

疯狂英语·读写版 2020年8期




1. deadheading /dedhedi·/ n. 空驶

2. scooter /·sku·t·(r)/ n. 小轮摩托车

3. electrification /··lektr·f··ke··n/ n. 充电

A new study has found that ridesharing services result in much more pollution than other kinds of private and public transportation. Ridesharing trips also draw passengers away from more environment friendly methods of travel, like public transportation, walking or biking.

Several studies have suggested that ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft can worsen traffic problems in cities. The new study attempts to center on how ridesharing services affect pollution. It examined the effects of ridesharing services on seven of Americas largest cities. Overall, the researchers reported that ridesharing trips result in an estimated 69 percent more climate pollution on average than the trips they displace. One of the big reasons is that ridesharing vehicles are often driven with no passengers in the car. This happens when drivers are either waiting for rider requests, are on the way to pick up passengers or are driving in between pickups.

This situation, known as “deadheading”, takes up about 42 percent of all ridesharing driving activity. The researchers said that deadheading results in about 50 percent more carbon dioxide than one person driving in a private vehicle.

Both Uber and Lyft do offer a choice of a "pooled" ride, which involves drivers picking up additional riders during the same trip. The study urges services like Uber and Lyft to work to increase the amount of pooled rides. It also urges the two companies to increase the number of electric vehicles on the road and to improve connections to public transportation centers.

Uber made no comment on the latest report, but the company said it aims to be part of the solution to address climate change by working directly with cities and added that Uber would continue to promote pooled trips and other means of transportation. Lyft said that the study made misleading claims about ridesharing. But the company said it shares the goals of increasing the number of pooled rides and putting more electric vehicles in service.

Both companies already operate businesses that offer electric scooters and bikes and have begun to include public transportation information in their systems. In some cities, they have also promoted vehicle electrification.

Reading check

1. What can we know about ridesharing services·

A. They can lead to traffic jams.

B. They can replace public transportation.

C. They are highly thought of by customers.

D. They are the main means of transportation.

2. Why do ridesharing services cause much pollution·

A. They are operated by using too much fuel.

B. They are often driven without passengers.

C. They provide most of the transport services.

D. They belong to both private and public companies.

3. Whats Lyfts attitude towards the new study·

A. Opposed. B. Doubtful. C. Supportive. D. Indifferent.

Language study

Sentence for writing

One of the big reasons is that ridesharing vehicles are often driven with no passengers in the car.

【信息提取】本句是一個复合句。One of the big reasons为句子的主语,is为系动词,that引导的为表语从句。



Itoly: TOwn Poys People to Ride Bikes to work 意大利小镇:骑车上班可赚钱
新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2