(1. 河南工业大学土木工程学院,郑州 450001;2. 粮食储运国家工程实验室,郑州 450001)
不同地区粮仓中粮堆的含水率会有较大的差异,为了明确含水率对粮仓设计参数的影响,通过三轴试验研究了含水率对小麦粮堆非线性强度、临界状态和模量等的影响规律。结果表明:不同含水率下小麦粮堆的峰值强度和残余强度符合非线性强度指标的Mohr-Coulomb强度准则;参考压力(100 kPa)下峰值内摩擦角和残余内摩擦角随着含水率的增大呈线性增大,含水率每增加1%,峰值内摩擦角和残余内摩擦角分别增大0.22°和0.30°。小麦粮堆的临界状态特性符合剑桥弹塑性理论,偏应力随着平均法向应力的增大呈线性增大;峰值应力比和临界状态应力比随着含水率的增大呈线性增大;含水率每增加1%时,峰值应力比和临界状态应力比分别增大0.012和0.014。不同含水率下初始模量、割线模量与围压间可采用幂函数模型表示;参考压力下初始模量和割线模量均随着含水率的增大呈线性降低;含水率每增加1%,初始模量和割线模量分别降低0.98和0.25 MPa。
0 引 言
2013年以来中国粮食年产量超6亿t,国内各地环境差异较大,储存于粮仓内的大体积粮堆含水率也存在着较大的差异,如中国西北地区为干燥区域,粮食含水率较低,而东南地区为湿热区域,相应的粮食含水率会较高[1]。目前随着粮食仓储技术的发展,出现了不少高度和直径大于30 m、仓容量达数万吨的大型粮仓[2-3]。粮食在装卸过程中的力学指标是现代大型粮食仓储设施设计[4-5]和研究的重要指标[6-10]。含水率变化会影响粮堆力学性质,进而改变粮仓结构受力状态,研究含水率对仓内粮堆力学指标的影响具有重要的科学和工程意义。
粮食储藏和加工中籽粒的基本物理和力学特性受到了国内外学者的关注。Afkari Sayyah[11]利用压缩试验,基于Hertz理论得出小麦籽粒的表观弹性模量范围,并得出最大接触应力和籽粒破损力等参数,提出颗粒硬度与力学性质指标之间为线性关系。周显青等[12]对糙米的锥刺、三点弯曲、剪切、挤压等破碎力学特性进行了研究,提出三点弯曲力更能反映籽粒的破碎特性。Singh等[13]提出随着含水率增大,粮食休止角、内摩擦角、外摩擦角越大,而体积密度、颗粒破损荷载则越小。Yang等[14]提出稻种状态和含水率对杂交水稻的容积密度影响显著,并给出了包衣稻谷物理参数的范围。张克平等[15]通过压缩试验研究了不同含水率下小麦籽粒的弹性模量、屈服强度、破碎负载等特性,表明破碎负载、弹性模量、屈服强度随着含水率的增加有明显降低,并对比分析了不同压缩型式下的压缩破坏指标。
粮仓中的粮食是以大体积粮堆的形式存在,粮堆力学性质对于粮仓的研究更为重要。刘志云等[16]研究了法向压应力和含水率对糙米粮堆力学特性的影响,表明内摩擦角随着法向压应力的增大而减小,法向压应力小于25 kPa时,内摩擦角随着含水率的增加而逐渐增大,法向压应力大于75 kPa时,内摩擦角随着含水率增大至一定值后逐渐降低。彭飞等[17]给出了不同含水率、粒度小麦粉堆的内摩擦角、滑动摩擦角、休止角等指标的范围。Subramanian[18]提出随着含水率增大,粮堆的堆积密度逐渐减小,而粮堆内摩擦角、粮堆与结构间的静摩擦系数均越大。
1 试验材料与方法
粮仓内粮堆由于受到装、卸料等不同工况的作用,在不同位置应力状态变化较大。为了得出粮堆弹塑性力学规律,本研究采用单元试验的方法,在粮仓大体积粮堆内取小单元(高度124 mm、直径61.8 mm),对单元施加不同的竖向和侧向应力组合,还原粮仓内不同位置、不同工况下的应力状态,进而研究粮堆的弹塑性力学特性。
河南小麦产量占全国的四分之一,本研究采用河南郑州产小麦作为试验材料,品种为关陵113。将小麦试样在105 ℃的恒温箱中烘至恒质量,再将小麦试样配至4.90%、8.56%、10.64%和13.45%四种不同的含水率,并将试样密封在塑料袋内,在10 ℃下静置7 d,保证试样内含水率均衡。
试验在多功能应力路径三轴仪中进行,三轴试验装置和试样示意图如图1所示。在承膜筒中将配制好的小麦装入橡皮膜中,制成高度124 mm、直径61.8 mm、堆积密度为0.8 g/cm3的圆柱形粮堆试样。小麦籽粒的等效平均粒径为4.5 mm,粮堆试样直径与籽粒直径的比为13.7,符合三轴试验尺寸比的要求[28]。通过对试样分别施加50、100、150、200、250、300 kPa不同等级的围压,模拟粮仓内不同深度的粮堆单元受到的压力,再对试样施加轴向应力,使试样中产生剪切偏应力直至试样的轴向应变大于25%,达到临界状态[28](即随着轴向应变的增大,偏应力趋于稳定值),剪切时粮堆孔隙中的气体通过底座排气孔自由排出。
图1 小麦粮堆三轴试验示意图
2 强度特性
图2 含水率8.56%的小麦粮堆不同围压下的应力应变曲线
式中为无围压时材料的抗剪强度,kPa;是材料内摩擦角,(°)。用线性强度理论拟合得出小麦粮堆的介于8.8~12.6 kPa之间,这与小麦粮堆是松散堆积体不符。
式中0和φ0是参考压力(围压100 kPa)下的内摩擦角和残余内摩擦角,(°);Δ和Δφ是反映内摩擦角随着围压增长而降低的参数,(°);p为大气压力,本文取100 kPa。将式(4)和(5)代入式(2)和(3),峰值强度可进一步表示为
Note: τis peak strength,τis residual strength.
图3 不同含水率下小麦粮堆强度
Fig.3 Strength of wheat bulk under different moisture content
表1 含水率对参数φ0、φr0、Δφ和Δφr的影响
Note:0andφ0are internal friction angle and residual internal friction angle under reference cell pressure respectively, (°); Δ和Δφare the parameters of internal fiction angle and residual internal fiction angle that changed with increase of cell pressure (°).
3 临界状态特性
图4 不同含水率下小麦粮堆临界状态特性
表2 含水率对应力比的影响
4 模量特性
参数和50分别是参考压力(围压100 kPa)下初始模量比值E/p和割线模量比值50/p;、50为模型指数。
表3 含水率对参数k、k50、n和n50的影响
Note:and50is initial modulus ratioE/pand secant modulus ratio50/punder reference pressure.
5 结 论
1)不同含水率下小麦粮堆的峰值强度和残余强度可用非线性强度指标的Mohr-Coulomb强度准则表示。参考压力下(100 kPa)峰值内摩擦角和残余内摩擦角随着含水率增大呈线性增大;含水率为0时,参考压力下峰值内摩擦角和残余内摩擦角分别为24.03°和22.31°;含水率每增加1%,参考压力下峰值内摩擦角和残余内摩擦角分别增大0.22°和0.30°。
3)不同含水率下小麦粮堆的初始模量、割线模量与围压间均可用幂函数模型表示。参考压力下初始模量和割线模量均随着含水率的增大呈线性降低;含水率为0时,参考压力下初始模量和割线模量分别为28.9和6.86 MPa;含水率每增加1%,参考压力下初始模量和割线模量分别降低0.98和0.25 MPa。
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Effects of moisture content on elastic-plastic properties of bulk wheat
Jiang Minmin, Chen Guixiang, Liu Chaosai, Liu Wenlei, Zhang Zhijing
(1.,,450001,; 2.,450001,)
The total annual output of grain is about 600 million tons in China. With the development of grain storage technology, grain bins with diameter larger than 30 m and capacity exceed tens of thousand tons emerged in recent years. As the climate in different regions vary greatly in China, grain moisture content varied significant in bins accordingly, for instance, grain moisture content is high in bins in southeast of China, while it is substantially low in northwest of China. The effect of moisture content on elastic-plastic properties of bulk wheat was investigated in this study. Wheat grain produced in Zhengzhou, China was utilized in this study, the equivalent diameter of kernel was 4.5 mm. The wheat was dried in oven under 105 ℃, wetted to moisture content of 4.90%, 8.56%, 10.64% and 13.45%, and sealed in plastic bag and placed in refrigerator under 10 ℃ to equilibrate for 7 days to a stable state. Then bulk wheat sample was tested in stress path triaxial apparatus. The bulk density was 0.8 g/cm3, the height of sample was 124 mm, and diameter was 61.8 mm which was about 13.7 times of equivalent kernel diameter, and diameter ratio conformed to the requirement of triaxial test. Cell pressure in the test was set to be 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 kPa, the maximum cell pressure of 300 kPa covered most situation in grain bins. The wheat samples were sheared by increase axial stress, while keep cell pressure constant, until axial strain was large than 25%, which was correspond to the critical state. Test results showed that peak shear strength and residual shear strength followed nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb criterion for granular material, in that the cohesion was zero, friction angle was a nonlinear parameter depending on cell pressure. The friction angle decreased with the increase of logarithmic value of cell pressure. Peak friction angle and residual friction angle under reference pressure (100 kPa) increased with the increase of moisture content, as moisture content increased from 4.90% to 13.45%, peak friction angle increased from 25.4° to 27.4° and residual friction angle increased from 24.1° to 26.7°. Peak friction angle and residual friction angle under reference pressure were 24.03° and 22.31° when moisture content was zero. As moisture content increased for 1%, peak friction angle and residual friction angle under reference pressure increased by 0.22° and 0.30° respectively. In deviator stress - mean normal stress plane, the peak result and critical state result followed Cambridge elastic-plastic theory, i.e. deviator stress increased linear with mean normal stress. Peak stress ratio and critical state stress ratio increased linear with moisture content. As moisture content increased from 4.90% to 13.45%, peak stress ratio increased from 0.905 to 1.008 and critical state stress ratio increased from 0.863 to 0.981. When moisture content was zero, peak stress ratio and critical state stress ratio was 0.835 and 0.776 respectively, and moisture content increased for 1%, peak stress ratio and critical state stress ratio increased by 0.012 and 0.014 respectively. Initial modulus was the modulus under axial strain of 0.05%, secant modulus was the modulus under half of peak deviator stress. The relationship between initial modulus, secant modulus and cell pressure could be expressed through power function model. Initial modulus and secant modulus under reference pressure decreased linear with moisture content. Initial modulus and secant modulus under reference pressure was 28.9 and 6.86 MPa when moisture content was zero, and moisture content increased for 1%, initial modulus and secant modulus under reference pressure decreased for 0.98 MPa and 0.25 MPa respectively. As moisture content ranged from 4.90% to 13.45%, the exponent in initial modulus model was between 0.482 and 0.866, the exponent in secant modulus model was between 0.759 and 0.881.
grain; moisture content; strength; critical state; elastic modulus
蒋敏敏,陈桂香,刘超赛,等. 含水率对小麦粮堆弹塑性力学特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(10):245-251.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.10.030 http://www.tcsae.org
Jiang Minmin, Chen Guixiang, Liu Chaosai, et al. Effects of moisture content on elastic-plastic properties of bulk wheat[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(10): 245-251. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.10.030 http://www.tcsae.org