黄金华 王玲燕 唐振海 窦士树 李明卫 马海涛 张素平 李军利 郑秋道 范永胜
摘要 试验采用间比法排列,对33个河南省夏大豆新品种(系)进行比较试验。结果显示,永鹏豆6号、尚豆1号、周豆46号、驻豆35、豫研豆086、苏豆13号、中豆6301、粟豆8号、国豆2号、许豆11、五丰豆8号、豫丰豆369、华育11、圣育10号、中黄321、潍豆22、科豆29、道秋23共18个品种均比郑196(CK)增产5%以上,增产幅度在6.21%~59.74%之间;株高在72.8~104.0 cm、底荚高度为8.6~16.6 cm,多数高于郑196(CK),适宜机收;主茎节数在11.4~18.4个,有效分枝在0.6~3.6个,与郑196(CK)相比均较适中;单株粒重在23.3~34.3 g,百粒重在19.0~27.6 g,单株粒数在81.6~180.4个,单株有效荚数在38.6~91.8个,与郑196(CK)相比表现较好;生育期变化幅度在109~113 d,均未超过郑196(CK)。因此,这18个品种适宜参加后续试验。
关键词 夏大豆;农艺性状;产量;比较试验
中图分类号 S565.1 文献标识码 A
文章编号 0517-6611(2020)17-0021-03
Comparative Test Analysis and Evaluation of New Summer Soybean Varieties (lines) in Xinxiang Area
HUANG Jinhua, WANG Lingyan, TANG Zhenhai et al
(Xinxiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinxiang, Henan 453000)
Abstract The test was arranged by the intercomparison method, comparative test was conducted on 33 new summer soybean varieties (lines) in Henan Province. Results showed that a total of 18 varieties of Yongpengdou 6, Shangdou, Zhoudou 46, Zhudou 35, Yuyandou 086, Sudou 13, Zhongdou 6301, Sudou 8, Guodou 2, Xudou 11, Wufengdou 8, Yufengdou 369, Huayu 11, Shengyu 10, Zhonghuang 321, Weidou 22, Kedou 29, Daoqiu 23 showed 5% higher yield than Zheng 196 (CK). The yield increase ranged from 6.21% to 59.74%;plant height was 728-104.0 cm. The height of the bottom pod was 8.6-16.6 cm,mostly higher than Zheng 196 (CK), which was suitable for machine collection;the number of main stem nodes was 11.4-18.4,effective branches ranged from 0.6 to 3.6,compared with Zheng 196 (CK), both were moderate;the grain weight per plant was 23.3-34.3 g,100grain weight was 19.0-27.6 g,the number of grains per plant was between 81.6 and 180.4;the effective pod number per plant was 38.6-91.8. These 18 varieties showed better performance compared with Zheng 196 (CK). Growth period was between 109 and 113 d, none of which exceeded Zheng 196 (CK). Therefore, these 18 varieties were suitable for subsequent trials.
Key words Summer soybean;Agronomic traits;Yield;Comparative test
大豆是中國重要粮食作物之一,已有5 000年栽培历史[1],而且大豆含有丰富植物蛋白质,是重要的食用植物油和饲料蛋白来源。随着农业供给侧结构的改革,大豆在农业生产中占有重要地位,2017年全国大豆播种面积超过0.08亿hm2[2],大豆面积的增加不仅提升了国产大豆供给水平,也为有效应对国内外复杂环境和风险挑战提供了基石。
河南是黄淮海大豆产区的重要省份,大豆常年种植面积达46.67万hm2[3],但平均单产长期在22 500 kg/hm2左右。而大豆是优化调整种植结构的主要作物,因此推出一批高产优质、效益较高的大豆品种是大豆产业发展的关键[4]。为了发挥农业科研单位的优势,推进河南大豆产业可持续发展,2019年新乡市农业科学院承担了河南省夏大豆新品种(系)比较试验,笔者研究了河南省供试大豆新品种(系)的农艺性状和产量,筛选出高产、稳产、适应性强、综合性状优良、适合大面积机械化种植的大豆新品种,旨在为新品种审定和推广提供科学依据[5-11]。