房文文 杨军 薛芳 王海凤 郭涛 金桂秀 张瑞华 刘丽娟 姜艳芳 张焕霞 张士永
中图分类号:S435.111.4+1(252) 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2020)01-0111-04
Abstract To determine physiological races and population distribution of Pyricularia oryzae in Shandong Province, fifty-seven strains of rice blast were isolated from disease samples collected from six major rice growing regions and used to inoculate seven differential rice varieties by wounding detached leaves. The results showed that, the strains could be classified into six groups and thirty-three physiological races. ZA and ZC populations were the dominant ones, and the corresponding occurrence frequencies were 42.11% and 19.30%, respectively. ZB and ZE populations were the next ones with the frequencies of 15.79% and 12.28%, respectively. ZD population was not found. ZE3 was the predominant physiological race with a frequency of 12.28%, followed by ZG1 as 8.77%. In addition, the composition and types of the rice blast physiological races in different rice growing regions of Shandong Province were quite different. The study determined the physiological races and their composition of some P. oryzae populations in Shandong preliminarily, which could provide useful references for breeding resistant varieties to control rice blast.
Keywords Shandong Province; Rice blast; Variety identification; Physiological races
稻瘟病是由稻梨孢(Pyricularia oryzae)引起的流行范圍最广、危害最大的水稻病害[1, 2],在流行年份可减产30%~80%[3, 4]。山东是我国北方重要的优质米生产基地,主要分布在鲁南、鲁西南及黄河沿岸县市。稻瘟病是山东省水稻的主要病害,2014年临沂、日照的部分田块水稻近乎绝产,造成严重损失[5]。目前生产上防治该病最经济有效的措施是种植抗病品种[6],但由于稻瘟病菌群体小种的变异[7, 8]导致一些水稻品种在种植几年后抗性丧失,而关于山东省稻瘟病菌生理小种类型及变异规律的研究较少。因此,分析山东省稻瘟病菌生理小种的类型,并定期监测山东地区稻瘟病菌生理小种的变异规律,根据菌群动态适时调整抗性水稻品种的选育及布局,能够有效控制稻瘟病的发生。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.1.1 供试水稻品种 本研究用于稻瘟病菌群体生理小种分析的水稻品种为一套中国鉴别品种,由四丰43、东农363、特特勃、关东51、合江18、珍龙13、丽江新团黑谷(LTH)7 个品种组成。
1.1.2 试剂及仪器 2%水琼脂培养基:称取6 g琼脂粉,置于500 mL三角瓶中,加入300 mL去离子水,封口高温高压灭菌。
番茄燕麦培养基(1 L):30~40 g燕麦片,20 g琼脂粉,150 mL番茄汁,850 mL水,分装至三角瓶,121℃湿热灭菌30 min。
1000×四环素:50 mg四环素溶于1 mL乙醇,-20℃保存。
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