Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Two Copper Complexes Based on Quinolyl and Pyridyl Substituted Triaryltriazoles


无机化学学报 2020年6期

FENG ZheGAO Jian-FeiLI GangZHU Dun-Ru*,,2

(1College of Chemical Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China)

(2State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)

Abstract:Two new copper(Ⅱ) complexes,trans-[Cu(L1)2(NO3)(H2O)]NO3·H2O(1)and trans-[Cu(L2)2(NO3)(H2O)]NO3·H2O(2)(L1=3-(2-pyridyl)-4-(p-methylphenyl)-5-(2-quinolyl)-1,2,4-triazole,L2=3-(2-pyridyl)-4-(p-fluorophenyl)-5-(2-quinolyl)-1,2,4-triazole),were synthesized and characterized by FT-IR,elemental analyses and single-crystal X-ray crystallography.Both 1 and 2 crystallize in triclinic system with space group P.X-ray crystallography analysis reveals that the copper ion in 1 and 2 lies in a distorted octahedral environment[CuN4O2]with one nitrate and one water molecule,respectively in the trans-position.The L1or L2ligand coordinates with Cu(Ⅱ) via one pyridine N atom and one triazole N atom,while the quinolyl group does not take part in coordination.In 1 and 2 there are some intermolecular O-H…O,C-H…O and C-H…N hydrogen bonds and C-H…π interactions,connecting the mononuclear complexes to form a 3D framework.CCDC:1975981,1;1975982,2.

Keywords:synthesis;Cu(Ⅱ)complex;crystal structure;triaryltriazole

3,4,5-Triarylsubstituted 1,2,4-triazole is a kind of very useful ligand in coordination chemistry due to its rich and versatile coordination modes[1-2].Specially,some iron(Ⅱ)complexes based on the triaryltriazole can show interesting spin-crossover properties[3],which makes them be a type of potential molecular-based materials used as memory devices,displays and switching[4-5].In order to explore novel triaryltriazole-based iron(Ⅱ) spin-crossover complexes,a series of 4-arylsubstituted 3,5-di(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazoles[6-12]and asymmetrically 3,4,5-triarylsubstituted 1,2,4-triazoles[13-25]have been designed and synthesized successfully.Among them,the pyridyl,phenyl,pyrrolyl,imidazolyl and benzimidazolyl groups are the known aromatic rings attached on the 3,4,5-triarylsubstituted 1,2,4-triazoles.However,the quinolyl group,an important alkaloid with stronger conjugated system,is less observed to connect on the 1,2,4-triazoles.Up to now only two quinolyl substituted 1,2,4-triazoles have been reported by us[26-27].As a continuation of our investigation of the quinolyl substituted 1,2,4-triazoles,we designed and synthesized two new triaryltriazoles:3-(2-pyridyl)-4-(p-methylphenyl)-5-(2-quinolyl)-1,2,4-triazole(L1)and 3-(2-pyridyl)-4-(p-fluorophenyl)-5-(2-quinolyl)-1,2,4-triazole (L2)as shown in Scheme 1.Herein we present the syntheses,crystal structures and spectral characterization of two copper(Ⅱ)complexes based on these ligands:trans-[Cu(L1)2(NO3)(H2O)]NO3·H2O(1)and trans-[Cu(L2)2(NO3)(H2O)]NO3·H2O(2).

Scheme 1 Structures of the ligands L1and L2

1 Experimental

1.1 Materials and measurements

All chemicals used were of analytical grade.Solvents were purified by conventional methods.The ligands L1and L2were synthesized via a similar literature method[23].Elemental analyses (C,H,N)were carried out with a Thermo Finnigan Flash 1112A elemental analyzer.IR spectra were recorded on a Nicolet Avatar 380 FT-IR instrument with KBr pellets in a range of 4 000~400 cm-1.

1.2 Syntheses of complexes 1 and 2

A solution of Cu(NO3)2·3H2O(0.05 mmol)in MeOH(3 mL)was added to a solution of L1(0.1 mmol)in anhydrous MeOH (3 mL).The mixture was stirred for 4 h at room temperature.A resulting green product was filtered and washed with H2O,then dried under vacuum to give 0.042 mmol(84%)of complex 1.The green single crystals of 1 suitable for X-ray diffraction were obtained by slow evaporation from the MeOH/MeCN (1∶1,V/V)solution of the complex.Elemental analyses Calcd.for C46H38CuN12O8(%):C,58.13;H,4.03;N,17.69.Found(%):C,57.81;H,4.25;N,17.46.IR(KBr,cm-1):3 343(w),3 049(w),3 011(w),2 918(w),1 597(m),1 498(s),1 387(vs),1 289(m),1 086(w),828(m),761(m).

The prepared procedure for 2 was the same as that for 1 except using L2(0.1 mmol)to replace L1.Yield:86.2%.Elemental analyses Calcd.for C44H32Cu F2N12O8(%):C,55.14;H,3.37;N,17.54.Found(%):C,55.31;H,3.26;N,17.69.IR (KBr,cm-1):3 379(w),3 075(w),1 596(m),1 508(vs),1 384(s),1 236(m),1 155(w),839(m),759(m).

1.3 Crystal structure determination

The well-shaped single crystals of 1 and 2 were selected for X-ray diffraction study.The unit cell parameters and intensity data were collected at 296(2)K on a Bruker SMART APEXⅡCCD diffractometer using a graphite-monochromated Mo Kα (λ=0.071 073 nm)radiation.The structures were solved by direct methods and refined on F2by full-matrix least squares procedures using SHELXTL software[28].All nonhydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically.All hydrogen atoms were fixed in calculated positions and refined isotropically.Two NO3-anions,O1W and O2W were found to be highly disordered with an occupancy factor of 0.5.Due to the disorder,the hydrogen atoms on the water were not calculated.The crystallographic data of 1 and 2 are listed in Table 1,and the selected bond lengths and angles are provided in Table 2.


Table 1 Crystal data and structure refinement for 1 and 2

Table 2 Selected bond distances(nm)and bond angles(°)for 1 and 2

2 Results and discussion

2.1 Synthesis

Asymmetrically quinolyl substituted 3,4,5-triaryl-1,2,4-triazoles(L1and L2)react with Cu(NO3)2·3H2O in molar ratio of 2∶1 to form two monomeric complexes,trans-[Cu(L1)2(NO3)(H2O)]NO3·H2O(1)and trans-[Cu(L2)2(NO3)(H2O)]NO3·H2O(2),which are stable in air.The yields for 1 and 2 are 84%and 86.2%,respectively.The elemental analyses were satisfactory and indicate that both 1 and 2 contain one Cu(Ⅱ),two triazole ligands,two NO3-and two water molecules.

2.2 Crystal structures of 1 and 2

The crystal structures of 1 and 2 are presented in Fig.1 together with the atomic labeling system.Complexes 1 and 2 all crystallize in the triclinic space group Pand there is an inversion center at the Cu(Ⅱ)ion.Because 1 and 2 are isostructural complexes,herein,only the structure of 1 is discussed in detail.The asymmetric unit of 1 consists of half Cu(Ⅱ) cation,one L1ligand,one coordinated NO3-and H2O molecule(their occupancy factors are 0.5),one NO3-counter ion and one lattice H2O molecule(their occupancy factors are also 0.5),which is agreement with the elemental analysis result.The Cu(Ⅱ)ion of 1 is coordinated by four nitrogen atoms from two L1ligands in the equatorial plane and two oxygen atoms from NO3-and H2O in the axial positions to form a distorted octahedral[CuN4O2]geometry.Each L1ligand coordinates to Cu(Ⅱ)ion via N1 atom of the pyridyl and N2 atom of the triazole,similar to the coordination modes in some related Cu(Ⅱ) complexes[13,15,17,29-30].The quinolyl group of L1ligand is uncoordinated,which is different from the Fe(Ⅱ)complex with quinolyl substituted triaryltriazole: cis-[FeL2(NCS)2](L=3-(p-methylphenyl)-4-phenyl-5-(2-quinolyl)-1,2,4-triazole)[27].The distance of Cu1-O1(0.269 7 nm)is longer than the Cu1-O1W one(0.239 7 nm).The Cu-N bond lengths are within the normal ranges observed for the octahedral Cu(Ⅱ)complexes[13,15,17,29-30].However,the Cu-N bond to the triazole nitrogen is 0.006 3 nm shorter than that to the pyridyl nitrogen.The same feature has been observed in the similar Cu(Ⅱ) complexes[13,15,17].The ligand L1in 1 is non-planar.The triazole makes dihedral angles of 4.8(3)°,10.1(3)°and 83.3(3)°with the quinolyl ring,the pyridyl ring and p-methylphenyl ring,respectively.The corresponding angles in L2of 2 are 8.7(3)°,9.0(3)°and 86.8(3)°,respectively.

There are many intermolecular hydrogen bonds interactions in 1 (Fig.2,Table 3),associated with the closer crystal packing.These hydrogen bond interactions include:(1)between water molecules and NO3-anion (O1W…O4 and O2Wi…O1i);(2)between pyridyl group and triazole ring (C1-H1A…N3i);(3)between pyridyl and NO3-anion (C2-H2A…O3iiand C3-H3A…O4ii);(4)between quinolyl group and the coordinated NO3-(C10-H10A…O2iiiand C12-H12A…O1iii); (5)between p-methylphenyl ring and the uncoordinated NO3-(C22-H22A…O4).In addition,there are an intramolecular edge-to-face C-H…π interaction involving C4-H4A and p-methylphenyl ring(H4A…π 0.294 nm and∠C4-H4A…π=145°)and an intermolecular edge-to-face C-H…π interaction involving C19-H19A and the phenyl ring of quinolyl group (H19A…π 0.326 nm and∠C19-H19A…π=141°)(Table 3,Fig.2).Notably,in 1 an offset face-to-face π-π stacking interaction exists between the phenyl ring of quinolyl group and pyridyl ring(dihedral angle:12.2(3)°)with a centroid-centroid distance of 0.382 nm(Fig.2,Table 4),while the corresponding stacking is not found in 2.These extensive hydrogen bonds and C-H…π interactions assemble the mononuclear units,NO3-anions and lattice water molecule into a 3D framework of the complexes(Fig.3).

Fig.1 Projection of structures of 1 and 2 with 30%thermal ellipsoids probability

Fig.2 Hydrogen-bonding,C-H…π and π…π interactions in 1 and 2

Table 3 Hydrogen-bond geometry and C-H…π interactions in 1 and 2

Table 4 π…π interaction in 1

Fig.3 Three-dimensional frameworks of 1 and 2

2.3 IR spectra

In the IR spectra of complexes 1 and 2,a weak broad peak at 3 343 cm-1(1)or 3 379 cm-1(2)can be attributed to the O-H stretching vibrations of water molecules.A medium band at 1 597 cm-1(1)or 1 596 cm-1(2)can be assigned to the coordinated pyridyl ring vibration[14].A strong band at 1 384 cm-1is assigned to characteristic N=O stretching vibrations of NO3-in 1 and 2[31].In addition,the stretching vibration of F-C(Ph)in 2 can be observed at 1 236 cm-1[32].These features are in consistent with the results of the X-ray analysis.

3 Conclusions

Two new Cu(Ⅱ)complexes based on the quinolyl and pyridyl substituted triaryltriazole have been synthesized and characterized by IR and X-ray crystallography.Structural analyses indicate that two complexes have a similar distorted octahedral[CuN4O2]core with one nitrate and one water molecule,respectively in the trans-position.