The Rainbow Fairies 彩虹仙子(节选)


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2020年2期


“Of course well look for your sisters,” Kirsty said quickly. “Wont we, Rachel?”


Rachel nodded.


“Oh, thank you!” Ruby said happily.


“But were only here for a week,” Rachel said. “Will that be long enough1?”


“We have to get started right away,” said Ruby. “First, I must take you to Fairyland to meet our king and queen. They will be very happy to know that you are going to help me find my sisters.”


Rachel and Kirsty looked at Ruby.


“Youre taking us to Fairyland?” Kirsty said in surprise. She could hardly believe2 her ears.


“But how will we get there?” Rachel wanted to know.


“Well fly,” Ruby answered.


“But we cant fly!” Rachel said.


Ruby smiled. She whirled3 up into the air over the girls heads. Then she swirled4 her wand5 above them. Magic red fairy dust fluttered6 down.


Rachel and Kirsty began to feel a bit strange7. Were the trees getting bigger or were they getting smaller?


They were getting smaller!


Smaller and smaller and smaller, until they were the same size as Ruby.


“Im small!” Rachel laughed. She was so small, the flowers around her looked as big as trees.


Kirsty twisted8 around to look at her back. She had wings—shiny and delicate9 as a butterflys.


Ruby smiled at them. “Now you can fly,” she said. “Lets go.”


Rachel moved her shoulders. Her wings fluttered, and she rose up into the air. She flew from side to side at first. Flying was not at all like walking!


“Help!” Kirsty shouted, as she flew up into the air. “Im not very good at this!”


“Come on,” said Ruby, taking their hands. “Ill help you.” She led them up out of the grass.


From the air, Rachel looked down on Rainspell Island. She could see small houses next to the beach, and the harbor10.


“Where is Fairyland, Ruby?” Kirsty asked. They were flying higher and higher, up into the clouds.


“Its so far away that no one could ever find it,” Ruby said.


They flew on through the clouds for a long, long time. But at last Ruby turned to them and smiled. “Were here,” she said. “Luckily, while were in Fairyland, no time passes in your world. No one will even know you were gone!”


As they flew down from the clouds, Kirsty and Rachel saw places they couldnt see clearly from the lake picture: the palace, the hillsides with their toadstool11 houses, the river. But there were no bright colors now. Because of Jack Frosts spell12, everything was in the color of gray.


A few fairies walked hard across the hillsides. Their wings hung limply13 down their backs. No one even had the energy14 to fly.


Suddenly15, one of the fairies looked up into the sky. “Look!” she shouted. “Its Ruby. Shes come back!”


At once, the fairies flew up toward Ruby, Kirsty, and Rachel. They circled around Ruby, looking much happier, and asking lots of questions.


“Have you come from Rainspell, Ruby?”


“Where are the other Rainbow Fairies?”


“Who are your friends?”


“First, we must see the king and queen. Then I will tell you everything!” Ruby said.


King Oberon and Queen Titania were seated on their thrones16. Their palace was as gray and dark as everything else in Fairyland. But they smiled warmly when Ruby arrived with Rachel and Kirsty.


“Welcome back, Ruby,” the queen said. “We have missed you.”


“Your Majesties, I have found two humans who believe in magic17!” Ruby said. “These are my new friends, Kirsty and Rachel.”


Quickly, Ruby talked about what had happened to the other Rainbow Fairies. She told everyone how Rachel and Kirsty had saved her.


“You have our thanks,” the king told them. “Our Rainbow Fairies are very special to us.”


“And will you help us to find Rubys Rainbow sisters?” the queen asked.


“Yes, we will,” Kirsty said.


“But how will we know where to look?” Rachel asked.


“The trick is not to look too hard,” said Queen Titania. “Dont worry. As you enjoy the rest of your vacation, the magic you need to find each Rainbow Fairy will find you. Just wait and see.”


King Oberon was thinking about it. “You have six days of your vacation left, and six fairies to find,” he said. “A fairy each day. Thats a lot of fairy-finding. You will need some special help.” He nodded at one of his footmen, a fat frog in a jacket.


The frog jumped over to Rachel and Kirsty and handed them each a small, silver bag.


“The bags contain magic tools,” the queen told them. “Dont look inside them yet. Open them only when you really need to, and you will find something to help you.” She smiled at Kirsty and Rachel.


“Look!” shouted another frog footman suddenly. “Ruby is beginning to fade18!”


Rachel and Kirsty looked at Ruby in horror19. The fairy was growing paler before their eyes. Her lovely dress was no longer red, but pink, and her golden hair was turning white.


“Jack Frosts magic is still at work,” said the king, looking worried. “We cannot undo his spell until the Rainbow Fairies are all together again.”


“Quickly, Ruby!” said the queen worriedly. “You must go back to Rainspell at once.”


Ruby, Kirsty, and Rachel rose into the air, their wings fluttering.


“Dont worry!” Kirsty called, as they flew higher. “Well come back with all the Rainbow Fairies very soon!”


“Good luck!” called the king and queen.


Rachel and Kirsty watched Ruby worriedly as they all flew off. As they got farther away from Fairyland, Rubys color began to get back. Soon she was bright and sparkling again.


The three girls got to Rainspell at last. Ruby led Rachel and Kirsty to the clearing in the woods, and they landed next to the old, black pot. Then Ruby scattered fairy dust over Rachel and Kirsty. There was a puff of red smoke, and the two girls shot up to their normal size again. Rachel found her wings were gone.


“Oh, I really loved being a fairy,” Kirsty said.


They watched as Rubythrew her magic dust over the old, black pot.


“What are you doing?” Rachel asked.


“Jack Frosts magic means that I cant help you look for my sisters,” Ruby answered sadly. “If I try, I might fade away completely. So I will wait for you here, in the pot at the end of the rainbow.”


“The pot will be hidden under that tree,” Ruby said. “Ill be safe there.”


“Wed better start looking for the other Rainbow Fairies,” Rachel said to Kirsty. “Where shall we start?”


Ruby shook her head. “Remember what the queen said,” she told them. “The magic will come to you.” She flew over and sat on the edge of the pot. Then she pushed aside one of the willow branches and waved at Rachel and Kirsty. “Goodbye, and good luck!”


“Well be back soon, Ruby,” Kirsty said.


“Were going to find all of your Rainbow sisters,” Rachel said firmly20. “Just you wait and see!”




1. enough adv. 足够地,充足地

2. believe vi. 信任;料想;笃信宗教;vt. 相信;认为;信任

3. whirl v. (使)旋转,回旋;(使)急转,飞跑

4. swirl v. 盘绕,打旋;使成漩涡

5. wand n. 魔杖;棒;权杖

6. flutter v. 飘动;(鸟或昆虫)鼓翼;飞来飞去

7. strange adj. 奇怪的;陌生的

8. twist v. 使弯曲;拧;扭去;挣扎;扭伤(关节);歪曲;旋转;使缠绕

9. delicate adj. 精美的,雅致的;易碎的;纤弱的

10. harbor n. 港,海港

11. toadstool n. 毒菌;伞菌;羊肚菌

12. spell n. 符咒;着魔

13. limply adv. 柔软地;四肢无力地,软绵绵地

14. energy n. [物] 能量;精力;活力;精神

15. suddenly adv. 突然地;忽然

16. throne n. 王座;君主;王权

17. magic n. 魔法,巫术;魔术

18. fade vi. 褪色;凋谢;逐渐消失

19. horror n. 惊骇;惨状;极端厌恶;令人恐怖的事物

20. firmly adv. 坚定地,坚决地

