

王天瑜 屈丽娜 倪利智 沈丹红 宁世强

摘 要:為准确地判定岩溶隧道开挖过程中的塌方风险,应用未确知测度理论,建立塌方风险预警模型。首先,根据隧道塌方的影响因素分析,建立隧道开挖塌方风险预警的三级指标体系,选取年平均降雨量、单轴抗压强度、围岩渗透系数、岩溶直径、隧道埋深、开挖工法等18项指标作为预警指标,包括9个定量指标和9个定性指标,划分5个预警等级。其次,构建各定量指标和定性指标的分级标准,构造各定量指标的未确知测度函数,利用信息熵理论计算各指标权重,依照置信度识别准则进行塌方风险预警等级判定。最后,选取某岩溶区隧道工程为实例,验证该预警模型的适用性。结果表明:该隧道开挖塌方风险预警等级为Ⅲ级,即为橙色预警等级,该结果与实际情况较吻合,说明隧道开挖过程中存在较大坍塌危险,隧道内应配备专职地质灾害安全员,并对地质灾害进行不间断监测。该预警方法能够为提前采取塌方风险防范措施和编制应急预案提供理论依据,也为隧道塌方风险预警提供新的思路。


中图分类号:X 937




Early warning of karst tunnel collapse risk based on

uncertainty measurement theory

WANG Tian-yu,QU Li-na,NI Li-zhi,SHEN Dan-hong,NING Shi-qiang

(School of Energy & Environment Engineering,Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 451191,China)

Abstract:In order to accurately determine the collapse risk during karst tunnel excavation,the early warning mode for landslide risk was established applying uncertainty measurement theory.Firstly,three-level index system for early warning of tunnel collapse risk was established based on the analysis of the influence factors.Annual mean rainfall,uniaxial compressive strength,wall rock osmotic coefficient,karst diameter,tunnel buried depth,excavation method and other eighteen factors were selected as early-warning indexes,among which are nine quantitative indexes and nine qualitative indexes,and five warning levels were divided.Then,the classification criteria of quantitative indexes and qualitative indexes were constructed,the uncertainty measurement function of each quantitative index was built,the index weight was calculated through information entropy theory,and the landslide risk warning level was determined in accordance with the rules of credible recognition criteria.Finally,a tunnel project in a karst area was taken as an engineering example to examine the applicability of the present model.The result shows that the collapse risk warning level in tunnel excavation is Ⅲ,or orange warning level,and it fits the actual situation well,which indicates that there is a greater collapse risk during the tunnel excavation,and full-time geological hazard safety officers should be equipped in the tunnel,and the geological hazard should be continuously monitored.Therefore,the warning method can provide a theoretical basis for taking collapse risk prevention measures and preparing emergency plan in advance,as well asa new idea for tunnel collapse risk warning.






3 工程实例


模型的可行性。该地区年平均降雨量为1 130 mm,隧道工程位于岩溶区,最大埋深约160 m.地质条件:上覆第四系全新统坡残积黏土;下伏基岩为三叠系浅灰至灰白色中厚厚层状白云岩,灰岩偶夹泥质白云岩。开挖方法:主要为上下台阶开挖法。衬砌:C35混凝土。仰拱填充、沟槽和喷射混凝土:C25混凝土。根据该隧道工程数据质料,各预警指标的参数值见表4.其中,各定性指标的取值根据表3中的分级标准进行量化。



根据表6,可得该隧道开挖塌方风险属于各个预警等级的程度依次为:0.146 3,0.030 2,0.345 3,0.286 1,0.231 9.可见,该隧道开挖塌方风险属于Ⅲ级预警的程度最大,属于Ⅳ级、Ⅴ级预警的程度较小,属于Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级预警的程度最小。根据最大隶属度原则,该隧道开挖风险预警等级为Ⅲ级。为减少评价结果的误判,引入置信度识别准则代替最大隶属度识别准则判定预警等级。

根置信度评价准则式(8),取置信度λ=0.5,对隧道开挖塌方风险预警等级进行判定。从小到大,则有k0=0.146 3+0.030 2+0.345 3=0.521 7>λ,即隧道开挖塌方风险预警等级为Ⅲ级;从大到小,则有k0=0.231 9+0.286 1+0.345 3=0.863 3>λ,隧道开挖塌方风险预警等级也为Ⅲ级。



4 结 论





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