林园 抗战时期歌乐山的外交印记


重庆与世界 2020年6期

Lin Garden: the diplomatic record of Mount Geleshan during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression





图片/重庆市文物保护志愿者服务总队提供 编辑/杨艳

Lin Garden is in the western suburbs of Chongqing and at the southern foot of Mount Geleshan, where mountain peaks overlap, reflecting different shades of green. The hills are surrounded by streams and the mountain has many ancient cypresses and pine trees, flowers and grasses.

There are four small buildings in the garden. Building No.1 is the house of Chiang Kai-shek, so it was known as Zhongzheng Building. Building No.2 is the residence of his wife Song Mei-ling, and it got the name of Mei-ling Building, which was once used by the government as a hotel for state guests. Mao Zedong, Wang Ruofei also stayed here for the "Chongqing negotiations" in 1945. Building No.3 was where Chiang Kai-shek held critical meetings, and later it was used by US Army Chief of Staff George Catlett Marshall. Building No.4 is the house of Lin Sen, the Chairman of Kuomintang (KMT).

The US President's Special Envoy George Catlett Marshall came to Chongqing to mediate the Chinese civil war in December 1945. He lived in building No.3 and left in May 1946. With a total area of 750㎡, the western-style house has two floors with the height of 15 meters, the length of 9 Jian and width of 2 Jian (Jian is a traditional Chinese measurement for space, and one Jian stands for the distance between two pillars). Making of stone and wood, it faces the south and has colonnades.

Repaired in the early and middle 1980s, Lin Garden was well preserved and now becomes the educational facility of the communications college of the Chinese people's liberation army. The State Council selected it as the seventh group of major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level on May 3, 2013.

Picture/Chongqing Cultural Relics Protection Volunteer Service Corps

Editor/Yang Yan


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