刘自良 杨光毅 本刊编辑部
When Cities and Countrysides"Flow" in Both Directions
Planner|Liu Ziliang Yang Guangyi
Executive|Editorial Department
Cities make life better, while country sidesmake people yearn for them.
Nomatter living in cities or country sides, our yearning for a betterlife is the same. The in tegrated development of urban and rural ares enablecities and countrysides perfect them selves and each other. It is the inherentrequirement to promote high-quality development and create high-qualitylife . Only by promoting the integration of urban and ruralareas, optinizingthe layout of production , life and ecological space in urban and rural areas,and creating an environment suitable for living, working and touring canpeople live a better life in both urban and rural areas.
Large villages relying on large cities and unbalanced development beweenurban and
rural areas are still the objective characteristics of Chongqing City .They will also be the focus of ourwork to be solved for a long tine and thefuture is promising. As the National Pilot A rea of Balancing U rban and RuralComprehen sive Coordinated Refouns, C hongqing hasmore than 10 years ofpractical experience in balancing urban and rural comprehen sive coord inatedreforms. In concrete practice, urban upgrading and rural revitalization havebecome the twomajor starting points for promoting the harm onious and unifieddeve lopment of u rban and ruralareas.
Taking the opportunity of the 2020 NPC and CPPCC of Chongqing,we interviewed some represen tativesattending the sessions and let's listen totheir in sights on the integrated development of urban and rural areas. At thesame time, we wentdeep into the countryside and old residential areas toexperience the great changes brought by the revitalization of the coun try sideand the upgrad ing of the city .
In addition to the prosperity of industry and the inprovement oflivin g environment, we also have a most intuitive feeling, that is, people'smental outlook is full of confidence and hope. This is pethaps the greatestaffirm ation of the road of urban-rural in tegration.