Break dancer born without arms and legs 没有手、没有脚,但有舞蹈


疯狂英语·爱英语 2020年7期

Gabe Adams是一个成功的舞蹈演员和励志演讲员,同时也是一个残疾人,但残疾并没有让他放弃对生活的希望,他依然努力追求自己的舞蹈梦。

When Gabe Adams, now 20, was born in Brazil, none of his limbs grew at all. Adopted by Janelle and Ron Adams, Gabe was brought to the US as a baby. Dad, Ron, said, “The biggest concern as a parent obviously was how we raise a son with no arms and no legs, to be independent. We worked hard to help him overcome different challenges.”

At school Gabe tried out for the dance team as a way of making friends—discovering he could use his limbless body to his advantage in the art of break dancing. He said, “When you are sitting in a wheelchair all day, it gets pretty boring. I needed a class where I could get out of the wheelchair and just be myself and have fun. Therefore, I took a dance class where I had a friend saying I should try out for the dance team.”

“I was just standing there in front of the judges and then I saw girls do the spins and I am like ‘I can do that, so I do the spins. But the next day I heard two girls talking behind me: ‘They are only gonna put him on the stage because he is handicapped. I ran to the dance coach and she said, ‘I would not put you or anybody else on the team because I felt sorry for them. And that was just a huge opening moment for me to join them.”

Since becoming a part of his high school dance team, Gabe has gone on to compete in a dance competition placing second and even appeared on the Maury Show in the US. And as his confidence as a dancer has grown, Gabe has started pursuing a career as a motivational speaker.

“I hated my parents for making me go through all that hard work, but now I look at them and celebrate that they pushed me to be independent and be the person that they knew I could be,” Gabe said.

Reading Check

1. What does the underlined word “limbs” in the first paragraph mean?

A. Parents of a little baby.

B. Arms or legs of a person.

C. Large branches of a tree.

D. The height and weight of a baby.

2. Why did Gabe Adams take dance classes?

A. To kill time.

B. To defeat his friends.

C. To show off his potential.

D. To become a member of the dance team.

3. What contributed to Gabe Adamss success in his opinion?

A. Guidance from the coach.

B. Pressure from his parents.

C. His hatred for his parents.

D. His unique talent for dance.

Language Study

Sentence for writing

As his confidence as a dancer has grown, Gabe has started pursuing a career as a motivational speaker.




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