Dolphin Tale一只海豚的传说


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2020年5期


Sawyer Nelson is biking along the beach(海滩). There he finds an injured(受伤的) dolphin. Sawyer calls more people for help. Workers from a nearby(附近的) hospital come to the beach. They take the dolphin back to the hospital.

Doctor Clay Haskett runs(经营) the hospital. His daughter, Hazel, names(命名) the dolphin Winter. Sawyer is worried about Winter. Hazel allows(允许) Sawyer to see Winter. They become good friends. However, Winters tail hurts(受伤) badly(严重地). Without the tail, she could die.

Doctor Cameron McCarthy is an expert(专家) in artificial limbs(假肢). When Sawyer learns this, he asks the doctor to make a tail for Winter. But McCarthy never made an artificial limb for a dolphin before. Can he make a great tail for Winter? Can Winter live happily from now on? Watch the film and find the answer.

Im a dolphin. I used to(过去常常) swim freely in the sea. But a trap(陷阱) catches(抓住) me and I hurt my tail badly. Sawyer finds me and sends me to the hospital with others help. People in the hospital take good care of me. I want to say “Thank you!” to all of them.

Im 11 years old and I live with my mom. Before I met Winter, I had no friends. Winter is my first and only friend. I will try my best to help Winter. She suffers(遭受) too much pain(疼痛). And she is a brave little dolphin.

I run a hospital near the sea. I saved(救助) many sea animals lives. But I never met anyone badly hurt like Winter. I will work together with Doctor McCarthy to help Winter.

My job is to make artificial limbs for people. Im good at my job. I will do my best to make a tail for Winter. I hope Winter can swim again.

1. Dolphins can leap(跳跃) as high as 6 meters in the air.

2. Dolphins have to come to the waters surface(表面) to breathe(呼吸) air, just like you.

3. Dolphins have little or no sense of smell(嗅覺). But they have a sharp sense of hearing(听觉). And they can see things clearly both in and out of water.

4. Female(雌性的) dolphins give birth(生育) every two to three years. They have only one baby at a time.

1. Who finds Winter on the beach?

2. Who will make a tail for Winter?

3. How often can a female dolphin give birth to a baby?


1. Sawyer.

2. Doctor Cameron McCarthy.

3. Every two to three years.


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