Being Better Means1 Saying No 变得更好意味着说“不”
To many people, being “better” means smiling all the time, being quiet and polite and doing all their chores2 without being asked. You may think “being good” as going to school, saying please and thank you and never doing anything to hurt3 another person. It means being sweet and agreeable4.
Well, those actions are part of being a better person. Many times, to be a “better person” you need to say: NO.
Life can be so easy if you always say yes. Yes, youll run out of gym class. Yes, youll try to hit passing cars with rocks5. Yes, youll see if you can take something without paying for it. By saying yes, you go with the flow6. You follow the lead of someone else. You know what you are doing is wrong, but when a group of friends is looking at you, waiting for your answer, being “good” can be hard.
Saying NO can sound mean. Saying NO can make your friends unhappy. They might not even want to be friends anymore. That can make you unhappy. Being a good person sometimes means standing up for what is right, even when everyone else seems against7 you. Being good means saying NO.
Saying NO can be hard. As your friends are looking at you, saying NO can be the hardest thing you will ever do. The problem is that saying yes can be even harder—but not at the time. After all, when you say yes, everyone laughs and slaps8 you on the back.
But by saying yes to your friends, you could put yourself in danger. You could get in trouble9. Saying yes to bad habits might not seem like a big deal10, but it could costs you much.
Saying NO can hurt. It can make people yell11 at you. It can make you seem like a chicken when in fact saying NO can take all the strength12 in your body. People talk about being better people—and saying NO can feel like the wrong way to do it. Thats a mistake13.
Saying NO tells the world that you are able to think for yourself. It tells the world that you are working hard to be a good person, even when being a good person can hurt.
Talk to your parents about saying NO. Talk to your friends about how hard it can be to stand up to bullies14 by saying NO. By learning early on when to say that little word, you are on your way to being a better person.