

今日重庆 2020年1期


“Sociable” Long Meng

Article|Reporter Gao Weiwei Figures|Provided by Interviewees


聊天结束,她还不忘一再强调, “我能不能脱单,就全靠你啦!”

Obviously, Long Meng is much more"socially skilled" than others. Before ourmeeting, she had already "studied" myMoments and could talk with me likean old friend. In more than two hours.Iwas made to laugh continuously by theinteresting things she encountered atwork.

At the end of our chat, she still kepttelling me "My Mr. Right. depends entirelyon you!"


Front-desk staff is not a cushy job










聊起那天的事,龙朦突然对我说: “我哪天要是准备结婚了,提前一个月就要把我爸妈看牢,绝不让他们在这种时候还往外跑。”

When the new year comes, Long Mengand her colleagues, who work in the loungefor the two caoins (first class and businessclass). will soon enter the"spinning top"working mode for the travel rush in SpringFestival. Long Meng's main job is to be aqualified front desk staff. but this is not acushy job at all, especially in the peak seasonof tourists. "As you know. during the SpringFestival. the number of travelers will surge.At this time. the service quality can also bebest reflected. Therefore. we must be 120percent focused on each and every traveler. "

In the view of many people,receptionists, who just follows prescribedorders and requires no technical knowledgewhatsoever. In fact, Long Meng's work is fullof challenges.

The scariest part in her work is: " lostpassenger". "When passengers fail to boardthe plane on time, we need to call theirreserved number to confirm the situationwith them. The situation we most fear toencounter is that we called many timesand get no answer. In most of these cases,though, the passenger will voluntarilyterminate the trip, turning out to be a falsealarm. But anyway , we have to do the best aswe can and never take any chances."

When talked with Long Meng. I foundthat she is a very empathetic and optimisticgirl, especially in face of problems. shealways hopes for the best.

One day during the Spring Festival in2018. due to weather reasons. the flightto Beijing could not take off on time. LongMeng and her colleagues worked together toappease the passengers as much as possible.During th e working period, she found thatthe behavior of a passenger was somewhatabnormal. "The passenger did not say a wordfrom beginning to end , but her eyes were red.I felt that something must have happened."

Long Meng tried to help the passengerchange flights , but unfortunately all flightswere either delayed or full. It was geLtinglate . and the lounge staff could only arrangepassengers to go to the hotel to take a rest.

At this moment , the red-eyed passengersuddenly found Long Meng , took her handand repeatedly pleaded. "Miss. no matterhow late, if the plane takes off, pleasebe sure to inform me." Due to her skills ingetting along well with people , Long Menggained the passenger's trust and knew herstory.

He just completed the divorce formalitiesthat day, which was also the day of hisdaughter's wedding. However, because ofthe flight delay, he missed his daughter'swedding ceren ony.

Knowing that, Long Meng also feltregrets. She told the passenger, "I think Ican understand your feeling. If my fathermissed my wedding , I would have been verydisappointed." Perhaps , just these simplewords struck a chord with the passenger.Before long , Long Meng received a thank-you note, which said :"Although it was anunfortunate trip , but. because of you, I atleast felt happiness during it."

When talking about that day, LongMeng suddenly said to me,"If I am going to get marriedone day,I will keep my parents around me one month inadvance and never let them run out."


“I have an interesting soul”







"I am very happy to think about my work every day,especially,I look forward to meeting different peopleand communicating with them."Speaking of which, shedid not forget to make a joke:"What if one day I reallyfind my Mr. Right from them?

Dealing with strangers is indeed very fantastic. LongMeng found a photo in her cell phone and said.”Look.unexpectedly,I ever met my father's previous leader atthe airport. "

Once , Long Meng sent a Henan passenger to boardthe plane. "Terminal 3 is very large and the boarding gateof that flight is far away, so I kept chatting with thepassenger all the way." As the passenger spoke highly ofLong Meng's Mandarin Chinese. she told the passengerthat because her father ever was a soldier in Henan. soshe lived in Henan during childhood. She didn't expectthat the passenger asked her father's name when heheard these words.

After learning the name of Long Meng's father,the passenger paused for a short while and said . "Littlegirl, take a picture with me, please, and remember tosend the picture to your father and ask him if he stillrecognizes me." Along the way, Long Meng repeatedlyasked the passenger who he is. but. to the end , he stilldid not told her.


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