

文化交流 2020年10期





























The year 2020 marks the 100 anniversary of the birth of Wang Zengqi (1920-1997), an essayist, playwright, and gourmet. He passed away 23 years ago. Whenever I think of him, my heart anguishes. As a man of honesty and as a man of letters, he was perfect. Why did the heaven take him away so soon from this crowded world?

I met him in the early 1980s when I, as a young writer taking a writing course offered by China Writers Association, attended a workshop held at Emei Mountain at the invitation of Harvest, a quarterly literary journal, and Sichuan Peoples Publishing House.

Most participants at the workshop were well known writers whereas I was in my 20s with a novella just published in Harvest. Han Aili, a little known woman writer from Beijing, was just like me. We were both nobodies at the workshop and we became friends. A talented writer and graduate of Peking University and quite picky about writers and their writings, Han wasnt particularly impressed by some well known writers at the workshop. However, she admired Wang Zengqi and kept talking about him, referring him as “the old guy” as if Wang had been a dear grandpa living next door.

At that time, I was just a young writer taking a literature course was alone in Beijing with Hangzhou, my hometown, more than 1,000 kilometers away. Beijing as an ancient city struck awe in my heart. Writers in Beijing were like stars in the sky. I was astonished to learn that Wang Zengqi was just a “gentle and sweet old guy” in Hans chat with me. So I boldly asked Han to introduce me to Wang.

A month later, I visited Han at her home and I was entertained with a special duck dinner prepared by her husband. Han gave me an autographed copy by Wang Zengqi. Han said that Wang wanted Han to give the book to me and delivered Wangs message that I could visit him at my convenience. The autographed book and the invitation touched my heart.

When I finally met the “gentle and sweet old guy”, however, it was a number of years later. After the writing course ended, I came back to Beijing again to attend another writing course. I met someone there and got married. I returned to work at a literary journal in Hangzhou. My husband lived and worked in Beijing. The editor-in-chief said if I successfully solicited one contribution from a prominent writer based in Beijing for the journal, I could take a break and stay in Beijing for a period of time. I called Han Aili and explained the situation to her. I asked if she could ask Wang Zengqi to write something for my journal. She said okay. I took my nine-month-old son with me and went to Beijing by train.

Then Han Aili took me to the home of Wang Zengqi. Wang lived in an ordinary apartment building next to a noisy street in the south of Beijing. His wife answered the door. The three-room apartment looked rather shabby and crowded, unlike an elegant residence in my imagination. The “gentle and sweet old guy” stepped out of his studio, a big smile on his face, saying “The baby monkey came to see the old monkey today,” joked Wang, to my surprise and delight. It occurred to me that Han had already told Wang something about me. My son was born in the Year of Monkey. So had been Wang. The ice was broken. I felt relaxed. Wang gladly agreed to write something for the journal. My business was done. Then I was asked to stay for lunch. Wang prepared the lunch and especially cooked an egg dish for my son. I was convincingly impressed by the lunch. After all, Wang was a celebrated gourmet.

Then I transferred to work in Beijing and I regularly brought my young monkey to visit the “old monkey”. We were very happy.

In May 1997, Ma Xuefeng, editor-in-chief of , a literary journal based in Huzhou, asked me if I could invite some Beijing-based writers to appear at a workshop for women writers in Huzhou. The writer they especially wanted to invite was Wang Zengqi. I visited the dear old man. Wang had just come back from a literary event in Sichuan where he had drunk wine. Wang looked tired and dark. After learning about my mission, he declined the invitation. I was disappointed. Seeing disappointment in my face, he offered to create two paintings, one for me and one for my friend Ma Xuefeng.

Back home, I called Ma Xuefeng and reported Wangs decline. Ma said they had ordered a special set of Huzhou brush pens for Wang and asked me to deliver the information. I called Wang. Wang paused for a while and then sighed. He asked me to pick up his identity card the next day and book a flight ticket for him. Wang changed his mind and I was happy that he agreed to attend the literary event. However, that night, Wangs daughter Wang Chao called me unexpectedly. His father was hospitalized after he found he had blood in the stool. I prayed for the dear old man. He didnt come back from the hospital.

Whenever I look at the painting Wang drew for me that day, I feel pain in my heart. If I had paid closer attention, I would have noticed Wang needed to see a doctor immediately and I wouldnt have let him draw two paintings.


情同父女 亲如一家——汪曾祺与“藏妞”央珍
施松卿与汪曾祺 云淡风轻走一生