On the first day of school, as I introduced myself to my new class, one little girl named Patricia caught my attention. She looked so much like my own daughter, Darcie, I had to give my head a shake. As the months went by I noticed how her mannerisms and even certain behaviors were similar to Darcies, even though she was only eight and Darcie was now nineteen. She even wore her hair the same way Darcie had in grade school.
At the parent-teacher meeting in November, I enjoyed meeting Patricias mom, Jenny. I shared with her how much her daughter resembled mine, and wished I had brought a picture along to show her the similarity. I then mentioned that Darcie was adopted, even wondering about the possibility of the two girls being related somehow—the resemblance was so uncanny. As Jenny was leaving, I said, “Yes, Darcie was born on July 19, 1975, so if you had a relative who gave up a baby for adoption, maybe it was Darcie.” Being a family private person, I was startled at myself at this sudden confidence. I attributed it to my nervousness about the interviews and put it out of my mind.
I forgot about this episode until the March interview rolled around. This time Patricias father, Garth, was also present. Again, I had forgotten to bring a picture of Darcie to show Jenny. Oh, well, I will, one of these days, I thought.
Then, at the end of June, on the last day of school, my phone rang. To my surprise, it was Jenny. In a strange voice, she said, “Ive been struggling with whether or not to make this call all year. But today, it was now or never.” And then, out of the blue, she said, “I think Im your daughters natural mother.”
I was stunned. This possibility had honestly never entered my head. Its a good thing there was a chair by the phone because my legs felt like rubber. I thought back to our first interview last November. Poor Jenny—what a shock she must have had that night!
Over the phone, Jenny and I exchanged the information we had both been given at the time of adoption. It was emotionally draining, and we were both choking back tears as we spoke. I learned that day that Jennys husband, Garth, was Darcies natural father as well. Patricia and Darcie were truly full genetic sisters. No wonder they looked and behaved so much alike.
Afterwards, I sat down and had a good cry. I wasnt feeling insecure or threatened, but rather totally drained and somewhat relieved. As an adoptive mom, I always knew that someday my children might want to find their natural parents. I had just hoped that they wouldnt find out that their mother had died of overdose, or that their dad was in jail. Jenny and Garth seemed to be fine people, and I was as pleased as could be. Patricia had been in my class for a whole year, and I knew a fair bit about her life. Had Darcie been raised in their family, her life might have been quite similar to the life she had in ours. All in all, I thought, Darcie could feel very proud.
Jenny had asked me to tell Darcie if I wanted to. She and Garth would put no pressure on her. If she wanted to contact them—great! If not, they would respect that.
On a Tuesday when Darcie got home from work, I called her upstairs to talk. After reassuring her that nothing was wrong, I put my arms around her and said, “Darcie, I spoke to your birth mother on Friday.” She was shocked and totally speechless. When I asked her if she thought she might like to meet her, she replied, “I dont know, this feels weird.” When I explained that Id actually met Jenny on several occasions, she wondered if she looked like her.
As the week passed, she asked for more information as she was ready. She found it easier to absorb small pieces of information, and she couldnt decide whether or not she wanted to meet Jenny and Garth, I said: “Look Darcie, it took Jenny almost a whole year to decide to call me. Please take all the time you want. There is no pressure to make a decision.”
A few months later, she felt ready, but definitely wanted me with her. I was glad about this—adoption doesnt just happen to the baby, it happens to the parents, too. I needed to be a part of this.
Darcie was feeling a bit insecure. With us she knew unconditional love, but with Jenny and Garth she felt shed have to gain acceptance by some accomplishment or look or both. Over the next few months, she lost some weight, found a new job, dyed her hair three times, and had it permed, straightened and cut.
My adopted son, Dale, wondered why she was in such a flap. “These people are just strangers,” he said, “why does she even want to meet them?” I replied, “It must be meant to be, Dale. Look at the odds here. This city has a population of over 600,000! We adopted Darcie when we lived in the west end, Jenny and Garth lived centrally, and now we all live in the east end!” I was truly in awe of the strange trail of unlikely coincidences that all these years later had brought us to the same neighborhood, and placed Patricia in my classroom.
By June 1997, Darcie asked me to arrange a meeting with her birth family. Jenny was pleased but cautious, wanting to be sure that Darcie was ready. She also wasnt sure she was prepared for Patricia and her son, Jordan, to know about Darcie.
When the day finally arrived, Darcie was so nervous that I had to greet Jenny and Garth, and bring them into the kitchen. After my introduction, Jenny walked towards Darcie and wrapped her arms around her. They both began to cry as Jenny held the daughter she had given up so many years ago.
When we had all calmed down, we settled in the family room and the conversation flowed easily. Darcie showed them her baby album and school pictures, and asked lots of questions. She learned that Garth had been sixteen, and Jenny only fourteen, when she was born. They had given her up out of love, knowing they were not ready to be parents. Six years later they were married and had always longed to know her. When they learned from me she had grown up close by in a good family, it seemed like a miracle, and they were overjoyed. When Jenny and Garth finally left late that night, there were lots of hugs all around.
Jenny and Garth had told their children they had given up a child for adoption, but they hadnt shared the recent contact or my involvement. A week later, they did, and Jenny asked Darcie if she would like to meet Jordan and Patricia, who were her full brother and sister.
Darcie excitedly agreed, and this time, I was excited, too! Everyone had lots to say, and it felt a lot like a family party! When Patricia entered our home and saw Darcie for the first time, she was over the moon with excitement and exclaimed: “Oh mom, she looks like you!” She was so excited to have an older sister, she was like a kid in a candy store. She wanted to see Darcies room, her shoes, the rest of the house, our back yard. She couldnt sit still!
Darcie and Jenny keep in touch by phone from time to time and exchange birthday cards.
Darcie is married now, with a baby of her own. Patricia loves to baby-sit for Darcie and her husband, and Jenny and Garth are thrilled to know their first grandchild. The sad loss of their youth has been replaced with joy and healing, and I can honestly say it is a feeling of contentment and peace that we all share.