Flower of Friendship from a Factory


Special Focus 2020年4期

By Yi Wanru & Wang Qianhui

In Wuhan City, there is a historical museum which is now a hotspot for endless streams of tourists because of its grand and unique design and rich historical contents.It is the Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan. Designed by world-famous architect Daniel Libeskind, it has an all-steel structure to pay homage to Zhang Zhidong, the father of iron and steel in China, and the glorious past of China’s heavy industry.In the museum, there is an exhibition on the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg in a prominent and important position, silently telling the stories behind the construction of the Museum.

A century ago, 17 engineers who specialized in iron and steel in Luxembourg sailed across the ocean and arrived in Wuhan to help establish Hanyang Iron Works. It initiated a onehundred-year friendship between Luxembourg and Wuhan.

Mr. Eugène Ruppert from Luxembourg欧仁·吕贝尔

Hanyang Iron Works 汉阳铁厂

In 1890, the Qing Dynasty was planning to build an iron works in Wuhan. At that time,Luxembourg was a global superpower in iron and steel production. Invited by the Qing government, 17 engineers and experts from Luxembourg, as well as specialists from other countries, successively came to help out in Wuhan. Among them, Mr. Eugène Ruppert from Luxembourg was later appointed as the chief engineer.

In Hanyang Iron Works,Mr. Ruppert successively held the positions of manager of blast furnace, chief engineer,and plenipotentiary in Europe.He went to China thrice to offer technical guidance and entrepreneurial management and was awarded honorary medals by the Qing Dynasty.




The Luxembourg engineers offered their experiences to their Chinese counterparts and worked together to ensure the successful operation of Hanyang Iron Works.Its completion was a sensation both at home and abroad at that time. In 1897, after visiting the iron works, the American Consul in China exclaimed, “It looks magnificent, and I am thrilled... It is undoubtedly the great factory of China in the 20th century!” Since then, the Hanyang Iron Works and Hanyang-made products grew famous in the Asian market,becoming an icon of China’s heavy industry. However, since China was poor and weak at that time,Hanyang Iron Works failed to reach its peak and was eventually shut down.

In 1994, Luxembourg heldWuhan and Luxembourg’s Centennial Cooperation Memorial Exhibitionin Wuhan,which aroused memories of this historical period of friendship and the glorious past of Hanyang Iron Works. The event lasted for 10 days and the friendship between China and Luxembourg could be seen through the precious old photos and rare historical materials. Organizers of the exhibition from Luxembourg visited the site of Hanyang Iron Works and presented precious historical materials to the Hanyang Steel Factory, the successor of Hanyang Iron Works.After Mr. Ruppert returned to Luxembourg, he wrote the book titled “Travel Around the World-With Multi-year Stay in China and Japan,” which recorded in detail what he saw and heard in China,ranging from the steel smelting to local culture and customs. This book is now stored in the Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan and is a prized piece in their collection.

At that time, the Hanyang Steel Factory was witnessing a transitional period of “moving back to secondary industry and moving forward to the tertiary industry.” Inspired by this visit, the director of the factory exclaimed that “Even Luxembourg people know how precious our history is, why is there no special museum in Wuhan to commemorate it?”Since 2001, Gu Bijie, a veteran worker of the factory, was entrusted with establishing the Zhang Zhidong and Hanyang Iron Works Museum, the predecessor of the Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan. The preparation team,composed of three members,faced difficult conditions due to insufficient funds and resources.Mr. Gu, as the curator then, and his colleagues traveled around China and Luxembourg to collect relevant materials. When visiting Luxembourg, the Minister of Culture of Luxembourg treated them with great enthusiasm.Michel Polfer, director of Luxembourg’s National Museum of History and Art (MNHA),extended a warm invitation to Mr. Gu and his team to attend an exhibition of archaeological relics.He also gifted them precious photos and documents related to the history and friendship between China and Luxembourg.The MNHA stores many items Mr. Ruppert brought back from China, such as Chinese books (e.g.Hundred Family Names), coins,swords, and other artifacts.

Engineers and foremen from Luxembourg taking a group photo for the 17th anniversary of Hanyang Iron Works卢森堡工程师及卢国工头们在汉阳铁厂建厂十七周年时合影纪念






Mr. Ruppert with other Chinese and foreigner co-workers in front of the Hanyang Iron Works which had just been expanded and renovated in 1908汉阳铁厂1908年完成扩建改造工程后,吕贝尔先生等中外人员留影

During the visit, Mr. Gu formed a stable friendship with the Luxembourg cultural officials.Over the years, they have kept in close contact. The ambassador and other officials of Luxemburg have visited the museum many times and presented it with a square sculpture symbolizing the friendship between China and Luxembourg. Luxembourg Ambassador Carlo Krieger’s first visit to Mr. Gu has become a much-told tale among them.Ten years ago, one of Gu’s colleagues shouted downstairs on an afternoon, “The Luxembourg guys are coming,” and Mr. Gu thought he was just joking.Suddenly Ambassador Krieger and his colleagues came upstairs and appeared in front of him,surprising Gu.

Since then, Luxembourg officials have often made incognito visits to Gu, who became their tour guide around Wuhan. Once, Gu drove them to Jiqing Street and the Hankou Bund. When touring nearby the Jianghan Custom House, the ambassador was amazed by the magnificent architecture. Upon first seeing it, he jumped out of the car and captured the beautiful scenery with his camera. Mr. Gu and his colleagues drove slowly behind him and explained the history of this site. At night, they had dinner on Jiqing Street. After dinner, Michel Polfer, director of MNHA, sang while playing the guitar. Instead of an official exchange between the nations, it felted more like a gathering of old friends.

On March 27, 2018, the Museum of Zhangzhidong in Wuhan was launched as a successor of the old Zhang Zhidong and Wuhan Iron Works Museum after eight years of preparation. This museum symbolizes the long-lasting sincere friendship between China and Luxembourg.

Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan designed by Daniel Libeskind, a world-famous architect has an all-steel structure to pay homage to Zhang Zhidong, the father of iron and steel in China, and the glorious past of China’s heavy industry张之洞与武汉博物馆由世界著名设计师李博斯金设计,采用全钢结构,致敬“钢铁之父”张之洞与中国重工业的辉煌往昔




卢森堡的骄傲 查理·高卢Charly Gaul