

考试与评价·八年级版 2020年4期


IV. 补全对话(Dialogue Completion)(共5小题,计5分)


Jennifer: Hi, Mum! We are back from school.

Mrs King: Hi, Jennifer! 41. ______

Jennifer: It s alright, Mum. Here is my friend, Jasmine.

42. ______ Her mother couldn t come today.

Mrs King: Sure, I ll send you back home. First, have some tea.

Jasmine: Thank you, Aunty. 43. ______

Mrs King: Don t worry, Jasmine. It s no trouble at all. Now, you have to direct me to your house.

Jasmine: Certainly, Aunty. 44. ______ Then, turn right. After that, we ll see a bank. Then, turn left.

Mrs King: Yes. Where s your house?

Jasmine: There, the building in yellow. 45. ______ Thank you very much, Aunty.

Mrs King: Not at all. Take care. Bye.

Jasmine: Bye, Aunty.

[A. She s very pretty and friendly.

B. I m sorry to trouble you.

C. How was the first day of school?

D. My brother is standing outside.

E. Could you take her back to her house?

F. Sorry to tell you that I m quite busy today.

G. We have to go down the road until we reach the traffic lights.]


41—45 CEBGD


1. 所补全的对话内容必须能使上、下文连贯一致,因而必须瞻前顾后、全盘考虑。

2. 做题前应注意试题前面是否有中文或英语的背景提示,这些背景提示是话题内容的重要依据。

3. 在选择过程中应注意把已选出的选项划去,避免重复选择的错误。

4. 做题时要先易后难,否则容易造成连锁错误。


V. 短文填空(Cloze)(共10小题,计10分)



A red shirt to a bull!

a, hang out, angry, without, but, throw, animal, fast, because, look after, look up, care

Jeff Monk lived on a quiet farm in the country. He had a lot of 46. ______, but his favourite was a bull called Bernie. Bernie was almost three years old and everyone said, “Be 47. ______ when near him, Jeff. Bulls can be dangerous.” Jeff didn t listen to them, though. Bernie was like a friend to him.

On Jeff s birthday, his wife bought him 48. ______ expensive red shirt. Jeff put it on and went out to feed Bernie, as usual. He went to the field next to the house and called him, “Come on, boy! Time to eat!” Bernie  49. ______ and suddenly gave a loud sound. Next, he began to run 50. ______ towards Jeff. Jeff ran as 51. ______ as he could. He shouted loudly to his wife, “Help! Help!”

Jeff ran to the gate, 52. ______ before he could climb over it, Bernie s long horns (角) hooked (勾住) onto Jeff s trousers. Then, he 53. ______ Jeff up into the air. Luckily, Jeff s trousers came off, so he managed to get free. He ran quickly to the house.

Jeff s wife laughed when she saw him 54. ______ his trousers. “Well, you re lucky 55. ______ your new shirt is OK,” she said. “Next time don t wear it to feed Bernie!”


46. animals 47. careful 48. an 49. looked up 50. angrily 51. fast 52. but 53. threw 54. without 55. because


1. 答题时要注意遵循先易后难的顺序,要从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找提示。

2. 如果某空无法确定,就必须从语篇意义上进行辨别,全力调动自己的生活常识或文化背景,填写正确答案。

3. 再次精读全文,寻找线索,最终确定答案。



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