A Brief Analysis of Learning Motivation and Foreign Language Teaching Strategies


青年生活 2020年31期

彭小玲 谭禧锦

Abstract: Studies have shown that the learning motivation of learners is closely related to the process of foreign language learning and teaching. For the process of foreign language learning, learning motivation is one of the important factors. However, learning motivation does not happen overnight, but mainly involves learners' learning attitude, learning interest, confidence. Therefore, in the process of foreign language teaching, educators should take a variety of teaching strategies based on the main factors that affect learning motivation, integrate learners' specific conditions, and fully stimulate learners' motivation to learn foreign languages.

Keywords: Learning motivation,;Foreign language teaching;Teaching strategy

I. Three main factors affecting learners' learning motivation

1. Learning attitude of learner

There is coordination between learning attitude and learning motivation. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of learning attitudes: positive learning attitude and negative learning attitude (Zhang Dajun, 2015). If the learner has a negative attitude towards foreign language learning, their learning motivation will generally be lower. On the contrary, if learners have a positive attitude towards foreign language learning, then these learners will have a stronger desire to learn, that is to say, have a stronger motivation for learning.

2. Learning interest of learner

Learning interest is an crucial factor for foreign language learning. Generally, people are prone to be full of enthusiasm when they participate in an activity that interests them. Learning interest can also be divided into two categories, namely direct interest and indirect interest. Among them, direct interest refers to the content and activities of learning, and indirect interest refers to the results obtained after learning, for instance, learning a foreign language can get excellent results and be praised by others. Studies found that although direct interest has a quick effect, its retention time is relatively short; while indirect interest can prompt learners to maintain a strong learning passion.

3. Confidence of learner

There is a direct relationship between learners' learning motivation and confidence. The higher the confidence, the stronger the learning motivation will be, which makes it easier for learners of foreign languages ??to succeed. Conversely, if the learners of foreign languages ??lack confidence, it will lead to weak learning motivation and relatively poor learning effect.

II. Teaching strategies to motivate learners in foreign language learning

1. Advocating guided teaching as the mainstay to stimulate learners' enthusiasm and initiative

In traditional classes, educators are the main role of learning, but learners passively gain knowledge. Nevertheless, the new curriculum reform advocates learners as the main role and educators as the leading role. Therefore, in the current classroom, educators and learners should cooperate and learn from each other, and jointly solve the problems encountered in learning. This way can make learners more willing to show themselves, and in this process, the initiative and enthusiasm of learners will also increase, then learners will show a positive attitude towards learning.

2. Enrich the teaching form and stimulate learners' interest in learning

Educators can mobilize all teaching measures and teaching methods as much as possible and diversify the teaching skills. For example, class-discussions can be used to stimulate learners' enthusiasm for learning; multimedia aids can also be used to encourage learners to use their spare time to watch original foreign language movies, etc., to provide learners with a more specific and practical learning context. Accordingly, learners in this context can increase indirect interest, strengthen learning motivation, so as to achieve better and lasting learning results.

3. Encourage and praise appropriately

Relevant studies have illustrated that criticism and punishment often dampen learners' confidence so are not conducive to cultivating learners' learning motivation. On the contrary, encouragement and praise can help enhance learners' confidence and learning motivation. Therefore, in the process of foreign language teaching, educators should focus on positive education and praise learners to promote their confidence. For example, in the process of oral expression in a foreign language, the teacher should comment on the fluency and accuracy of the learners, and promptly give praise.

To sum up, whether the learner's foreign language learning can be successful has a strong connection with the learner's learning motivation. Therefore, in the teaching process, educators should try their best to mobilize learners' learning initiative and enthusiasm, cultivate learners' indirect interest and enhance learners' confidence to stimulate learners' learning motivation.


[1] Tong Jianzhong.Psychology of Foreign Language Teaching [M]. Fujian Education Press, 2016 (07) : 17-23.

[2] Zhang Dajun. Educational Psychology [M]. People's Education Press, 2015, (05):143-155.

About the author:

Peng Xiaoling (2000-), female, Han, Yichun, Jiangxi, Bachelor, research direction: English

Tan Xijin (2000-), female, Han, Shapingba, Chongqing, Bachelor, research direction: English