Mother's Day gift ideas


疯狂英语·新悦读 2020年5期

文章词数 难度 建议用时390 ★★ 7 分钟


1. chore /tʃɔː(r)/ n. 日常事务;乏味无聊的工作

2. toiletries /΄tɔɪlətriz/ n. 洗漱用品

“Mothers” themselves are the most valuable gift to every child.__1__So it's your time to pay back and show your mom how much you love her by gifting your mom with presents like flowers,chocolates, perfumes and dresses. Though no material gift can actually be worth your mother's love,presenting small gifts to your mother is actually a good idea to show your gratitude towards her! It would be good if you pick one according to her personality.


Gifting your mom with items related to her hobbies can be actually a perfect gift for her. For instance, if your mom has a liking for music, you can gift her with CDs of her favorite music artist.__2__If your mom loves gardening, gifting her with potted plants, garden wires, flower supporters, flower racks and some such gardening items will make another great gift idea.

Recipe book

A recipe book is perhaps one of the nicest gift ideas to try on Mother's Day.__3__And it also means she'll prepare more lip-smacking recipes for you.


Your mom manages the household affairs. Gifting her with household items makes a great gift idea on Mother's Day. You may present her with items that will help her in her dailychores. Find out if she is planning to get a new microwave or that new steam iron and then try surprising her if it comes in your affordability.Toiletriescan also be gifted if your mom is very particular about cleanliness.

Family outings

Finally, remember that the best gift that you can give her is spending some quality time with her,especially if you don't live with her. Therefore, an outing to the countryside, to the zoo or any of her favorite spots is sure to fill her with the warmth of your care.Mothers can sense your feelings in your gift, so it doesn't matter how expensive the gift is, as long as it is from the heart.Whatever your gift is, make sure that it shows your feelings for her.__5___

A. A family picnic

B. Household items

C. Make sure that it stays with her for a long time.

D. Surprise your mother with a visit if she lives far away.

E. If she enjoys reading, you can gift her with a book by her favorite author.

F. If your mom loves cooking, giving her a nice cookbook will be a great idea.

G. They are special beings who brought you to Earth and made your life possible.

Reading Check

Ⅰ.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence with the sentences given below the text.


As a student and your mother's son/daughter, what's the best gift from the heart you've ever sent to your mother?

Language Study

Sentence for writing

Mothers can sense your feelings in your gift, so it doesn't matter how expensive the gift is, as long as it is from the heart.

【信息提取】“It doesn't matter + 主语从句”意为“……并不重要/都没关系”。



Ⅰ. 高频表达

1. 人物的描述

incredible 不能相信的;难以置信的;极好的;极大的

supportive 给予帮助的;支持的;鼓励的;同情的

affectionate 深情的

perseverant 能坚持的

boundless/supreme confidence 无限的/最大的信心

my original inspiration 最初启发我灵感的人

my biggest supporter 我最大的支持者

an ever loving mother 永远慈爱的母亲

my best life tutor 我最好的人生导师

inspiring embodiments of strength and deter

mined drivers of progress 鼓舞人心的力量的化身和坚定的前进动力

an important part of our national character 我们民族性格的重要部分

the most valuable gift to every child 给每个孩子的最珍贵的礼物

relentless optimism 持续而强烈的乐观

be known for her devotion to her children 因她对她孩子的奉献而为人所知

2. 母亲的工作及影响

keep a balance between domestic and profes

sional life 在家庭生活和职业生活之间保持平衡

push me and cheer me on 推动我前进并为我加油

play an important role in 在……中起重要作用

look after their children 照顾她们的孩子

perform her duties well 很好地履行她的职责

transcend the traditionally understated role as a

mother 超越传统上柔和的母亲角色make an ultimate sacrifice for her child 为她的孩子做出最终的牺牲

Ⅱ. 话题美句

A mother is a child's first teacher and affects a child's life like few others can. 母亲是孩子的第一任老师,也很少有人能像母亲这样影响孩子的生活。

Mother's love is the most beautiful emotion of human beings, because this emotion is not mixed with profit and wealth. 母爱是人类情感中最美好的,因为这种情感没有利益掺杂。

It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the traits of superiority from their mothers. 所有优秀的人通常都从他们的母亲那里继承优良的品质。

A good mother is worth a hundred good schoolmasters. 一个好母亲相当于一百个好老师。

It is at our mother's knees that we acquire our noblest, truest and highest ideals, but there is seldom any money in them. 就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。

The mother is the one supreme asset of national life; she is more important by far than the successful statesman, business man, artist or scientist. 母亲是国家生活中最重要的财富;她远比成功的政治家、商人、艺术家或科学家更为重要。

Mothers can inspire their sons and daughters to love themselves and others, work hard,make wise choices and achieve their dreams. 母亲可以激励她们的儿子和女儿去爱自己和他人,去努力工作,去做出明智的选择,去实现他们的梦想。

Mothers who protect, teach, and nurture their children with all their hearts strengthen their families and help build a better future for our country. 母亲们全心全意地保护、教育和养育他们的孩子,以稳固他们的家庭,帮助我们国家建设一个更美好的未来。

It is undisputed that our mothers, who care and love us without condition, are our superheroes. 毫无疑问,无条件关心和爱我们的母亲是我们的超级英雄。

My mother taught me how to enjoy life and find happiness, how to stay young and try new things and how to care for others without expectations. 妈妈教我如何享受生活和找到幸福,如何保持年轻和尝试新事物,如何不带任何期望地关心他人。

Ⅲ. 母亲节祝福语

On this Mother's Day, we express our heartfelt thanks to our mothers for their unconditional love and guidance. 在这个母亲节,我们对母亲无条件的关爱和指导表示衷心的感谢。

I commend mothers for the important contributions they make to our society. 我赞扬母亲们为我们的社会做出的重要贡献。

I am so incredibly grateful and lucky to have someone as selfless and supportive as my mother. 我非常感激和感到幸运, 有一个像我母亲一样无私并支持我的人。

Each day, let me thank you for what you have done for me, remember those whose spirits remain with me, and support those who take on the awesome mantle of motherhood. 每一天,让我感谢你为我所做的一切,记住那些精神与我同在的人,并支持那些承担了令人敬畏的母亲责任的人。

On the eve of Mother's Day, I can't help but think of your toil for which I could do well in life. 在母亲节前夕, 我不禁想起了您的辛劳,这样我才能在生活中做得很好。

You have also been my greatest friend, listening to my worries and seeing me through my troubles and you never even expected a “thanks”from me. 您是我最好的朋友, 倾听我的忧虑,帮助我克服困难,您甚至从来没有期待过我的感谢。

You cradled me in the comfort of your arms.I enjoyed your cozy comfort, wrapped around me. 您把我抱在您舒适的臂弯里。 我享受您那包裹着我的温馨的舒适。

I take this opportunity to thank you for your immeasurable contributions to my life.Thank you,MOM! And wish you a very happy Mother's Day.我借此机会感谢您对我的生活做出了不可估量的贡献。 谢谢您,妈妈! 祝您母亲节快乐。

Ⅳ. 读后创写

假定你是李华。 在母亲节即将到来之际,你打算以“I love you, mom”为题给Crazy English投稿。 请根据要求写一篇征文。 要点如下:

1. 写一个你母亲与你之间的故事;

2. 母亲对你的影响。


1. 文章150词左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使得行文连贯。

I love you, mom

Ⅴ. 主题测评


