

疯狂英语·读写版 2020年8期



1. coronavirus /k·,r·un·vai·r·s/ n. 冠状病毒

2. pandemic /p·n·dem·k/ n. 流行病

3. pharmacy /·fɑ:m·si/ n. 药房

4. contagion /k·n·te·d··n/ n. 传染

5. gratify /·gr·t·fa·/ v. 使高兴;使满意

6. dwell on 细想



1. Where is Davide Martinelli from·

A. England.

B. Italy.

C. Australia.

2. Why does Martinelli go to Rovato every day·

A. To build up his body.

B. To enjoy short trips.

C. To get supplies.

3. How far is Martinellis home from Rovato·

A. About 8 kilometers.

B. About 10 kilometers.

C. About 12 kilometers.

4. What can people do through “Lodetto Solidale”·

A. Buy medicine.

B. Oder daily supplies.

C. Place requests online.

5. Whats the relationship between Giuseppe and Martinelli·

A. Father and son.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Wife and husband.



Italian professional cyclist Davide Martinelli is using his bicycle to help deliver medicine during the coronavirus pandemic. The service helps older people and others in Lodetto, Martinellis hometown in the Lombardy area of northern Italy. The village does not have a drug store or a supermarket.

Martinelli makes a daily trip to the nearby town of Rovato to get supplies. He told The Associated Press, “Ive got a bike and two legs in pretty good form, so riding 10 kilometers a day is no big deal. I wanted to help the people who always support me during the season. Its time to give back to them.” Martinelli joined a Facebook group called “Lodetto Solidale” where those in need can place their requests online, by phone or message. Martinelli receives his orders each night and plans out a path for the following day.

He said, “I go to the pharmacy and when I arrive outside I put on gloves and a mask. If I go for three or four people, theres less risk of contagion.” About 1,500 people live in Lodetto. Everyone there knows the Martinelli name very well. Martinellis father, Giuseppe, is one of the most successful team directors in the sport of cycling. He led teams with riders Marco Pantani and Vincenzo Nibali to win the Tour de France, one of the most wellknown bicycling races.

The elder Martinelli said that what his son is doing now is “a step above a victory for one of my athletes, because its gratifying to him and to us because hes part of our family.” Davide Martinelli is also part of his fathers Astana team — the team that American cyclist Lance Armstrong rode for in 2009 when he came out of retirement. Giuseppe Martinelli said he had nothing to do with his sons desire to provide the service. But he did give his son some advice: “Be careful. Be safe. Dont touch anyone. Use a mask and gloves when you enter the pharmacy.” Davide Martinelli likely still has his best racing years ahead of him. He is only 26yearsold. So far, he has won only two parts of small races in 2016. The bicycling service has brought him more recognition than anything else he has done on his bicycle.

Professional athletes were at first permitted to train outside during the nationwide lockdown in Italy. But the government has ordered them to remain home, too, after the Tokyo Olympics were delayed until 2021. Davide Martinelli said, “I wont deny that having the chance to be out in the fresh air helps me relax. Sure, theres a risk of contagion when I enter the pharmacy, but you cant dwell on that. When you decide to do something youve got to do it without overthinking it.”

