

当代化工 2020年4期


摘      要:三氯乙烯(TCE)是工业污染场地常见的污染物,存在于土壤气相、固相或以高密度非水相液体的形式迁移转化。土壤对三氯乙烯的吸附不仅影响土壤中污染物浓度,还极大影响其迁移转化行为。根据三氯乙烯在土壤中的吸附机制,本次研究采取序批次等温静态吸附试验测定了上海崇明地区浅层四种不同土壤中的吸附系数,并分析了供试土壤类型、不同有机质及黏粒含量对其吸附性能的影响。试验结果表明,土层性质对三氯乙烯的吸附性能有较为明显的影响,黏性土相对于粉性土,呈现出更好的吸附性能。土壤中有机碳含量、黏粒含量对其分配吸附有一定的影响作用,有机碳、黏粒含量越高对其吸附量亦越大。基于吸附试验实测值和理论估算值对比,本次试验的吸附机制除有机分配外,还有矿物质的作用。

关  键  词:三氯乙烯;土的类型;室内实验;吸附系数

中图分类号:O647.32       文献标识码: A       文章编号: 1671-0460(2020)04-0568-04

Abstract: Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a common pollutant in industrial polluted sites. It exists the migration and transformation of gas phase, solid phase and high density non-aqueous liquid in soil.Soil adsorption of trichloroethylene not only affects the concentration of pollutants in the soil, but also greatly affects the migration behavior. Based on the adsorption mechanism of trichloroethylene in soil, the adsorption coefficients of four different type soil from Shanghai Chongming area were measured by sequential batch isothermal static adsorption test,and the effect of types, different organic matter and clay content of tested soil on its adsorption performance was analyzed. The results showed that the soil layer had significant effect on the adsorption performance of trichloroethylene, and the clay soil had better adsorption performance than the silt soil. The content of organic carbon and clay particles in soil had a certain effect on the organic distribution, and the higher the content of organic carbon and clay particles, the greater the adsorption capacity. The comparison between the measured value of the adsorption test and the theoretical estimated value proved that the adsorption mechanism of this test was not only the organic distribution, but also the role of minerals.

Key words: TCE; Soil; Laboratory experiments; Adsorption coefficient

三氯乙烯广泛应用于金属、化工、制药、印染、建材等行业,其在使用、保存、处理过程中若管理不善很容易引起土壤和地下水污染,同时具有强烈的致癌作用和神经毒性,对人体健康存在极大的潜在威胁[1-2]。三氯乙烯化学性质稳定,密度大,黏度小,难溶于水,一旦污染进入表层土壤后,会在重力作用下渗透,受浓度、压力、密度、热力梯度的作用产生迁移扩散,导致其在土壤和地下水环境中迁移转化非常复杂。其中土壤对三氯乙烯的吸附行为不仅直接影响其濃度及分布,而且影响迁移转化。发达国家对三氯乙烯在土壤的吸附行为有一定的认识,大量研究成果表明,TCE在不同土层当中具有不同的吸附特性,有的相差数十倍,在0.15~11.03 L/kg之间,主要的原因在于不同土壤中的有机质含量差异较大,但也有研究成果表明低有机质含量时矿物质界面的吸附也不容忽视[3-7]。我国在该方面的研究尚处于起步阶段,且土壤类型地域差异很大,不同区域甚至不同场地可能会呈现明显的差别,在典型土壤中的吸附特性没有完全把握[8-10]。因此,本文对三氯乙烯在上海地区浅层三种不同类型土壤的吸附行为进行了研究,获得其吸附系数,对评价上海地区三氯乙烯在土壤中迁移转化,为今后潜水含水层吸附参数的室内研究提供一定的借鉴。

1  试验部分

1.1  试验材料

1.1.1  供试土样


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