王春远 刘成桂
摘要:目的 了解成都市某三甲醫院健康体检儿童维生素D状况,为临床合理补充维生素D提供理论依据。方法 回顾性分析2016年12月1日~2019年2月29日在成都市妇女儿童中心医院体检并进行常规血清25羟基维生素D检测的儿童,采用ADVIA centaur XP 全自动化学发光免疫分析仪以化学发光方法分析不同年龄、性别及季节健康体检儿童的血清25羟基维生素D水平。结果 ①儿童血清25羟基维生素D水平为(60.83±24.30)nmol/L,女性儿童25羟基维生素D水平为(59.35±23.24)nmol/L,男性儿童25羟基维生素D水平为(61.70±24.87)nmol/L,其中18.44%的儿童存在25羟基维生素D缺乏,16.91%的儿童存在25羟基维生素D不足,64.66%的儿童25羟基维生素D处于正常水平。②不同年龄儿童的25羟基维生素D缺乏率随着年龄的增加而增加,<1岁龄儿童25羟基维生素D缺乏率最低,>6岁儿童25羟基维生素D缺乏率最高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。③不同季节儿童25羟基维生素D缺乏率不同,其中冬季最高,其次为春季和秋季,夏季最低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 成都市儿童25羟基维生素D存在不同程度的缺乏,且存在年龄季节和性别差异。建议相关部门定期监测儿童25羟基维生素D水平,合理补充维生素D,促进儿童健康发育。
中图分类号:R153.2 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2020.15.041
Abstract:Objective To understand the vitamin D status of children in a health checkup in a tertiary hospital in Chengdu, and provide a theoretical basis for clinically reasonable vitamin D supplementation.Methods A retrospective analysis of children who had a physical examination and routine serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D test at Chengdu Womens and Childrens Central Hospital from December 1, 2016 to February 29, 2019 was performed using the ADVIA centaur XP automatic chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer for chemical analysis. Luminescence method was used to analyze the serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels of children of different ages, genders and seasons during physical examination.Results ①The level of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in childrens serum is (60.83±24.30) nmol/L, the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in female children is (59.35±23.24) nmol/L, and the level of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in male children is (61.70±24.87) nmol/L among them, 18.44% of children had 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency, 16.91% of children had 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency, and 64.66% of children had 25-hydroxy vitamin D at a normal level.②The 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency rate of children of different ages increases with age. The 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency rate of children <1 year old was the lowest, and the 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency rate of children> 6 years old is the highest, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).③The 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency rates of children in different seasons were different, with the highest in winter, followed by spring and autumn, and the lowest in summer, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion There are varying degrees of deficiency of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in children in Chengdu, and there are differences in age, season and gender. It is recommended that relevant departments regularly monitor children's 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels, and reasonably supplement vitamin D to promote healthy development of children.
儿童维生素D的缺乏亦存在季节差异,本研究结果显示,不同季节儿童25(OH)D缺乏率不同,夏秋季儿童25(OH)D缺乏率最低,分别为9.98%和12.67%。冬春季节儿童25(OH)D缺乏率则较高,分别为29.21%和26.93%,这与已有报道基本一 致[14,15]。这可能是由于夏秋季成都太阳照射比较多,儿童参加户外活动也相对较多,通过太阳照射而获得的维生素D也较多。而冬春季节成都地区阴雨天气比较多,这使得通过阳光照射产生维生素D的途径缺失,这也提醒儿童家长应该在冬春季节适量增加维生素D的补充。
目前维生素D缺乏是世界范围内普遍存在的问题,成都地区由于其特殊的地理气候特点,维生素D缺乏更为严重,特别是>6岁的儿童。儿童的青春发育期是人体迅速生长发育的关键时期,也是继婴儿期后人生第二个生长发育的高峰期,因此,大龄儿童维生素D缺乏的后果同样严重,大年龄儿童的维生素D的补充也应引起高度重视。此外,医务工作者也应做好广泛的宣传教育工作,积极开展各年龄段维生素D补充剂量的科普知识宣传工作,使维生素D 的补充剂量科学、合理。
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