

唐琦 彭定涛

摘 要:本文考慮无约束组稀疏回归问题,其损失函数为凸函数,正则项为MCP(minimax concave  penalty),主要刻画该问题的两类稳定点。首先,给出d-稳定点以及critical点的具体刻画,并且证明了这两类稳定点的关系;其次,分析d-稳定点与问题局部解的关系;最后,证明了该模型的下界性质。


中图分类号:O224   文献标识码: A


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(責任编辑:曾 晶)

Analysis of Stationary Points for Group Sparse Problems

with the Minimax Concave Penalty

TANG Qi,  PENG Dingtao*

(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guizhou University,  Guiyang 550025,  China)


In this paper,  we focus on the group sparse problem,  where the loss function is convex,  and the penalty term is defined by the minimax concave penalty.  We discuss two kinds of stationary points of the problem.  First,  we provide concrete description for the d-stationary point and the critical point of the nonconvex regular group sparse problem,  and analyze the relation of d-stationary point with critical point.  Furthermore,  we show that a point is a local minimizer of the relaxation problem,  then it is a d-stationary point.  Whats more,  we obtain the lower bound property of the problem.

Key words:

group sparse problem;MCP;d-stationary point;critical point;lower bound property



作者简介:唐 琦(1996-),女,在读硕士,研究方向:稀疏优化,Email:
