

考试与评价·八年级版 2020年4期

【试题重现】 (节选,保留原题号)

(B) For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Please choose the one that can best complete the sentence. 下列各句均含有A, B, C, D四个选项,请从四个选项中选出可以完成该句的最佳选项。

36. —Alex, you missed ______ “u” in ______ word “usually”.

—Sorry, Sir.

A. an; a B. the; the C. an; the D. a; the

39. —Did you do ______ in Sanya during your holiday?

—Yes, I did. I took a photo with a foreigner.

A. anything interesting B. nothing interesting

C. interesting anything D. interesting nothing

40. My living room is ______ dirty ______ I have to clean it right now.

A. as; as B. too; to C. so; that D. not only; but also

41. The terrible disease killed over ______ people worldwide.

A. three hundred

C. three hundred D. three hundreds

【参考答案】 36. D 39. A 40. C 41. C

【试题解析】 36. 此题考查的是冠词的用法。“u”是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以用“a”来修饰;第二个空是特指,所以要用定冠词“the”来修饰,答案选D。

39. 此题考查的是不定代词的用法。当不定代词修饰形容词时,应后置,再根据句意可以选出此题的答案为A。

40. 此题考查的是连词的用法。通过句意可知,题干要表达的意思应该是:我的起居室如此乱,我不得不马上打扫一下。此句应该是一个由so... that引导的结果状语从句,选C。

41. 此题考查的是数词的用法。表示“三百人”,应用three hundred people,不需要用所有格的形式,故选C。

【试题重现】 (保留原题号)

(C) For the following passage there are ten underlined parts. Among the underlined parts, five are wrong. Please choose the wrong parts. 下面的短文中有10处划线部分,其中有5处是错误的,请选出错误的部分。

Matt Suter

Matt visited Tornado Alley in Kansas, American. He didn

B                                                    C

of his visit. Then, one night, Matt woke up because of the sound of the strong winds outside.


He got up and looked out of the window. As he watched, the huge funnel (漏斗) of a tornado


appeared not far from Matt

F                    G

and hit Matt on the head. He fell out of the camper. The winds picked Matt up into the air and


carried him four hundred metres away. Matt had a few cuts (傷口) and nothing was serious.


He was very lucky be alive.


46. ______ 47.______ 48. ______ 49. ______ 50. ______

【参考答案】 46—50 BCGIJ

【试题解析】 46. B处表示的应该是“美国”,应用名词而不是形容词,即应改为America。

47. C处first是序数词,表示“第一个的”,其前应用the修饰。

48. G处Nothing应改为Something,阅读上下文可知有东西砸碎了玻璃,所以应该是Something。

49. I处是错误的,根据前文可知,此处表达的是转折关系,所以应将and改为but。

50. J处是错误的,应将be改为to be,表示“他活下来是很幸运的”。


III. Dialogue Completion (补全对话)(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

Please read the following incomplete dialogue, and fill in the blanks with proper sentences according to the context and the information given in the picture. 请阅读下面不完整的对话,根据对话内容和所给图片信息,在空白处填入适当的句子,补全对话。

Shirley: Hi, Ben. Why are you so happy?

Ben: Hi, Shirley, I heard a piece of good news!

Shirley: 56. ______________

Ben: There

Shirley: Is it only for adults or the whole family?

Ben: 57. ______________

Shirley: That sounds good. Can I play tennis there?

Ben: 58. ______________ But you can do lots of other things. For example, you can dance or ride a horse.

Shirley: Oh, really? Children love horses. Anything else I can do?

Ben: 59. ______________

Shirley: Have they got a website?

Ben: 60. ______________

Shirley: Let

【参考答案】 56. What is it? / What

57. It

58. I don

59. You can also ride a bike or play volleyball.

60. Yes, they have. / Yes, of course. / Certainly. / Of course.

【试题解析】 56. 上文说有一个好消息,显然此处应该是回问:“是什么消息?”

57. 此处是回答一个选择疑问句,这道题需要考生仔细观察所给图片,图片下方有一句话:Lots of fun for the whole family! 由此可知此题答案。

58. 此題也是需要从图片中找寻相应的信息,图片中并没有Play tennis这一项活动,所以此处应该给出否定回答。

59. 根据图片中所给的四项备选活动,就可以写出此题答案:You can also ride a bike or play volleyball.

60. 根据图片中最下方可以知道此活动的网址信息,所以当Shirley问主办方是否有网址时,答语应为肯定答语。



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