Go on the safest trip


疯狂英语·新读写 2020年10期

河南范县第一中学 孙玉勤

体裁约419 8分钟说明文文章词数 建议用时


1.precaution /prɪ'kɔːʃn/ n.预防措施

2.podiatrist /pə'daɪətrɪst/ n.足病诊疗师

3.mandatory /'mændətəri/ adj.强制的;义务的

4.reap /riːp/ v.收割;取得;收获

5.kit /kɪt/ n.成套设备

While traveling, there are many safety precautions that all travelers should take, even if they're heading out to a nearby mountain for a camping trip, renting a seaside Airbnb, or choosing any other getaway.For advice on everything from what to pack to how to protect yourself, we spoke with doctors and travel experts to figure out the ultimate safety guide to getting on the road.

Don't go off the beaten path

While part of the joy of exploring nature is seeing new and beautiful views, if your road trip includes a hike, stay on the marked path.Resist the temptation to hike off-trail and in unfamiliar or unmarked areas.“You could get lost, injured or both,”podiatristDr Velimir Petkov said.

Pack layers

In the morning, when you set out on your adventure, your temperature will likely be comfortable.As the sun reaches its highest point, you'll start to sweat inside your car.And at night, certain areas experience a dramatic drop in degrees.That's why experts recommend packing everything you need to stay comfortable, including clothing for different temperatures.

Make sure you get enough sleep

While many people have difficulty sleeping, adequate rest ismandatorybefore a long car ride.“Do not drive while you are feeling sleepy.If you feel like you need a rest, pull over and take a 30-minute power nap,” Petkov recommended.He also noted that even if you doreapthe benefits of seven to eight hours of sleep, a little coffee can never hurt.

Pack a first-aid kit

If there is ever a time to pack a first-aid kit, it's now.Whether you scrape your knees or have an allergy attack, Petkov said that it could always come in handy, especially if you plan on camping, hiking or biking as part of your road trip.This kit should have all the hospital-quality supplies that you need to treat common injuries or illnesses, such as facial masks, bandages, dressings, irrigation syringes (注射器) and so on.

Protect your skin

You may not consider sun exposure while sitting in the car, but the rays can seep through open windows and cause you to burn—and UVA rays, which cause signs of premature aging, can go right through window glass.And mosquitoes are also drawn when we're outdoors at night.That's why Bahar Schmidt, the founder of Eluxit Travel Agency, recommends going the extra mile to protect our skin with sunscreen and bug repellent (驱虫剂) alike.

Reading Check

Apart from the tips mentioned in the text, can you find more ways to guarantee a safe trip?_




destination 目的地

journey 旅行;行程

travel 旅行

trip (尤指短程往返的)旅行

tour 旅行;观光

passenger 乘客

route 路线

sightseeing 观光

tourist 旅行者

travel agency 旅行社

business trip 商务旅行

outbound travel 出港游

outbound tourist 出港游客

backpacker 背包旅行者

round trip 往返旅行

outing 远足

expedition 探险;考察

explore 探索

tour group 旅游团

tourist attraction 旅游景点

places of interest 旅游胜地

guidebook 旅游指南

off season 淡季

on/peak season 旺季

natural splendor/attraction 自然景观

summer resort 避暑胜地

national park 国家公园

ancient tomb 古墓

cave 洞穴

holiday resort 度假区

ticket 票

fare 票价

round-trip ticket 往返票

single ticket 单程票

passport 护照

visa 签证

luggage 行李

accommodation 住宿

hotel 旅馆

make a reservation 预订

book a room 订房间

afford 承担得起;买得起

single room 单人房间

double room 双人房间

put up at a hotel 在一家旅馆住宿

World Tourism Day 世界旅游日


walk 步行

bike 骑自行车

by train 乘火车

by air 乘飞机

taxi/cab 出租车

excursion train 游览列车

check in 登记

flight 航班

international arrival 国际抵达处

domestic arrival 国内抵达处

terminal 航空站

train station 火车站


sunny 晴朗的

cloudy 多云的

rainy 下雨的

thunderstorm 雷雨

shower 阵雨

light rain 小雨

moderate rain 中雨

heavy rain大雨

snowy 下雪的

foggy 有雾的


breathtaking 惊人的

beautiful 美丽的

attractive 迷人的

pleasant 赏心悦目的

excellent 极好的

charming 迷人的

scenic 风景优美的

exquisite 雅致的

fantastic 极好的

marvelous 非凡的

picturesque 优美的

magnificent 壮丽的


1.It is exciting to visit different places.参观不同的地方是令人兴奋的。

2.As you travel, not only can you enjoy beautiful scenery, but also you can make friends with people from different regions.当你旅行的时候,你不仅可以享受美丽的风景,还可以和来自不同地区的人交朋友。

3.Today people are so fond of traveling that tourism has become one of the fast growing industries in most countries.现在人们非常喜欢旅游,旅游业已成为大多数国家快速发展的产业之一。

4.Having worked hard through the workdays,people will find a trip to the nearby mountains or beaches as a real relaxation.在工作日的辛苦工作之后,人们会发现去附近的山上或海滩旅行是一种真正的放松。

5.When people return from their travel, they will generally feel energetic, ready to work harder.当人们旅行归来时, 他们通常会感到精力充沛,准备更加努力地工作。

6.Traveling is one of the best means for learning.旅行是最好的学习方式之一。

7.I chose to come to China this summer to learn more about the country's rich history and culture.我今年夏天选择来到中国,是为了更多地了解这个国家丰富的历史和文化。

8.Early morning hikes to the Great Wall to watch the sunrise were breathtaking.清晨徒步到长城看日出是令人兴奋的。

9.I've long wanted to explore Chiang Mai,Thailand's cultural epicenter, with its elephants, temples and hill tribes.我一直想探索泰国的文化中心清迈,那里有大象、寺庙和山地部落。

10.Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam share a history that dates back thousands of years.追溯到几千年前,柬埔寨、老挝和越南有着共同的历史。

11.On a journey to these three fascinating countries, you can explore mystical jungle ruins and glimmering temples, experience daily life in colorful markets and bustling city streets, and meet with conservationists working to protect the region's precious wildlife.在这三个迷人的国家旅行时,你可以探索神秘的丛林废墟和闪闪发光的寺庙,体验在丰富多彩的市场和繁华的城市街道的日常生活,并与致力保护该地区珍贵野生动物的自然环境保护者会面。

12.On hiking and biking excursions into the countryside, you will discover remote villages seemingly forgotten by time.去乡村徒步旅行和骑自行车旅行时,你会发现似乎被时间遗忘了的遥远村庄。

13.Peru is a destination that begs to be explored.秘鲁是一个值得探索的目的地。

14.In this vast and storied land, ancient, colonial, and modern traditions meld together for an unforgettable cultural experience.在这片广阔而传奇的土地上,古老的、殖民的和现代的传统融合在一起,形成了一种令人难忘的文化体验。

15.No matter the type of traveler—history fan,adventurer, or foodie—Peru offers a variety of activities to satisfy every appetite.无论是哪一种游客——历史爱好者、冒险家还是美食家,秘鲁都可以提供各种各样的活动来满足每一个人的胃口。

16.It's no surprise that its beautiful topography and diverse ecosystem attract visitors from all over the world, making it one of the most popular destinations in South America.毫无疑问,它美丽的地形和多样化的生态系统,吸引了来自世界各地的游客, 使其成为南美洲最受欢迎的目的地之一。

17.The idea of travel, packing my bags and disappearing to someplace new, lives inside my brain all the time.旅行,收拾行李,从这儿消失去某个新地方, 这些想法一直在我的脑海里。

18.I deeply believe travel makes me richer, not in my wallet, but in my intelligence and compassion.我深信旅行让我更富有,不是钱包里的富有,而是智慧和同情心的富有。


假定你是李华,近年来假期出游的人越来越多,游客的不文明现象时常发生。 请给Crazy English编辑部写一封信,反映该问题。 内容包括:







Dear Editor,

Nowadays, more and more people choose to travel in holidays.

Thank you for your attention.


Li Hua


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