Top Ten List of Things a Volunteer Should Know


考试与评价·高一版 2020年1期

Donald Patrick Dunn

10. List your dreams and talents. Where do you excel? What have you always dreamed of doing? What do you really enjoy or would like to try? Is there a way to prepare, learn or try it as a volunteer①?

9. Pick your duration. One size doesn't fit all, just like volunteer opportunities②. I've found that volunteer projects come in three sizes: one-time, short-time, and “whad'ya doing for the rest of your life?”

8. Make a commitment③. Sometimes a volunteer project is an acquired taste. Give yourself a chance to have good days, bad days and in-between days. If after three months you see no redeeming④ value, then at least you can feel you give it a fair chance.

7. Watch and learn. Seasoned volunteers can teach you the “ropes” so to speak. Observe them and follow their lead. Have confidence in the knowledge that you are capable and trainable. Balance that confidence with a dose of humility⑤, also.

6. Ability, need and desire. You must have the ability to do the service, there must be a need for the service, and you must have the desire to be of  service.

5. Unpaid doesn't mean unprofessional. “Anything worth doing is worth doing well.” All  that we do, we need to do with our most sincere effort. Anything less is a disservice to those we are helping and ultimately⑥ to ourselves.

4. Balance is key. Priorities add balance. Charity begins at home—keep the priorities straight. Balance out family, work and volunteering. If you are overwhelmed⑦, stress will set in and you won't enjoy doing anything.

3. Stand back admire. Sometimes people forget to say “thank you,” so you will need to reward yourself. Be proud of your accomplishments⑧—take the time to smell the roses, hear the raindrops on the pane, feel the snow on your nose, taste the cool clear water.

2. Find a home or make a change. Are you stale or still fresh? Are you learning, enthusiastic⑨ or approaching burnout? Check yourself periodically⑩ and act upon your honest answers.

1. Have fun! Life has enough drudgery11; volunteering shouldn't be one of them. Giving of yourself should be uplifting and joyful. We are at our best when we learn, grow, play and serve each other with love and respect.


①volunteer /?v?l?n?tI?/ n. 志愿者

②opportunity /??p??tju?nItI/ n. 机会

③commitment /k??mItm?nt/ n. 保证;承诺

④redeeming /rI?di?mI/ adj. 补偿的

⑤humility /hju??mIlItI/ n. 谦卑

⑥ultimately /??lt?mItlI/ adv. 最后

⑦overwhelm /???v??welm/ v. 压倒, 击败

⑧accomplishment /??k?mplI?m?nt/ n. 成就

⑨enthusiastic /In?ju?zI??stIk/ adj. 热心的, 热情的

⑩periodically /?pI?rI??dIklI/ adv. 定期地

11drudgery /?dr?d??rI/ n. 苦差事

(江苏南京 孙 婧 选注)


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