王炜 王怀昕 张元琴 刘廷海 孙静
摘要 运用AMMI模型对2018年贵州省杂交水稻区试迟熟D组区试试验中12个品种在10个试验点的稳定性及适应性进行分析。结果表明,通过各个品种稳定性分析得到g-3(贵丰优33号)、g-5(正优236)、g-6(贵丰优3785)、g-8(凯丰优4001)、g-9(YS516)品种稳定性比较好。通过各个试点鉴别力分析得到鉴别力最大的点是e-9(兴义),其次是e-10(关岭)。结合产量进行综合考虑得出,g-8(凯丰优4001)属于丰产稳产品种,g-12(粮两优1378)属于稳产性居中、丰产性很高的品种。
关键词 AMMI模型;水稻;区域试验;稳定性;适应性;产量;贵州省
中图分类号 S511 文献标识码 A
文章编号 1007-5739(2020)16-0001-02
Stability and Adaptability Analysis of Rice Varieties in Guizhou Regional Test Based on AMMI Model
WANG Wei 1 WANG Huai-xin 1 ZHANG Yuan-qin 1 LIU Ting-hai 1 SUN Jing 2 *
(1 Zunyi Institute of Agriculture, Zunyi Guizhou 563100; 2 Zunyi Seed Management Station)
Abstract The stability and adaptability of 12 varieties at 10 test sites were analyzed by using AMMI model in the test of late ripening D-group in the hybrid rice area of Guizhou Province in 2018. The results showed that the stability of varieties g-3 (Guifengyou 33), g-5 (Zhengyou 236), g-6 (Guifengyou3785), g-8(Kaifengyou 4001) and g-9(YS516) were better. The most discriminating point was e-9 (Xingyi); followed by e-10 (Guanling). Combined with the overall consideration of yield, g-8 (Kaifengyou 4001) belongs to the high-yield stable variety, and g-12 (Liangliangyou 1378) belongs to the middle-stable and high-yield variety.
Key words AMMI model; rice; regional test; stability; adaptability; yield; Guizhou Province
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验品种和地点
1.2 试验设计
试验根据不同试验点、品种进行设计,10个试点均设12个处理,即每个品种为一个处理。3次重复,小区面积13.34 m2,移栽株行距规格:贵阳、遵义试点为30.0 cm×16.7 cm、铜仁试点26.7 cm×16.7 cm、正安试点(37.3+23.3) cm×18.3 cm,思南试点23.3 cm×23.3 cm,黔西南州试点30.0 cm×20.0 cm,黔南州、天柱、黔东南州、关岭等4个试点都是26.7 cm×20.0 cm。
1.3 栽培措施