

南京信息工程大学学报 2020年3期

齐晓静 刘文慧




中图分类号 TP273.4

文献标志码 A

0 引言



值得注意的是,在传统的反步技术中,由于某些非线性函数在每一步的重复微分会导致“复杂性爆炸”.因此,为了避免这一问题,提出了动态表面控制(DSC)技术.该方法将一阶滤波器引入到反步法的每一步中,将原微分运算转化为代数运算,使得在实际中难以控制的模型易于实现.近几十年来,动态表面控制技术在不确定非线性系统的自适应控制中得到了广泛的应用.例如,文献[23-25]针对严格反馈或纯反馈非线性系统,研究了基于FLSs或NNs的自适应动态表面控制策略.文献[26-28]研究了基于动态面技术的非严格反馈非线性系统的自适应控制方法.虽然上述文献所设计的控制器可以保证闭环系统的有界性,但不能保证系统在有限时间内的稳定性. 因此,本文将研究闭环系统的有限时间稳定性.



1) 针对一类具有量化输入和未知扰动的非线性系统,提出了一种新的自适应控制方案.与文献[5]和文献[16]相比,本文不仅考虑了系统的量化输入和未知扰动,而且提出了一种有限时间自适应模糊控制策略.

2) 本文提出了一种输出反馈控制方案,设计了模糊自适应观测器来估计系统中的不可测状态.并且,本文采用滞回量化器对输入信号进行量化,避免了量化信号中的抖振.

3) 本文采用动态面控制技术,克服了反步设计中“复杂性爆炸”的缺点,降低了控制算法的计算复杂度.

5 结束语






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Adaptive finite-time dynamic surface control for nonlinear systems with

input quantization and unknown disturbances

QI Xiaojing1 LIU Wenhui1

1 School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023

Abstract In this paper,the problem of finite-time adaptive output feedback dynamic surface control is studied for a class of nonlinear systems with quantized input signals and unknown disturbances.In the control design process,the nonlinear terms in the system are approximated by the fuzzy logic systems.A hysteretic quantizer is introduced to avoid chattering in the quantized signals,and the fuzzy state observer is constructed to estimate the unmeasurable states of the system.In order to propose the finite-time control strategy,firstly,a semi-global practical finite-time stability criterion is given.On this basis,an adaptive fuzzy controller is designed by combining the dynamic surface control technology with backstepping method.The controller can not only ensure that the observer and tracking error converge to a small neighborhood of the origin in a finite time,but also keep all the signals in the closed-loop system bounded.Finally,a simulation example is given to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the control method.

Key words quantized input signals;fuzzy logic systems;dynamic surface control;backstepping;finite-time tracking control

收稿日期 2019-12-24






基于 L1自适应控制的无人机横侧向控制