It is time to meet again in Copenhagen
Several months since Denmark began its gradual and safe reopening, Copenhagen is once again ready to welcome visitors to the city. And just like before the Covid-19 outbreak, providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone is key.
Back in March, Denmark was one of the first countries in Europe to go into lockdown and one of the first to reopen just a month later. Embarking on a gradual and controlled reopening has allowed the country to keep the virus under control while adapting to a new normal, where health and safety always come first. From accessible test facilities to directional one-way markings for pedestrians in busy public spaces, Copenhagens safety measures can be seen and felt everywhere. The Danish hotel, restaurant and tourism association, HORESTA, has developed a “SAFE TO VISIT” guide for its members. The guide focuses on ensuring a safe distance between guests, hyper hygiene and workflows designed to minimise physical contact between guests, staff and suppliers.
2 plus 2 to launch 2021
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, Messe München and The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) have been forced to cancel the Air Cargo Forum Miami & Transport Logistics Americas 2020. The next Air Cargo Forum exhibition and conference – powered by TIACA – is scheduled to be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center from November 8 to 10, 2022. The new format is planned to be a two-day conference followed by two days of innovation experience.
9月15日,美国密苏里州圣路易斯的美国会议中心获得了当地市政府拨付的1.05亿美元的债券支持,用于进行场馆的更新和扩建。由于疫情,这笔款项比原定时间迟延了四个月才拨付到位。当地旅游局局长Kathleen Ratcliffe表示,“今年,我们的旅游行业受到疫情的重创,政府的援助对我们无疑是雪中送炭。如今我们可以动工修缮会议中心,让圣路易斯在未来的商旅行业更具竞争力。”美国会议中心的修缮预计耗资1.75亿美元,将为场馆新增8500平方米的展览面积和5500平方米的多功能区。
ACCC expansion receives financial approval
The AC Next Gen Project, which will update and expand the Americas Center Convention Complex (ACCC) in downtown St. Louis, has received approval for $105 million in bonds. The total cost of building the AC Next Gen Project is estimated at approximately$175 million and includes the addition of 92,000 square feet of exhibit space, a 60,000 square feet multi-purpose ballroom and meeting area with 20,000 square feet pre-function event space, 22,000 square feet of new support space to improve service access to current and new exhibit halls and ballrooms.