What Is the Difference Between Fog and Mist? 雾和霭有什么不同?


中学生英语·中考指导版 2020年8期


What is fog?

Have you ever walked out of your front door in early morning and faced a thick covering of white air that prevented you from seeing more than a few feet in front of you? This is known as a fog. It is actually a type of stratus1 cloud but is called by a different name because it forms by a different process.



How is fog formed?

A stratus cloud is any low-lying cloud that makes the atmosphere hazy2. Like all clouds, they are formed when water vapour3 condenses4 when it rises to a cooler part of the earths atmosphere. However, a fog is different because the water vapour reaches its dew point (the temperature at which it turns back into water droplets) right over the surface of the earth. We cannot see water vapour because it is a gas, but when it turns back into water droplets, it becomes visible5 to the eye. This rapid cooling just over the ground could be caused by a number of reasons.



What causes fog?

Falling rain can cool down the water vapour and cause it to remain suspended6 close to the ground as a fog.

When there is a big difference between the temperatures of the day and night, the land continues to lose the heat it absorbed7 during the day. The cool night air sandwiches the water vapour close to the ground resulting in a fog.

Finally, when warm, moist8 air blows over a cold surface like ice or snow, it cools it down rapidly and turns to fog.





Fog and mist

You may wonder what the difference between fog and mist is. Well they are actually one and the same. A mist is simply a fog that isnt very thick.

Fog and mist are both created by water droplets, differing only in their overall locations and density9. Fog is a cloud that reaches ground level, even if that “ground” is a hill or mountaintop. Mist forms wherever water droplets are suspended in the air by temperature inversion10, volcanic11 activity, or changes in humidity12. Fog is denser13 than mist and tends to last longer. In terms of visibility14, fog reduces it to less than one kilometer, while mist can reduce visibility to between 1 and 10 kilometers.

The exact definition is if you cannot see an object that is less than 1 km in a mist, it is considered a fog.





Different causes

Fog is formed when any cloud type makes contact with the ground. In low-lying areas, such as valleys and plains, the fog bank (a mass of fog) is essentially a cloud formation.

Clouds form when water droplets condense and merge15, but fail to achieve a size large enough to precipitate16 as rain. Clouds will form or drift closer to the ground when humidity rises or changes suddenly, or when wind speeds drop or change direction.

Mist is also formed by water droplets, but with less merging or coalescing17. This means mist is less dense and quicker to dissipate18 when wind, temperature, or relative humidity changes. Mists can form due to abrupt temperature changes (such as when exhaling19 in cold air), high levels of humidity (in a sauna, for example), or from evaporation20 or condensation21 (such as when rain hits sun-warmed rocks and street surfaces).





How to drive safely in fog and mist

When driving in misty conditions, it is important for drivers to use wipers22 with care. The water droplets in mist are often not dense enough to require the constant use of wipers, so intermittent23 patterns will probably do a better job of keeping the windshield24 clear. In foggy conditions, wipers might play a smaller role to that of fog lights.

When it seems that the speed is too fast to react to what appears out of the fog or mist, it is best for drivers to slow down. If the driving speed in the fog drops to half of the posted maximum speed, it is a good idea for drivers to find a safe spot to pull well off the road and wait for the fog to clear. Many accidents are caused in fog banks by cars going too slow and being hit from behind. When pulling off the road, drivers should keep their cars hazard25 lights flashing for additional safety.





1. stratus [■] n. 层云 2. hazy [■] adj. 朦胧的

3. vapour [■] n. 蒸气;水蒸气 4. condense [■] vi. 凝结

5. visible [■] adj. 看得见的 6. suspended [■] adj. 悬浮的

7. absorb [■] vt. 吸收 8. moist [■] adj. 潮湿的

9. density [■] n. 密度 10. inversion [■] n. 反向;倒转

11. volcanic [■] adj. 火山的 12. humidity [■] n. 湿度

13. dense [■] adj. 稠密的;浓厚的 14. visibility [■] n. 能见度

15. merge [■] v. 合并;融合 16. precipitate [■] v. 冷凝成为雨或雪等

17. coalesce [■] vi. 合并;结合 18. dissipate [■] v. 驱散;使……消散

19. exhale [■] v. 呼气;发出 20. evaporation [■] n. 蒸发;消失

21. condensation [■] n. 冷凝;凝结 22. wiper [■] n. 刮水器,风挡雨刷

23. intermittent [■] adj. 间歇的 24. windshield [■] n. 挡风玻璃

25. hazard [■] n. 危险,风险

