疫情之下 MICE如何自救
葛菁 杨济森
導语:疫情的到来,将MICE行业让原本的旅游旺季变成了退订旺季。原本充满希望的新年,让众多MICE企业遭遇了企业寒冬,甚至直面生死存亡。在疫情的冲击下,是否加速了行业的洗牌? 转型迫在眉睫,企业究竟该如何自救,减少公司损失?又该如何提振信心,跨过这道坎,为下半年蓄力?在行业按下了“暂停键”之际,《旅游会展》编辑部特此推出疫情特刊,与国内MICE从业者共同探讨和深思。
How MICE companies can help themselves in the impact of epidemic
The arrival of the epidemic has turned the MICE industry into a peak season for cancellation. The original hopeful New Year has become a time for many MICE companies to experience the corporate winter and even face the choice of life and death. Has the impact of the epidemic accelerated the reshuffle of the industry? Transformation is imminent. How can companies save themselves and reduce losses? How can we boost our confidence and cross this threshold to gear up for the second half of the year? When the industry has pressed the "pause key", MICE Business Tourism magazine hereby has issued a special issue on the epidemic situation, to discuss industry topics with domestic MICE practitioners.