刘玥 孙国强
DOI:10. 11907/rjdk. 192300 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):
中图分类号:TP301文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7800(2020)007-0032-04
Contaminated License Plate Character Recognition
Based on Discrete Hopfield Neural Network
LIU Yue, SUN Guo-qiang
(School of Optical-Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)
Abstract: To improve the disadvantages of traditional character recognition methods which lack of ability of correctly recognizing contaminated license plate characters and effectively distinguishing the confusing characters, this paper utilizes MATLAB to process the real license plate character images and proposed the contaminated license plate-Hopfield neural network(CLP-HNN) which is a modified algorithm based on discrete Hopfield neural network to recognize the letters and numbers of contaminated license plate. Experiment results have shown that the recognition rate of contaminated license plate characters by CLP-HNN algorithm can reach 93.3%. It indicates the method proposed in this paper can not only effectively decrease the risk of misrecognition of contaminated license plates but also improve the correct discrimination rate of confusing characters, which is of great significance for reducing traffic safety problems caused by license plate recognition.
Key Words: contaminated license plate; characters recognition; Hopfield neural network
0 引言
智能交通系統(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)的主要目标是在交通运输管理系统中运用先进的信息、通信、计算机等技术使系统更加实时高效[1-2]。车牌识别技术作为城市智能交通中采集分析信息的重要方式,承担了极其重要的任务[3-4]。常规车牌识别技术一般分为3个环节:定位[5]、分割[6]及识别[7],环环相扣。由于车牌字符正确识别率直接关系到车牌识别系统性能,所以成为完善智能交通管理系统的关键。
2.3 算法评估
3 结语
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(責任编辑:江 艳)