Forms of Chinglish in English Writing


文艺生活·中旬刊 2020年4期

陈章霞 卢佳

Abstract:With a heightened sensitivity to English writing, a load of methods well -marched to writing do e-merged. This paper aims to delve into the knock-of effect caused by Chinglish due to the scarcity ofstudentslanguage input.

Keywords :English writing Chinglish independent study



The factors restricting the improvement of writing are not only insufficient reading and lack of logical thinking training ,but also Chinglish ,a phenomenon that greatly impedes the improvement of the students 'writing communicative competence .

二、The Culprits for the emergence of Chinglish

Chinese and English belong to two different lan -guage families ,with the former belonging to the Sino -Tibetanlanguage family and the latter pertaining to the Indo -Europeanlanguage family .The huge differ -ence between the two will lead to the negative trans -fer of the learner 'smother tongue in the process of language acquisition .

三、Ways to avoid Chinglish in English writ -ing

Read a lot of original materials to accumulate common expressions

As many people say ,reading can develop a senseof language ".This " senseof language "actually the degree of familiarity with common collocations and

sentence patterns in English .

Consult dictionaries and authoritative sources

Don 'tinvent expressions .Make sure that your col -locations and patterns are illustrated in dictionaries or other authoritative sources .For example ,to de -scribe a scene that someone are unwilling to admit his or her mistake .Most students may write " Hetried to find an excuse for his misconduct ." Isthere a better expression ?

Webster Dictionary has an instance :" Hetried to justify his behavior ." Here" justify"isclearly more appropriate than the wordy phrase " findan excuse for ".

四、Conc lus ion

Reducing Chinglish expressionsis a long- term un-dertaking during which a sea of reading accumulat ionand continuous thinking feedback arerequired,so asto improve your writing.

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