并行组合扩频通信系统的自适应 变速率数据传输模型


现代电子技术 2020年13期

高维珉 张永翼 苏爱东

摘  要: 针对并行组合扩频系统定速传输速率低的问题,文中提出一种结合信道估计技术的自适应变速率数据传输模型。在通信过程中当信道状况发生改变时,通过信道估计反馈回来的信噪比改变选择的PN码序列数[r],从而实现控制数据传输速率。仿真结果表明,在大信噪比的情况下选择大[r]值,小信噪比的时候选择小的[r]值进行通信,可以保证误码率在10-3以下,同时提高了系统的平均数据传输速率。

关键词: 并行组合扩频系统; 数据传输模型; 变速率传输; 信道估计; 数据传输控制; 误码率降低

中图分类号: TN929.5?34                        文献标识码: A                         文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)13?0032?04

Adaptive variable rate data transmission model for parallel combinatory

spread spectrum communication systems

GAO Weimin, ZHANG Yongyi, SU Aidong

(Air Force Communication NCO Academy, Dalian 116600, China)

Abstract: An adaptive variable rate data transmission model is proposed in this paper to improve the constant speed transmission rate of the parallel combinatory spread spectrum (PCSS) communication system, in which the channel estimation technology is combined with. When the channel condition changes during communication, the selected number of PN code sequences [r] is changed according to the signal?to?noise ratio fed back through the channel estimation, so as to realize the data transmission rate control. The simulation results show that the selection of large [r] value in the case of large SNR, and small [r]value in the case of small SNR for communication can ensure that the bit error rate is below 10-3, which can also improve the average data transmission rate of the system.

Keywords: PCSS system; data transmission model; variable rate transmission; channel estimation; data transmission control; bit error rate reduction