished (扑灭) the fire before it spread to the rest of the house.

Owner Sharon White Devon said, “He first did it (opened the window) at a dinner party and everyone was applauding him. I think it encouraged him. He can climb back through the window by jumping onto the ledge as well so he really does come and go as he pleases. Pepper is still a bit scared by the terrible experience but is still managing to eat plenty of food.” Sharon and husband Phil Devon got Pepper over four years ago after a neighbor could no longer look after him. Over the last few months, Pepper has learnt to let himself out through the downstairs window by turning the metal lever 90 degrees with his paws.

The dramatic fire started at 4 pm on Saturday after the couple left to the shops and left their microwave on a ten minute timer, which then caught fire.

Sharon said, “We are thankful our neighbors did not just dismiss the smoke as a bonfire. Pepper has got a real mind of his own. On this occasion were grateful as without him and our neighbors, the fire could have been so much worse.”

4. How did Pepper help avoid the danger of the fire?

A. By ringing a neighbors bell.

B. By running into a neighbors room.

C. By standing in the way of some firefighters.

D. By opening the window and letting out smoke.

5. Pepper first opened the window .

A. She was a careless driver.

B. She ran into a pickup truck.

C. She drove her twins to school.

D. She made a sharp turn to avoid the truck.

9. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?

A. Stress the coming of good fortune.

B. Add some background information.

C. Describe the cars dangerous situation.

D. Explain why people came to the rescue.

10. What is the most critical in the rescue process?

A. Balance. B. Cooperation. C. Calmness. D. Gravity.

11. What can be the best title for the text?

A. No Cross, No Crown

B. One in Trouble, All to Help

C. Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way

D. When Everybody Adds Fuel, the Flames Rise High


Given that many peoples moods are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate, it was probably only a matter of time before somebody made the chocolate shop similar to a drugstore of Chinese medicine. Looking like a setting from the film Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Singapores Chocolate Research Facility (CRF) has over 100 varieties of chocolates. Its founder is Chris Lee who grew up at his parents corner store with one hand almost always in the jar of sweets.

If the CRF seems to be a smart idea, thats because Lee is not merely a seasoned salesperson but also head of a marketing department that has business relations with big names such as Levis and Sony. That idea surely results in the imagination at work when it comes to making different flavored (味道) chocolates.

The CRFs produce is “green”, made within the country and divided into 10 lines, with the Alcohol Series being the most popular. The Exotic Series—with Sichuan pepper, red bean, cheese and other flavors—also does well and is fun to taste. And for chocolate snobs, who think that they have a better knowledge of chocolate than others, the Connoisseur Series uses cocoa beans from Togo, Cuba, Venezuela, and Ghana, among others.

12. What is the good of chocolate?

A. It serves as a suitable gift.

B. It strengthens business relations.

C. It works as an effective medicine.

D. It helps improve the state of mind.

13. Why is Chris Lee able to develop his idea of the CRF?

A. He has a lot of marketing experience.

B. He knows the importance of research.

C. He learns from shops of similar types.

D. He has the support of many big names.

14. Which line of the CRF produce sells best?

A. The Alcohol Series. B. The Exotic Series.

C. The Sichuan Series. D. The Connoisseur Series.

15. The words “chocolate snobs” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to people who ___ .

A. like to try new flavors

B. look down upon others

C. are particular about chocolate

D. know little about cocoa beans

I ran across an old photo of him—my pet dog—one day, thinking of some old things. Hes been  for 25 years. His name was Rex.

Swimming was his favorite hobby. He had so much  in the water as any person I have known. You didnt have to throw a stick in the  to get him to go in. Of course, he would bring back a  to you if you did throw one in.

That reminds me of that night, when he  back a small box that he found somewhere—how  nobody ever knew. Since it was Rex, it could easily have been half a mile. The box wasnt a  one. It was just a worthless old piece that somebody . Still it was something he , probably because there was some  in transportation. And he thought it could test his courage. We first knew about his  when, deep in the night, we  him trying to get the box up onto the porch (門厅). It sounded as if two or three people were trying to tear the house down. We  downstairs and turned on the  light. Rex was on the top step trying to pull the thing up, but it had  somehow. And he was just holding his own. I  he would have held his own  dawn (黎明) if we hadnt helped him. The next day we carried the box miles away and threw it out. If we had thrown it out in a  place, he would have brought it home again, as a small symbol of his strength in such matters. , he had been taught to carry heavy wooden objects about and he was  of his skill.

1. A. ill B. dead C. retired D. lost

2. A. fun B. trouble C. danger D. sadness

3. A. way B. course C. water D. sport

4. A. bag B. box C. stick D. fish

5. A. brought B. moved C. sent D. held

6. A. old B. expensive C. easy D. far

7. A. good B. heavy C. necessary D. small

8. A. abandoned B. shared C. used D. hid

9. A. made B. wanted C. found D. carried

10. A. secret B. hope C. difficulty D. risk

11. A. achievement B. idea C. discovery D. interest

12. A. saw B. heard C. imagined D. kept

13. A. met B. fought C. waited D. came

14. A. hall B. kitchen C. bedroom D. porch

15. A. fallen B. stopped C. caught D. broken

16. A. believed B. suggested C. ordered D. supposed

17. A. at B. before C. till D. during

18. A. distant B. nearby C. silent D. busy

19. A. In all B. As a result C. At last D. After all

20. A. proud B. tired C. ashamed D. doubtful

My grandfather is a1(retire) worker. On summer evenings, we often sat together outside the house2(enjoy) the cool air. It was the time that he told me lots of his experiences before liberation.

When my grandfather was 14 years old, he worked in a coal mine. One day, when he, together with his two workmates,3(be) working in the tunnel (隧道), an unfortunate thing suddenly happened. A part of the tunnel fell down, and they were shut in it. They had no food4(eat). When they were hungry, they only drank some water there. It was very cold in it. In order to keep warm, they hugged one another. In the darkness, they didnt know whether it was day or night, they only felt they5(stay) there for a very long time. They were too 6(hunger) to speak or move, and thought they would die. At last, the tunnel7(dig) through. They were saved. They had been there for 14 days! My grandfather said they werent let out at once. If

8 , they would have died. They were kept at the entrance to the tunnel9it was very dim, and they were fed10some thin porridge. After a day or two, they had recovered a bit, and they were helped out.

1.                2.                3.                4.                5.

6.                7.                8.                9.                10.

Having a dream is great importance. Your dreams are ordinary and realistic. I hope I will be admitted by a top  university and become a good doctor after I will graduate from university. I hoped one day I can find a cure for cancer. I hope those whom love me and those whom I love will be healthy and live happy every day. To realize my dreams, I will take more exercises to build up my body. I will try my best to devote more time and energy to study my lessons. I must work hard at my lessons and be fully preparing for the entrance exam.


protect spot aim endanger worth

condition struggle battle meanwhile  skin

1. He ____ our lives by setting fire to our house.

2. I am sorry to hear that he died in a ____ which was fought for the independence in 1990.

3. These years she ____ to bring up a family alone and living a hard life.

4. The countrys car industry is so strongly ____ that foreign cars are rarely seen there.

5. They stayed at several of the islands top tourist ____  .

6. This experience of scientific planting is ____ popularizing.

7. I couldnt bear that the hunter ____ the deer to make much money.

8. I shall give you the dictionary on ____ that you return it no later than tomorrow.

9. Mother went shopping; ____ I cleaned my room at home.

10. I wonder what the ____ of the remark which was given on my paper was.

1. 护照被偷的那位游客现在正在去日本的途中。(on ones way to)

2. 躺在地上的男孩撒谎说那只母鸡一个蛋也没有下。(lie;lay)

3. 用来商讨重要事项的会议室比我们的办公室大三倍。(be used for;issue)

4. 不管我小时候住的房子未来会变成什么样子,它永远是我的家。(no matter...)

5. 我们应该做所有我们能做的事去拯救这些濒临灭绝的动物们。(in danger of )



Welcome to Marksdale State Park

Where fun, fitness, and education come together.

Dont miss our new summer classes available during May 23—August 5!

Swimming lessons: Ages 4—adult. Cost: $5 per class or $15 for one month.

Hiking: Have a state park keeper hike through our paths with you and teach you about the parks wildlife and plants.

Soccer: Our youth soccer program is unusual in that it is non-competitive. Different teams are formed every day. The focus is on each player learning to work as a team, not on one team winning it all.

Boating: These classes are only for 20-year-olds and above. Fishing is only allowed with a permit.

Bicycling: We have special paths built for bicyclists. Signs are posted for self-guided tours of our park. Group cycling is also available with a park guide. Paths range from easy to challenging.

A message from the director:

Hiking paths! Sport fields! Playgrounds! Campgrounds! Fun activities! Located on McQueeney, Marksdale State Park offers something for everyone. We have a number of plants and animals, which are in danger of dying out, being protected in our park. Sign up for one of our new summer community classes, or take a camping trip with your friends or family!

Glen Harwood, Park Director

1. How much should you pay to learn to swim from June 1st to July 31st?

A. $5. B. $15. C. $25. D. $30.

2. What activity is only for adults?

A. Swimming. B. Boating. C. Hiking. D. Bicycling.

3. What can we learn about Marksdale State Park?

A. Many endangered plants can be found there.

B. Special paths will soon be built for bicyclists.

C. It is a park full of fun activities and sea animals.

D. The youth soccer program focuses on how to win.


Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.

He reported the case to the police and then sat there, lost and lonely in a strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.

Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husbands name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can (垃圾桶) that had been left out on the footpath.

My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.

That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.

4. What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?

A. Go shopping. B. Find a house.

C. Join his family. D. Take a vacation.

5. The girls parents got Rashids phone number from ___ .

A. a friend of his family B. a Sydney policeman

C. a letter in his papers D. a stranger in Sydney

6. What is the authors attitude towards the family?

A. Doubtful. B. Negative. C. Positive. D. Grateful.

7. What should be the best title for the text?

A. From India to Australia B. Living in a New Country

C. Turning Trash to Treasure D. In Search of New Friends


So long as teachers fail to distinguish (区别) between teaching and learning, they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists (堅持) that “reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible”.

Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to design the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also public activity. It can be seen and observed.

Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public scrutiny.

If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable, what then can be done through teaching that will aid the child in the search for knowledge? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions: “Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children. ”

When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher and learner finish them appropriately, then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated (消除). Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of leaning to read by reading.

8. What is the problem with the reading course mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A. Students spend endless hours in reading.

B. It is one of the most difficult school courses.

C. Reading tasks are assigned with little guidance.

D. Too much time is spent in teaching about reading.

9. The teaching of reading will be successful if teachers can ___ .

A. make their teaching activities observable

B. design the most efficient system for reading

C. improve conditions at school for the students

D. make students develop their own way of reading

10. Learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when ___ .

A. children become highly motivated

B. reading enriches childrens experience

C. teacher and learner roles are interchangeable

D. teaching helps children in the search for knowledge

11. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. Teachers should do something instructive in helping

students  learn to read.

B. Teachers should encourage students to read as widely as


C. Reading ability is something earned rather than taught.

D. Reading is more complex that generally believed.


Sleep is as mysterious as it is important for our health. Two recently published studies come up with an interesting explanation: We sleep to forget some of the things we learn during the day.

Whenever we learn something new, we grow new connection between neurons (神經元), called synapses (突触). In 2003, Giulio Tononi and Chiara Girelli, biologists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, put forward something very interesting: During the day, we learn so much and develop so many synapses that things sometimes get unclear. Since then, the two and their colleagues have made quite a few interesting additions to that study.

For starters, they showed that neurons can cut out some synapses, at least in the lab. But they suspected the same thing happens every day, naturally, in our brains—probably during sleep.

So they set up a painstaking experiment, in which Luisa de Vivo, an assistant scientist working in their lab, collected 6,920 synapses from mice, both awake and sleeping. Then, they learned that the synapses in sleeping mice were 18 percent smaller than those in awake ones. Thats quite a big margin.

After this, they designed a memory test for mice. They placed the animals in a room where they would get a mild electrical shock if they walked over one particular section of the floor. They injected some of the mice with a material that had been proved to prevent the cutting of new synapses. The mice that experienced this would more likely forget about the section and after a good nights sleep, they tended to walk over the section again, while mice that slept normally remembered better.

Then, Dr Tononi and his colleagues found that the cutting didnt strike every neuron. Some 20% were unchanged, likely well-established memories that shouldnt be changed.

In other words, we sleep to forget—but in a smart way.

12. What did Dr Tononi find in his early research?

A. We store what we learn in synapses.

B. We grow new synapses when we sleep.

C. Some synapses are cut out during sleep.

D. Synapses are connections between neurons.

13. What does the underlined word “margin” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Mistake. B. Number.

C. Difference. D. Surprise.

14. Why did the injected mice go to the electric section again?

A. They didnt sleep well and forgot about it.

B. Their neurons didnt cut the new synapses.

C. The injected material cut their memory of it.

D. Their synapses are too small to remember it.

15. What is the text mainly about?

A. An interesting function of sleep.

B. The importance of sleep.

C. A memory test for mice.

D. Neurons and synapses.

A man, a woman and a child are telling a tree their troubles.

“How can I do what others say,” asked the child, “and

1be me?” “Look at me,” said the tree. “I2in the wind, move downwards in the rain, yet I always3myself, a tree.”

The man said, “I cant4my life.” “Look at me,” said the tree. “I change every5from green to brown to green again, from shoots to flowers to6leaves.Yet I always remain myself—a tree.”

“I cant love any more,” said the woman. “With my love, I have7all that I have.” “Look at me, ” said the tree. “There are birds in my8 , moss (苔蘚) and ladybugs9on my bark. They may take what I10 , but not what I am.”

Whether we know it or not, we are like the tree. Only our pride hangs on to a(n)11sense of self, wanting to keep everything, refusing to12advice or spiritual direction.

What we do doesnt matter; how we do it is what13 . Change and growth is as14as the sun coming up every morning and sinking every night. Go with what is15you and listen to what your16tells you.Why not just for today,17once more to a place that exists outside yourself without your own or others18 ?

We can easily19a child who is afraid of the dark; but the real tragedy of life is that men are afraid of the20 .

1. A. already B. thus C. still D. instead

2. A. shake B. bend C. wave D. fight

3. A. remain B. polish C. change D. pretend

4. A. support B. advance C. improve D. transform

5. A. time B. season C. day D. term

6. A. green B. golden C. broken D. fallen

7. A. given away B. given out C. taken away D. got through

8. A. roots B. branches C. spirit D. world

9. A. relying B. focusing C. living D. marking

10. A. bear B. produce C. have D. desert

11. A. common B. special C. false D. real

12. A. receive B. evaluate C. provide D. follow

13. A. cares B. counts C. helps D. differs

14. A. natural B. fun C. important D. fantastic

15. A. inside B. outside C. around D. against

16. A. dream B. future C. past D. heart

17. A. set out B. set up C. hold up D. hold on

18. A. criticism B. test C. judgement D. applause

19. A. forget B. encourage C. rescue D. forgive

20. A. dark B. truth C. growth D. light

The task of being accepted in a university begins early for some students. Long before they graduate1high school, these students take special2(course) to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one or more exams that test how well3(prepare) they are for the university. In the final year of high school, they complete applications and send them to the universities4interest them most. Some high school students may be required to have5interview with people from the university.6(proper) dressed and a little bit frightened, they are determined to show that they have a good attitude and the ability to succeed.

If the new students7(accept), many universities will offer an instruction program for them8(get) to know the procedures for students advising, university rules, the use of the library and all the other major services of the university.

Beginning a new life in a new place can be very9 (confuse). The more knowledge students have about the school, the10(easy) it will be for them to adapt to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life.

1.                2.                3.                4.                5.

6.                7.                8.                9.                10.


wonder monitor focus live insect

energy lay branch waste continent

1. The cat was playing with a ____ mouse happily and then ate it up quickly.

2. Some tropical fish reproduce their kind by ____ eggs.

3. Television is one of the ____ of modern science.

4. Ants are another group of social ____ that have powerful chemical protection.

5. Till now, our company already has ten ____ in this city.

6. It is well known that Africa is a big ____ in which most of the people are still suffering from poverty.

7. Experts and researchers from home and abroad are greatly ____ on this important discovery.

8. The water is heated using ____ from the sun.

9. It is no use ____ time in discussing how it happened.

10. Look! The nurse ____ the patients condition carefully.


1. The difference between the twins from appearance is very small. ____

2. He was so happy that he was weighed much less. ____

3. It is very unbelievable that his plan is more and less the same as mine. ____

4. I like playing football as well as watch TV. ____

5. In our astonishment, he was given an excellent job.


1. 他的目標是成为一位像他父亲一样成功的作家。(aim)

2. 任何政府都将严惩那些企图分裂国家的人。(get tough with;divide)

3. 虽然他不是故意弄坏了我的新书,但是他理应为我的书买单。(on purpose)

4. 学习英语时,记住不要一次学习太多单词。(at a time)

5. 夏天待在户外时,我们需要戴太阳镜以保护我们的眼睛不受强光刺激。(protect... against/from...)



Many of the most striking beasts on the planet come in only two colors: black and white. These high-contrast markings represent some of the natures most diverse evolutionary choices. For some animals, black-and-white coloring is a way to warn off natural enemies. For others, to keep insects away. For still others, it creates a clever cover. Spend some time exploring what science has discovered about these animals appearances, and you will see that basic black and white isnt so basic after all.

Skunk (臭鼬)

Depending on the species, black skunks may wear white spots that act as a cover or white stripes that signal enemies to watch out for their smelly spray.

Giant Panda

Resent insights into panda coloring have come from studying each body part separately. Black ears indicate fierceness, and distinct eye patches aid in individual recognition. The panda in white body hides it against snow, white its dark limbs keep it from being spotted in forests, a compromise developed from its poor bamboo diet: Bamboo doesnt let pandas build up enough fat to hibernate (冬眠), forcing them to spend winters in the snow.

Badger (獾)

Even when a badger is in its cave, its facial stripes can be seen, Zoologists say the warning coloration helps the small animal prevent natural enemies.

Blackbuck (male)

In bright sun, the bucks white stomach reduces the effect of the shadow cast by his back, allowing him to appear one color and two dimensional—especially hiding from natural enemies in his own shadow.

1. Which animals can use their color to warn off natural enemies?

A. Skunk and Badger. B. Giant panda and Zebra.

C. Badger and Blackbuck. D. Zebra and Blackbuck.

2. White body and dark limbs help the giant panda to ___ .

A. show fierceness B. store fat

C. recognize individuals D. take cover

3. What does the text mainly about?

A. A research about animals with black-and-white color.

B. The way some animals protect themselves from harm.

C. The reason many animals wear black-and-white coats.

D. Scientists discovery about animals different colors.


My dad once said to me, “Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” Although I do well in math, I always have a passion for law-related fields. Law first sparked my interest when I was younger, and I used to watch television shows relating to law. As I get older, my teachers are constantly telling me I need to start thinking about my future. The only thing I can see myself as is a lawyer.

I decided to do some research on the job. Last summer, I had a one-day job as a District Attorneys assistant. I got to spend a day in the life of a lawyer. I was taken to the office and had to read over some of the cases to familiarize myself with them. I was given an enormous pile of packets to read. I wondered how I could possibly get done reading them in one day. But when I started reading them, I suddenly became more interested in the way the legal system worked. So I flew through the papers in a little amount of time.

After that, I had to go back to the room called central court, where the judge was and got ready for clients (委托人) to come in. The clients started coming into the room. Then I had to call them up to the stand where the judge and I were. I then had to present what they were accused (指控) of, and then I had to let the lawyers battle it out until they came to the conclusion on what they were going to sentence the criminal to.

Throughout my long day, I finally came to the conclusion that this is the job I want to pursue. I am sure that I will become a successful lawyer.

4. What does the writer want to be in the future?

A. A lawyer. B. A math teacher.

C. A science researcher. D. A TV show host.

5. What made the writer finish reading the papers in a short time?

A. His hard work.

B. His interest in law.

C. His curiosity about cases.

D. His parents encouragement.

6. What did the writer mainly do in central court?

A. He led clients into the court room.

B. He sentenced the criminal to death.

C. He judged a lot of cases by himself.

D. He told clients about their accusations.

7. What can we learn about the writer from the text?

A. He had a successful father as a lawyer.

B. He hasnt graduated from school.

C. He disliked the experience in court.

D. He made his father worried about his future.


Warm weather brought by El Nino (厄爾尼诺现象) has had mixed effects on animals in usually snowy places in North America, including New England, according to an Associated Press article.

Some animals seem to benefit from having a chance to gather more food before winter, and from expending less energy in daily survival mode. Others, like snowshoe hares, are put at center stage in predators (捕食者) view when they lack snow for disguising their white fur—not a good thing for them, of course.

Black bears, on the other hand, have been keeping busy gathering nuts and apples, when they would normally have settled into their winter homes by now. Vermont and Massachusetts officials have asked residents to wait till snow falls to take out their bird feeders for the sake of safety, the article said.

“We suggest waiting for 6 or more inches of snow that lasts before taking out your bird feeders, especially if you have been visited in the past by bears or if there are sightings of bears in your neighborhood,” Forrest Hammond, Vermont Fish and Wildlifes bear biologist, said in the article. “Due to lack of snow and frozen ground, birds are able to seek food in fields and forests for their natural foods.”

Snow amounts can also determine how comfortable bears are and how quickly they consume their accumulated fat during hibernation (冬眠), noted Hammond in the article. This is because snow covers and traps them in their winter homes, and also hides them from predators.

8. What may upset snowshoe hares because of El Nino?

A. Their using more energy.

B. Their being caught more easily.

C. Their failing to gather more food.

D. Their losing sight of their enemies.

9. Why did the officials ask people to keep bird feeders until snow falls?

A. To disturb bears. B. To help birds.

C. To avoid attracting bears. D. To keep birds safe.

10. What can we learn from the bear biologists words?

A. A heavy snow is on the way.

B. Bears are common nowadays.

C. Bears live mainly on birds in winter.

D. Warm weather is good for birds in winter.

11. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Warm Weather Helps Animals Survive

B. Snow Amounts Influence Animals Winter Life

C. Measures Should Be Taken to Protect Wildlife

D. Lack of Snow Affects North American Animals


You get anxious if theres no Wi-Fi in the hotel or mobile phone signal up the mountain. You feel upset if your phone is getting low on power and you secretly worry things will go wrong at work if youre not there. All these can be called “always on” stress caused by smart phone addiction.

For some people, smart phones have liberated them from the nine-to-five work. Flexible working has given them more autonomy in their working lives and enabled them to spend more time with their friends and families. For many others though, smart phones have become cruel masters in their pockets, never allowing them to turn them off and relax.

Pittsburgh-based developer Kevin Holesh was worried about how much he was ignoring his family and friends in favor of his iPhone. So he developed an app—Moment—to monitor his usage. The app enables users to see how much time theyre spending on the device and set up warnings if the usage limits are broken. “Moments goal is to promote balance in your life,” his website explains. “Some time on your phone, some time off it enjoying your loving family and friends around you.”

Dr Christine Grant, an occupational psychologist at Coventry University, said, “The effects of this ‘always on culture are that your mind is never resting, and youre not giving your body time to recover, so youre always stressed. And the more tired and stressed we get, the more mistakes we make. Physical and mental health can suffer.”

And as the number of connected smart phones is increasing, so is the amount of data. This is leading to a sort of decision paralysis (癱痪) and is creating more stress in the workplace because people have to receive a broader range of data and communications which are often difficult to manage. “It actually makes it more difficult to make decisions and many do less because theyre controlled by it all and feel they can never escape the office,” said Dr Christine Grant.


G. The choices that you make from now on will be your


1.                2.                3.                4.                5.

A cat which became famous in Britain for riding on the buses around the southern English city of Plymouth has died after being killed by a car.

Casper, a 12-year-old black and white cat,1to leave his house, trot (小步快跑) across the street to the bus stop, queue with bus passengers and wait for his2 . He then jumped on the No. 3 bus to find his3seat to curl up on before jumping off at his4 . The cat was so clever that he5at which stop to get off and drivers made sure that he wouldnt get off at some random (隨意的)6 . Also, the cat seemed to know where to get back7 , and then he trotted off home. Many local people also knew Casper, who loved everyone and also enjoyed the8journeys. It seemed that the 12-year-old Casper had discovered a very good way to9around the English city of Plymouth in his golden years.

However, one day,10a motorist hit him and did not stop. Casper was then, in fact, crossing the street to11his usual No. 3 bus when he was struck by the car. Our friend, Casper died from his12 . On hearing the news of his death, many people were13 . A company spokesman said in a statement that Casper14many peoples lives and clearly had a very15life traveling around Plymouth. He also imagined that Casper was telling all the other cats in the heaven about the many16he had experienced.

Caspers owner who is quite fond of him, 55-year-old Susan Finden, said he had always been a17cat and was named after the cartoon character Casper The Friendly Ghost, because of his18of wandering off. Finden posted a sign at Caspers bus stop to let people know that theyd no longer be enjoying the cat of whom theyd grown so19 .

Casper was a special cat and he had a wonderful life. A20of the cat will continue to be used on one of the companys buses. He will be missed forever.

1. A. used B. seemed C. hated D. had

2. A. time B. turn C. place D. order

3. A. best B. loveliest C. nearest D. favorite

4. A. destination B. field C. place D. seat

5. A. heard B. knew C. realized D. saw

6. A. stations B. stops C. spots D. scenes

7. A. up B. down C. off D. on

8. A. bus B. car C. rail D. air

9. A. look B. run C. show D. get

10. A. sadly B. luckily C. happily D. strangely

11. A. recognize B. follow C. catch D. meet

12. A. choice B. injury C. failure D. return

13. A. shocked B. interested C. confused  D. worried

14. A. changed B. touched C. pleased D. challenged

15. A. encouraging B. disappointing C. annoying D. exciting

16. A. adventures B. accidents C. friends D. families

17. A. perfect B. polite C. proud D. free

18. A. tradition B. habit C. experience D. manner

19. A. admirable B. similar C. fond D. popular

20. A. picture B. signal C. movie D. card

The book Im reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain. It is said to have started in early 1800s. Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until 8 oclock at night. This custom soon becomes another meal of the day. Interesting, it had a connection by the British porcelain industry. Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles. When tea got popular in Britain, there was a crying need for good cup with handles to suit British habits. This made for the grow in the porcelain industry.






Dear Editor,

The Wonderful Life of Buttons and Kitty


Buttons the abandoned puppy and Kitty the rescued kitten are so close. They think they are sisters and live at Battersea Cats and Dogs Home.

Kitty the cat was brought into Battersea Cats and Dogs Home by a kind-hearted member of the public who found her alone in a garden when she was just one day old.

To keep her company she was put together with Buttons, the Jack Russell Terrier, who was born at the centre but rejected by her mother as the runt of the litter.

They have since become inseparable—and even cry when Kitty is moved to the cattery to spend some time with other cats.

Battersea Veterinary Nurse Sascha Taylor said the pair eat, sleep and play together. She said, “Normally wed hand-rear puppies and kittens separately but we thought we could try putting them together as they are both so young.”

“Luckily its paid off as they adore being with each other and do everything together—its really very sweet.”

Buttons mum Poppy was given to the centre in Old Windsor, Berks., because her elderly owners could not cope when they discovered she was pregnant with eight puppies.

Staff at the home decided to try rearing the pair together and they have since become great companions.

Kitty and Buttons were put together when they were about two weeks old and treat each other like siblings. Staff at the animal home are hoping someone has enough room to adopt the loveable pair.

Nurse Sascha added, “Hand-rearing them is hard work—I have to feed them every two hours, even throughout the night—but its totally worth it. Were not sure if theyll be re-homed together, though it would be great if they did.”





巴特西的兽医护士萨沙·泰勒说它俩一起吃、一起睡,也一起玩。 她说:“通常情况下我们会分开抚养小猫和小狗,但我们认为可以尝试在它们还小的时候把它们放在一起。”







Li Hua

